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Heyyyy. This is my first book here and it might need some editing when I'm done with it because I'm just going wit the flow and - I divert. All I wanted to say was, "I hope you enjoy it". Happy reading!



"I suppose you should like them to squeeze me into oblivion, Mother", I gritted out at my mother. The corsets usually weren't this tight, but I wasn't sure what devil possessed my mother this morning.

"This isn't the time for complaints, Rhiannon. You do realise the importance of this event, don't you?"

I stood up straight, well as straight as I humanly could.

"Of course I do, Mother", I replied fingering the delicate fabric that swished around with each little movement.

"You've drummed it into my head since I was a child"

"And you'll do well to remember everything I've taught you. And stop fussing with your dress"

I retracted my hands before her nimble hands could slap them.

"I wasn't fussing, just admiring", I muttered.

"Besides, this is just a mere formality. Whether I glide like a swan or scatter around like a hen, I assure you, I'll still be one of the top choices this season"

She gave no reply to my words, choosing instead to mutter instructions to my dresser. The only indication she heard me was the ever-growing cease between her brows. And the prick of a pin as accessories were fastened to the back of my dress.


"Today can not go wrong", Mother said as she kept a close eye on my dresser. I inwardly sighed as she rattled on. I had heard different variations of the same speech over the month, and they all ended with the same thing.

"You represent not just yourself but the entire monarchy"

I had heard it so many times that I could repeat it by heart.

"Everyone is watching and waiting -"

-for you to make a mistake.

"They're analysing everything from your-"

-hair to each seam of your gown

"-to your walk. Everything, Rhiannon"

"They're watching"

They're watching.

"Perhaps we could change the dress"

Unexpected addition but not entirely surprising.

"Mother, today is D-day. Do you really want to make that big a change tonight? Besides-", I continued, not giving her a chance to reply.

"You agreed that the design of the dress is topnotch"

"I know I did, but it's not that that bothers me. This colour looks like it belongs at a funeral, doesn't it? People will talk"

Almost as though choreographed, every servant in the room paused their work, shuffling their feet quietly into the shadows. The palace procedure of the help pretending they couldn't see or hear a private conversation was wholly unnecessary to me. It ate up time during which work could be completed. Besides, it wasn't as if anyone felt at ease seeing them with their heads bowed solemnly as though they weren't filing away every tidbit of our conversation to relay to their colleagues.

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