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"Emily, have the kitchen send up a simple meal. I'm going out with Miss Aldous soon, and she'd be here soon", I instructed as they put finishing touches on my hair. At my words, Emily and another maid exchanged uneasy looks.

"What is it?"

"Actually, Your Highness, their Majesties have requested you join them for breakfast", Emily said.

Of course they have.

"And I believe they are already seated in the dining room"

"Then inform them that I'm deeply sorry, but I already made plans and hope we can reschedule". They looked at each other again.

I sighed. "What is it?". This time, the maid replied.

"Her Majesty instructed us to ensure that you show up"

"And if I refuse, you'll do what. Drag me in there?"

"She said by any means nec...", the maid hesitated.

I shut my eyes, calming myself.

"Acting like it's a bloody state emergency", I muttered under my breath.

"All done Your Highness". The crew working on my hair stepped back and bowed, leaving the room.

"Inform my parents that I have an earlier engagement and ensure Miss Aldous' arrival is announced immediately in the dining room"

"Who? Me?", she whispered to Emily, who nodded tiredly.

"Yes, Your Highness", she said before scurrying off.

"Do you need me to accompany you today?", Emily asked as the door shut.

"Do I?"

"If you need an escort, I can arrange for someone to do so. I was planning on taking a walk today"

I met her eyes in the mirror, and she smiled.

"No, I'm fine"

"Just ensure you use protection", I whispered in her ear, leaving her as red as a beetroot as I left the room.



I took a deep breath to steady myself for what was to come. The doors opened, revealing a mahogany table filled with different dishes. My stomach grumbled, reminding me of dinner I skipped yesterday.

"Father, Mother", I curtsied, earning a warm smile from the head of the table and a flippant nod from Mother.

I took a seat, sending a silent prayer above to get me through this meal. I took a sip of the soup that was laid before me and sent a gracious nod to the server.

"I do wonder why I was called here like it's an important event"

"Is it a crime to want to see our daughter?". I turned to my mother, who looked at me for the first time since I entered the room.

"No, it is not, but I do believe abandoning your daughter should be classified as one"

She huffed. "Abandon is a strong word"

"Well, that is what you did"

"It depends on how you look at it. Some would say it's being a wing woman for your daughter"

"I did not need a wing woman", I set my spoon down and turned to Father. "You're not saying anything"

He looked up from his food.

"Oh, stop being dramatic and admit that you enjoyed the conversation", Mother argued. I stared pointedly at my father, waiting for him to speak.

"Rhia, I have learned overtime not to involve myself in feminine arguments"

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