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Chapter Five: Red Eyes

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Chapter Five: Red Eyes.
Stupid boy.."

The near end of the shift arrived and Mike was mostly silent the entirety of the night. His eyes practically never left Abby with the animatronics as he clearly did not trust them. My eyes were glued onto the animatronics eyes trying to make sure they were themselves and not influenced while playing with Abby. I could tell the animatronics were being careful around her since they knew they could easily accidentally injure her. Mike and I barely talked as we were both a tad busy looking at the animatronics.

It was ten minutes before leave and I got up and left the animatronics alone with Abs and Mike while I walked over to the office unnoticed. When I got there, I began tidying up the place a bit and grabbed mine and Abby's rain jacket.  I let out a sigh while I got carried away looking at the place.

I should really bring in some extra decor around here..

I snapped out of it and nearly jumped out of my body as I saw the cupcake standing at the doorway, staring at me with curious eyes. "Jesus Christ Carl.." I mumbled as I placed my hand up to my chest. 

I never understood how the cupcake was able to walk at it's free will. And every time I'd bring it up to the gang, Susie, aka Chica, would just start seeing red and go completely out of control. So I tend not to bring it up. 

Carl looked at me and blinked before turning and hopping away. I followed behind Carl down the hall towards the others where I saw Mike still zoned out and Abby drawing stuff for the gang. "Abby c'mon, say goodbye." I said softly as Abby nodded and smiled at me. Getting up to give the animatronics her final drawing.

I watched standing next to Mike as I watched Abby interact with everyone. How she hugged them, spoke to them, and how they listened to her. 

Abby giggled as she skipped over to my side and Mike finally got out of his seat for us to leave. I turned to the animatronics a bit hesitantly before turning to look at Mike and Abby. "Hey Abby.. why don't you go home with your brother in his car?.. I'll go home with you guys in a bit." I said with soft eyes, Michael looked at me with a bit of a annoyed look and his arms crossed.

"Okay." Abby said as she went up to Mike ready for them to leave. Mike stared at me for a second before grabbing Abby's hand and both of them walking out. I watched them through the window as they left and pulled out of the parking lot. Watching them drive off as a small sigh escaped my lips.

"Y/n?" A voice called. I turned around to see Fritz standing there with Jeremy on his side. I let out a stressed sigh as I placed my fingers on the temple of my forehead. Closing my eyes as I leaned against a wall. "What are you planning." I ask the two boys who turned to look at me with shocked looks. "What do you mean?" They asked.

"I mean.. what game are you playing at?" I asked again, only to be left with a shrug. "I swear we're not planning anything!" Fritz protested while Jeremy put his hands up in mock surrender. "I can defend his case!" Jeremy said pointing towards Fritz who nervously nodded. My brows raised at his motion in curiosity.

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