Aunt Jane

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Chapter 1 : Aunt Jane"Woww so scary mm, very tempting, y'know we might consider it, why don't ya leave and we consider it at home and give you a ring later next decade yeah? Okay see ya!"

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Chapter 1 : Aunt Jane
"Woww so scary mm, very tempting, y'know we might consider it, why don't ya leave and we consider it at home and give you a ring later next decade yeah? Okay see ya!"

"Hey Abbs! You want spaghetti?" My voice called out. Silence followed after being replaced by the gentle thudding of running steps. "Morning." I smiled at the young girl. She yawned looking over at me who was sitting at the little round table we owned. "It's 4 in the afternoon, and can we make pizza instead?" She asked standing by the door way still in the pajamas she's been in all day. A small frown made it's way onto my face. "You wouldn't prefer spaghetti in the afternoon?" I asked her as she groaned in protest. "Yeah but I want pizza." She threw her head back trying to guilt trip me as I sighed in response. "Alright then." I sighed standing up and heading over to the fridge to make some dough.

The room was silent as I began to put the ingredients in. Abby was just sitting there drawing when I got an idea. "Hey Abby, wanna help me make the pizza?" I offered as she looked up at me nodding and stood up. I hastily walked over to the radio casually turning it on and putting the volume up to fill the unnecessary silence. Abby and I began making the dough while we both listened to the music occasionally singing along. 

When the pizza was done I placed it in the center of the circle table taking in the delicious smell that reminded me of a certain place. We both sat down allowing songs to continuously play in the background with us both eating in silence. I took a bite out of the pizza suddenly stopping when the door swung open. The door shut and in followed Mike who locked the door behind him. He looked down at both of us placing his jacket and keys on the hanger. "Hey girls." He smiled as he went over to me first, placing a loving kiss on my lips before taking a seat. "Dig in." I told him watching as he grabbed a slice to try.

He bit into it immediately falling into it and taking another bite. "I love your cooking." He said continuing to devour the slice. "Abbs and I made it." I told him who turned to look at Abby who was grinning at him. Abby soon after got up and went back to her room as always on Saturdays leaving only Michael and I at the table. "Hey babe?" Michael spoke causing me to hum in response in between swallowing. "So something happened at work today." Mike said making me pause my actions. "Go on?.." I wondered.

Did some girl hit on him?

Did some girl try and kiss him?

Did someone ask for his snap?

Did someone- wait a minute snap doesn't even exi-

"I got fired." He cut making me cough a little on my food taking a second to understand and process his words thoroughly. "Wha- how did you?-" "I beat up a man in front of his daughter." He said leaving me paused and frozen in my spot. I looked at him in complete shock and confusion waiting for him to continue. "I thought the man was trying to kidnap the girl." He said letting me let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. "That makes me feel a little better but also a little not." I said sighing as my appetite was all gone now.

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