Chapter one

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-Hilary's POV-

There she goes

I feel bad for the students that have to be in the same school as her

Thank God she is leaving

Finally Hideous Hilary is going

This is the last time her disgusting self will be roaming these halls

And these are only half of the beautiful farewells I get from my lovely peers. Note the sarcasm.

As I walk towards my locker, to collect the remainder of my school books, I continue receiving multiple sayonara's from my acquaintances.

I would say I'm used to it but that would be an understatement, I know every insult there is in the English and, sometimes, Chinese dictionary. I know these insults like the back of my hand.

I receive insults daily and all because I am a 'nerd' as most people in this school call it but I prefer the term intellectual badass.

People don't see that in the end the 'nerds' will rise up and be the more superior group and the knuckle-head jocks and the blonde bimbo cheerleaders will be at the bottom of the food chain begging us for help. It's a bit of a harsh thing to realise but it true and it's better to understand now then later.

I retrieve my remaining books and stuff them in my bag and I shut my locker trying to get out of this hell hole as fast as possible but of course the universe hates me and it throws my biggest bully in my direction.


Or as I like to call her bitchy Mitchy.

I try and go around her but her massive fake boobs are in my way.

"Well if it isn't Hideous Hilary." She says with a confident smirk plastered underneath all her make-up.

"Michelle." I hiss.

"I'm sad your leaving-" I scoff "-because who would do my homework for me? Who will I pick on? Let's face it your my pathetic little nerd and you will alway be pathetic. Your a loser. Your weak. Your nothing and will always be nothing." She gives me a sickly sweet smile and storms off, while I stand here a bit broken inside.

I can deny what she said but it's true I am a loser and I am weak. I am nothing but I won't always be nothing, I will become stronger, physically and mentally. I won't let people like Michelle push me around anymore.

I swing my bag over my shoulder and head towards the exit. I leave with my head held high trying to show people that I am not going to be pushed around anymore.


I arrive home at 4:49pm. I head to the kitchen and grab my self an apple. I begin to head upstairs when a note at the edge of the kitchen counter catches my eye.

I head towards it and unfold the note.

I got the late hour shift again, won't be back till 11. I left you some diner in the fridge. Don't stay up to late.
Love, mum

I throw the note in the bin and head towards my room. I put in my stereo and begin to jump around listening to FOB (Fall Out Boy).

I get changed into some sweats and a tank top and continue rocking out to the music. I dance towards my working desk that is filled with papers and books scattered across the table and I start rubbing out what is on the whiteboard. I rub out what was my future commitments because most of them had to do with school and considering I don't go to that school anymore I don't need it.

The Boxing Bet and The Bad Boy [Under major editing]Where stories live. Discover now