Chap 2: The King, The Swordsmith, The Princess, and The Sorceresses

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(Loxia, Aretuza, Thanedd Island, Temeria, Northern Kingdoms, Witcher World)


(King Aethan I Jaenerys POV)


It was admittedly somewhat insulting not being allowed into the main Palace or Academy of Aretuza, but Aethan wasn't all that bothered by it.

He was at Thanedd to have a discussion with the headmistress. The headmistress was coincidentally his first choice for a court mage, something he'd let her know, but wouldn't press too hard on.

His discussion with King Foltest was fruitful, in exchange for Adda, the Dowry would be comprised of Gors Velen and twenty five thousand Novigradian Crowns. The Crowns would be paid in two installment's, half up front when Adda moved to join his court, and the rest following the marriage. The Lands and Nobility of Gors Velen would be handed over following the vows, and the nobles would get to keep their lands and titles provided they swear fealty to him.

Aethan would offer the men who held significant positions at Foltest's Court the choice to retain their positions for as long as they wish, and for their families to keep their lands. Foltest had agreed, especially since the head of the military Jan Natalis hailed from Gors Velen, his wife and children were in charge of a minor county in his absence.

Aethan watched now as Margarita Laux-Antille entered the office he sat in.


(POV Shift: Margarita laux-Antille, Rectoress of Aretuza)


The last time a King had come to Loxia was the semi-annual Mages Ball, when King's and Queen's came to Thanedd to select a new Court Mage, however this was the first time in the last eighty nine years that a monarch of Cidaris had come to Loxia. Which was significant as both King Mathen and King Ethain were ardent supporters of the Ban Ard Academy, though it's worth noting that King Ethain was more inclined towards being a Ban Ard Patron in order to help improve it's reputation, and Mellio Vanderhoult was one of the greater graduates of Ban Ard. But Margarita was proud to say that Aretuza was recognized as the finest Magical Institution on the continent, the fact that they catered soley to Sorceresses was a much bigger reason for her pride since women were rarely rulers in their own right, Meve being the notable exception.

The King in front of her now however, was an unknown. She had of course heard of what he'd done to Count Ebland, but that was hardly the worst punishment she'd ever heard of. Besides, she'd reserve her judgement on the boy king until after this conversation.

''My apologies for my Lateness King Aethan, I had to fill in for an instructor who was indisposed." Margarita informed politely, though it was a bitter lie. Her true reason for lateness was to gauge his reaction to that, King's were notoriously impatient after all.

''Please, I've had to wait longer trying to get an ornery Oxenfurt professor to actually review my paper.'' King Aethan replies.

''Well then, I'm glad this wasn't much more than a minor inconvenience. Now then, what brings you to Loxia?" Asks Margarita.

"I'll be blunt, Mellio will die of old age soon, so I need a new Court Mage. I'm hoping for an Aretuzan Sorceress." Says the Cidarian King, catching Margarita slightly off guard given that the Monarchs of Cidaris have traditionally been patrons of Ban Ard.

"We have many fine students, I'm sure you'll be satisfied with any one of many talented girls." Margarita says.

"I'm sure I would, however I already have my mind set on who I want as my Magical advisor. In an ideal world and an ideal scenario, I would have you become my Court Mage, however you're the headmistress of Aretuza, therefore I would be depriving your students of a valuable teacher. Leaving me with one of seven options. My shortlist is comprised of you, but also Kiera Metz, Ida Emean aep Sivney, Yennefer of Vengerberg, Triss Merigold, Philippa Eilhart, Assire var Anahid, and Sheala de Tancarville. But of those eight Sorceresses my top targets were Triss, yourself, Ida, or Kiera. Now There are a number of issues all around. First, Assire serves Nilfgaard, eliminating her from contention. Second Triss, Eilhart, and Sheala are currently already assigned to Kings. The third issue is that you and Ida who are my absolute top two picks and are bound to Aretueza and her own realm respectively. The fourth issue is Yennefer is god knows where doing god knows what. That left Kiera Metz, who although on Foltest's council is not his Court Mage, and since Lady Metz IS in my top four, that worked out quite well, even if I'd have preferred Ida, Triss, or yourself before Keira. And Lady Metz is far from useless, and there is a reason she was in my top four choices.'' Says King Aethan, and Margarita isn't afraid to admit she admires how well he's thought it out.

"Keira Metz might not be King Foltest's Court Mage, but she is a member of his Royal Council. Making this conversation either problematic or moot." Margarita says.

''Foltest and I have made an agreement. I will marry his daughter. Given that Keira has served faithfully for a number of years, and is Temerian by birth, I'm sure that would reassure Foltest that his daughter is being watched over by a former advisor, or rather, the man he's entrusted his daughter to is." Ignoring the political maneuver it could be seen as, Margarita is impressed by the young King's logic. But then again, she ought to remember, this was a King who'd studied at Oxenfurt.

''And why should we have Keira reassigned, you know that only King Foltest has the authority to dismiss his Mage advisors, and it is not up to Aretuza to reassign our alumni.'' Says Margarita.

''Oh please, most of you don't make a political decision without convening a summit. Moreover, I will not accept a Court Sorceress unless I choose them. I have no desire for a Ban Ard Graduate to serve me after Mellio's death. But if Aretuza is unwilling to accomadate me, then I'll go to Skellige and find me a druid who will." Says Aethan.

''Such a move would be unprecedented.'' Margarita admits, having been caught somewhat flatfooted by the words. If King Aethan did appoint a druid as his Magical advisor after being denied his desired wish from the Academy then that could become grounds for dismissal, and a resulting limitation of the influence of Sorceresses. Lytta Neyd once told her that the Druids would be a dangerous rival for influence and power if they ever became power players at a royal court, especially since their powers could ensure a harvest was fruitful or ensure its demise.

''It would, and I am a devotee of Freya so that works out quite nicely. Look I will compromise with you, give me Keira Metz and I will....expand your influence at court. I am in need of a Royal Physician. I will allow you to place a young Sorceress whose knowledge in potions, herbs, and healing is high and their skill more so in that capacity. Additionally I will allow you to place one or two other Sorceresses at my Court as additional advisors and aides. Bringing the number of your people in positions of influence at my court to four, with three of them having a voice in Cidarian Politics and lawmaking.'' Says King Aethan, and that was quite a big opportunity.

Four Mages from Aretuza in positions that would affect the monarchy of Cidaris significantly three of whom would have a say in the governance of the coastal Kingdom who had significant trade with Ofier and Kovir, and would now have the sole heir to the Temerian Throne as it's Queen? That was quite a deal to be offered. Moreover it would give Aretuza four separate eyes in the Kingdom.

''I'd like some time to think this over.'' Says Margarita.

''That's fair, I will be traveling to Novigrad to meet an old acquaintance. I should be back no later than two weeks from now. Does that work for you?'' King Aethan asks.

''It should be more than enough time to reach a decision, thank you. Would you like me to arrange for you to be teleported to the Chapter at Novigrad?'' Margarita offers.

''No thank you, I have a couple of stops to make on my way to Novigrad, including one to White Orchard. I shan't take up anymore of your time Lady laux-Antille, Good day.'' King Aethan says.


(POV Shift: King Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris)


(Time-Skip: Four Days Later)


Aethan had departed Aretuza some four days back and had since arrived in White Orchard, after that it was another days travel before his royal entourage arrived at Novigrad. He was in White Orchard because he wanted to offer Tomira a place in his court. He'd offer her the chance to serve as an assistant to his Court Physician, he didn't expect her to take it to be perfectly honest, but he needed to have played his back up first before making his play for Shani. Shani and him had history, but he wanted her to eventually join his Court as an official assistant to his Royal Physician. The initial plan had been to have her be that physician, but he had been forced to offer that carrot up to Margarita.


Margarita might imagine it a great opportunity for additional influence for Sorceresses and Mages, but she failed to realize that he didn't plan to JUST have more than one Court Mage in his council. Aethan planned to expand his council. The Cidarian Royal Council had a Chancellor, a Marshal, a Spymaster, a Priestess, and a Steward in addition to a Court Mage. However, Aethan planned to have his council include Advisors from the Lands he annexed and Conquered, as well as include the addition of Three additional important generals. Those three Generals would be on the council for one important reason, though they were ultimately supersceded by his Marshal in highest authority, they would each be in control of three important organizations.

One of those generals would be in charge of Aethan's personal Honor Guard. This General would be in charge of the Guards composition, equipment and supply, and it's tactics and training. Naturally Aethan would be directly involved given that he had studied warfare in both his past life and during this life at Oxenfurt. More importantly, Aethan would guide and instruct the General who led this Guard.

Another General would be more of an Admiral, he or she would be in charge of his Strike Fleet. The General would be responsible for maintaining the Navies fastest ships, manning them, and supplying them. This Fleet would be responsible for rapid deployments or rapid resupply missions. A large or at least sizeable portion of this fleet would be responsible for supplying fronts that bordered the two major rivers of the Continent. Thus many of the ships would be designed after Skellige Longships and such.

The third and final General would be in charge of Aethan's elite special forces. This group would be technically be a detachment of the Cidarian Intelligence Services, but in actuality would be part of the Military. This Group would never number more than eight thousand strong but would typically fall under the number of four or five thousand men. They would be trained like the Blue Stripes, but would receive additional training from his Witcher's and Intelligence Service. Each of them would be given a special Blade designed specifically for them. A part of their training would be to maintain it carefully and near religiously, because that was a core part of the training of the Intelligence Service, constant maintinence of equipment kept it serviceable and a well-maintained blade could save someone's life just as easily as well-maintained equipment. This General would be someone Aethan chose specifically for his reputation and skill.

Additional parts of his Royal Council would include the heads of two of his most critical divisions in his Intelligence service. The head of Military Intelligence and the Internal Investigation Bureau. The former was obvious in it's duties, the latter would function sort of like a secret police, though it's mandate was to investigate corruption, treason, and breaches of security, privacy, and the like. And unlike many real world secret Police groups, this was it's actual mandate. Wartime corruption was a big concern of his, last thing he needed or wanted was for officers getting promotions they bought or a black market occuring in his army.

Still, this was the sort of thing which could be done later, for now he had to meet Tomira. She might not be the most skilled and even the most effective healer, but she had an expansive knowledge of Herbs that could be a very useful thing, especially given his own interests in herbs. Aethan was considering having a Royal Garden built in the County of Marstal. Since Marstal was his secondary title, he ruled it and controlled it's domain. He would need someone reliable and knowledgeable in herbs and Tomira would be a welcome addition to his court in overseeing that Garden.

But again, Aethan didn't expect her to take him up on his offer. Chiefly because as much of a step up as it was, she was likely happy as the village healer, there was a certain fulfillment in being appreciated and in the simple life after all. Aethan himself would happily live his life alone with a family as a hunter or sailor, but Aethan wasn't one to abandon his people. He would reign long enough to pass the Kingdoms and Empire he dreamed of building to his sons and daughters, after that he and Adda would retire peacefully to Toussaint. That was his end goal, to retire at the height of his power and influence with a strong kingdom and empire, and sons and daughters both to continue after him.

But first things first...Tomira.


(POV Shift: Tomira of White Orchard)


It was a warm autumn day, but as always Tomira's day was a busy one. She had herbs to grow, but she also had the standard poultices and healing wraps to mix and make. She always wanted a surplus on hand, when wars broke out it was in the peasants and commoners he remained that often got hurt due to their own inexperience. Then of course was the occassional monster encounter, nekkers and drowners being the most common cause of monster encounter resultant injuries.

There was talk of a noble party riding into White Orchard, but Tomira didn't pay it any mind. Nobles were not her concern unless they disrupted her work and duty to the villagers of White Orchard. Most likely it was a hunting party or a group on their way to either Vizima or Novigrad. Still Tomira thought softly to herself she ought to check her snares as well as her herb plots which couldn't be grown in her primary garden for one reason or another.

Last thing she needed was some entitled noble stealing from her snares or trampling her herbs.

Her ears picked up the sound of men and horses, but Tomira ignored it in favor of focusing on mixing her poultices and making her healing bandages.

''Are you the one called Tomira?" She heard a voice ask shortly after the sound of her door opening reached her ears, and turning to answer the owner of that voice she was greeted by a man in a set of well-maintained Cidarian Cavalry Armor.

''I am, how can I assist you?'' Tomira asks the man, who could be a soldier or mercenary depending on the armor which was rather popular in recent years among mercenaries and bandits due to it's new design increasing it's protection and durability.

''The King requests a moment of your time." The man replies.

''Whatever King Foltest requires of me, he'll have." Says Tomira, realizing this may not be in her best interests to refuse.

''Not King Foltest, King Aethan of Cidaris requests a moment of your time.'' The Soldier clarifies, and that admittedly piques Tomira's interest somewhat. People whispered a lot about the now former Prince and heir-apparant of Cidaris. Some called him a ruthless killer, others spawn of witcher magics. Most however spoke of his scars. King Aethan was trained by a Witcher hired by his father, but that Witcher was trained by an ambitious young Count who was the last of his line and sought to eliminate the only male heir of his liege and marry one of the previous King's daughters and rule through her. Thus what talk there was of him, was often of his ruthless reprisal. Sealing the count in a sepulcher, and dropping him into the Sedna Abyss.

How much of it was actually true mattered very little to Tomira until now, because until now King Aethan was little more than a neighboring King.

Yet he was now possibly on her doorstep, and that worried Tomira enough that she wished she had paid a little more attention to what was said of the young King for that knowledge might just save her life.

''Where does your King wish to meet me?" Asks Tomira.

''The Inn at White Orchard, he's got some rooms booked.''


(POV Shift: King Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris)


Aethan sat with a small group of his officers, they were playing Gwent at the White Orchard Inn. Aethan loved Gwent, and had spent a small fortune on his cards, every time he happened on a rare card, he offered to buy it, if that failed he'd win it. Aethan thus had a famed collection of Cards, he had a complete set of each deck barring one card for one deck. His prized deck was his Northern Realms one, and that deck was the one with the missing Card and through those decks he had won and held several high stakes tournaments.

He was awaiting Tomira at the Inn, and was playing Gwent while he waited. Tomira was a minor stop on his way to Novigrad, but a necessary one. And he did often enjoy his time at Novigrad, for on his last trip to Novigrad, the party he'd attended had started with a game of Gwent and ended quite memorably. There were few things that could feel better than having played strip gwent with an increasingly intoxicated Ingrid Vegelbud and winning every round and then waking up the next morning in bed with her in a room soaking with the smell of sex. Still it was at that point he began to reign in his urges and become more proactive in his learnings and studies focusing less on lustful endeavors, his one exception was his favored prostitute at the Passiflora, he saw her frequently.

He would probably call on her a little while after arriving in Novigrad, he'd settle his business first of course, and that was recruiting Hattori into his service. The Master Elven Swordsmith would be invaluable to his works, forging mastercrafted swords specifically for each member of his Personal Guard. Moreover, Hattori would be entrusted with forging a sword for Aethan. He meant to send envoys to Ofier, seeking both an Ofier Saber Schematic and an Ofieri Kilij Schematic as well as a Master Runewright. Hattori would forge him a Saber, but this saber would be different. Clan Todorrach and Dwarves had a Steel Sword with a Metorite Steel or Silver Core, well Aethan wanted an Ofieri Saber with a Dimeritium Core that had that Rune that prevented the Armor Table and Sword Sharpening Buffs expiring. The Blade would be Meteorite Steel with a Dimeritium Core. The Hilt would be decorated with Silver Fish in the style of the Cidarian National Emblem, a Pommel would be that of a Kraken. Reflecting his desire for this sword to be passed down through the ages from King to King, Emperor to Emperor. This sword would be forged with utmost care and attention to detail and while he would normally have the Grandmaster Swordsmith and Armorer of Toussaint forge this blade, he was unwilling to risk it falling into the hands of Toussaint and thus the Nilfgaardian Empire.

Mind you the man could be trusted to keep a secret, but there was the risk of some noble threatening him with fines and closure of his shop if he didn't leak the schematic to them or the empire.

''My King, she's on her way, she'll be here in an hour.'' One of his outriders whispered in his ear, which signified to him that it was time to end the game of Gwent and await patiently. His outriders were very reliable and he made sure they were given some of his fastes horses to ensure their assigned tasks were completed quickly. The fact he made horse racing a part of their training as well as racing in rough terrain ensured they were extra effective in their tasks.


Having finished his game of Gwent, Aethan sat alone in a corner of the White Orchard Inn, his Crown which was Gold and bejeweled and was very extravagent was the one he would wear in public. In the privacy of his Royal Court however, Aethan wore a Large Gold Circlet similar to the Iron Crown of Lombardy in Shape. It had it's jewels of course, mostly sapphires, rubies, opals, emeralds and amethysts. The Crown was more silver than Gold, because the Gold was merely the base, the Silver was what Aethan wanted to be prominent, the Gold was merely there to be an indication of his wealth. The Silver reflected his humility. Speaking of which, that would be reflected in a future project of his.

''My King, the White Orchard Herbalist Tomira.'' His First Cavalry Commander intones.

''Have a seat.'' Aethan offers.

''I must confess I'm curious as to the purpose of this meeting. Why would a King who appears to be in good health need to see a simple Village Herbalist?'' Tomira asked.

''Appearances can be decieving, but I didn't call you here to heal me. In the next few years, I will be having an extensive garden built in Marstal. The Garden will include an extensive herbarium and a number of greenhouses. I am building this primarily to serve as a source of herbs and food for my Court Physician. Howver It is a desire of mine to fund and supply a Kingdom-wide network of healers with the necessary herbs to help and heal my people. I want you to be in charge of the Marstal Gardens and decide which Herbs go where. This position will require you to visit each village, town, and city in my realm and determine which herbs and healing mixtures and the like will help best. You would also concurrently serve as an assistant to my Court Physician and help her maintain her stores.'' Aethan says and he can admit he does enjoy the flatfooted look she gives him in response because it clearly wasn't what she was expecting.

Aethan did enjoy a good show after all, and he enjoyed putting one on even more so.

''I'm just a simple healer, surely there are others who are far more qaulified in this field to assist you?'' She refutes.

''Perhaps,'' Aethan agrees before he continues. ''but bear in mind I'm not looking for a fellow Oxenfurt Graduate who's spent more time reading about herbs and other plants than actually being in the field and studying them and their effects. I did some research about you Lady Tomira, you studied briefly at the Temple of Melitele in Ellander under Mother Neneke before departing for a lover who promptly left you. I daresay you fit the bill quite well.'' Says Aethan.

''Even so, my point still stands. I'm a simple herbalist in a simple village helping her the peasants, it's more fulfilling than being a glorified gardener if less prestigious than a royal appointment.'' Tomira says.

''I don't need an answer right away, so I'll give you some time to think it over. When I return from Novigrad, I expect to have your answer.'' Aethan decides, and with that - for him - the conversation was over.


(Time-Skip: One Day Later)


It was evening when Aethan's royal party arrived at Novigrad, he had several stops to make in Novigrad, the first would be to The Kingfisher Inn for his pre-rented rooms, the next day he'd meet with Hattori, and if he had the time he'd visit Amryn. However he also had to pay a visit to Vivaldi Bank, Cianfinelli Bank, and the Borsodi Auction House. He wanted to discuss with Vivaldi the possibility of opening up a branch of his bank within the Kingdom of Cidaris, the same offer would be extended to Cianfinelli, but as far as the Borsodi's were concerned, Aethan wanted to attend one of their auctions and pay a visit to Ewald. He and Ewald had been friends at Oxenfurt together, and Ewald had introduced him to Gwent.

He also wanted to rub it into Horst Borsodi's face that he preferred dealing with Ewald than him. That little shit never could get over that Aethan favored his brother. In addition to Cianfinelli and Vivaldi, he wanted to discuss a proposition with Maxmillian Borsodi. He wanted to have branches of the Auction House built in Cidaris, Bremervoord, Roggeveen, and Vole. Oh and there was that other stop he had to make, he wanted to speak with var Attre. The ambassador was a good sort, and was always willing to help him smooth over a couple of deals in the city after a couple of rounds of Gwent and a friendly debate over diplomacy.

He needed to speak to var Attre over a couple of matters, but the most pressing was Marshal Vissegard. The man was a legend, and would be a valuable player in his game of chess against Emhyr. And since var Attre was a diplomat and a Cintran, he would most likely know where to find Vissegard. Aethan wasn't certain he could convince Vissegard to join him, but it nevertheless was worth a shot to Aethan's mind. Vissegard would be his third general in charge of his Special Forces, though how long he would be able to serve in that capacity was anyones guess.

Vissegard was an old man, mind you he was tough old Cintran Goat, but an old man nonetheless. So it was crucial that a brilliant young officer or recruit was found quickly and could be placed under Vissegard directly as an Aide and First Officer. Luckily there was no shortage of recruits, and Cidaris and indeed the entire Dragon Coast of the North had welcomed in many Cintran Refugees since the First Northern War. And Aethan had had a number of them recruited or watched. Aethan hadn't seen the most recent reports purely because he'd been preoccupied with his Father's assassination, after that he had had to table everything else to deal with it and the events that would follow.

He didn't remember exactly but of the handful of men his spies had suggested to him there were four who stood out. He didn't remember everything off hand of course, but Aethan had ordered them to be observed and if given the chance recruited to the army if the opportunity had presented itself. His preferred traits to look for where determination, intelligence, self-reliance, and bravery, which was how the assigned spies had found those four, Vissegard would get his pick of them. But they weren't the only Cintrans that Aethan had found and kept tabs on. Nevertheless his job in Novigrad was to find Hattori and meet with Henry var Attre and MAYBE spend some time at the Passiflora with Amrynn if had time.


Éibhear Hattori was one of the Greatest Swordsmiths in modern memory, the fact he was an Elf did not dimish that in any way in the eyes of Aethan. It was for this reason that Aethan was seeking out Éibhear among others, that and because Aethan was a recruiter. Some recruitments were just better off done in person, especially when you had a prior relationship to said person.

Which is how it came to be that Aethan entered the Shop of Hattori but contrary to expectations could not feel the heat of a forge, smell iron in the air, or hear the sound of hammering. He smelled dumplings which menat one thing...Ernst Van Hoorn had begun his racket.

''Éibhear? The hell you doing? Why aren't you working?'' Aethan asks, feigning his surprise...well only partly and that was because the Third Game never exactly specified when the Racket was put into play.

''Ah Aethan! What a pleasant suprise, care for a dumpling?'' Éibhear asks far to pleasantly.

''Fuck the dumplings! I asked you what the hell your doing? Where's all your equipment? Your forge?'' Aethan asks.

''I've been pushed out.'' Hattori responds with a sigh.

''How? By Who?'' Aethan asks feigning ignorance.

''Have you ever heard of a man called Ernst van Hoorn?'' Asks Éibhear.

''Only that he's a shitty smith and a right royal prick.'' Says Aethan causing Éibhear to bark out laughing.

''Haha, that sums him up yes. But he plays cards with cleaver, and between the two of them they've monopolized the Novigrad Swordsmithing Market. I can't get supplies and honor contracts because of it, and City Council refuses to intervene, thus I've turned to Dumplings, which - funnily enough - pays better.'' Éibhear says.

''Éibhear, I came here because I have a job for you to do, but perhaps...I should give you something more permanent instead.'' Aethan says as he hads Éibhear a number of documents.

''This is an immense undertaking, and the financial compensation...'' Éibhear say reading through it.

''Given your rather unfortunate situation, I'm willing to employ you in Cidaris as the Kingdom's Royal Swordsmith, you will be given substantial funding and supplies and be allowed to take on contracts and work provided your duties do not conflict and you feel able. Moreover you will be given the most promising young smiths in Cidaris as students to pass on your craft, as well as any other aid you require. I am ambitious Éibhear, you know this, it is how you and became friends, I want Cidaris to have the reputation of being the Kingdom with the Greatest Swordsmiths.'' Says Aethan.

''I'm a crucial part of Novigrad's trade, if I leave then the reputation of the Novigrad Sword Trade goes in the privy.'' Says Éibhear.

''From what you've told me it already has. Think about if you leave and join me in Cidaris eventually Cleaver is going to wonder why he's helping van Hoorn and in return being supplied shit steel and even more shitty craftsmanship. You could return here eventually if you so wish.'' Aethan says, and Éibhear rubs his chin thoughtfully.

''We're a long-lived species its true, and eventually van Hoorn WILL drive himself out of business it's true. Settling in Cidaris would give me a chance to keep my skills sharp, and business running and expand while I'm at it. And with the backing of the Throne I'll have more pull in certain circles than van Hoorn....very well then Aethan, you have yourself a deal.'' Éibhear responds.

'I'll let my spies in the city know to pass the orders down to court. You will have a full escort and guard...thank you old friend.'' Aethan tells him.

''No, thank you Aethan.'' Éibhear responds gratefully.


(Time-Skip: Next Morning)


''When will I see you next?'' Amrynn asked him as they laid in bed together. He had just finished several hours of passionate sex with his favorite elf.

''Hard to say.'' Aethan replies.

''Maybe I should visit you, would my swordfish like that?'' Amrynn asks him teasingly.

''I would, but I'm getting married soon Rynn, I don't know when I could see you.'' Aethan tells her honestly.

''So take me with you, I could open a brothel in Cidaris.'' Amrynn offers.

''Are you sure? You'd be leaving your life here.'' Aethan asks her.

''What life? The Temple Guard ain't as nice anymore, they got this mean new officer who cracks down hard on any of the Guard caught visiting us.'' Amrynn notes.

''He didn't hurt you did he?'' Aethan asks her gently.

''Hasn't gotten that far and I doubt it will. The Hierach is a customer, he won't take kindly to some hotshot officer messing with our establishment. But so far he's content to punish his men caught here. I want to get out before he targets us directly.'' Amrynn tells him.

''Very well Rynn, I'll do you one better though, you will become a lady in waiting to my wife-to-be. But the core of your duties will be managing and running a network of Brothels across my City and Kingdom, while also helping the NIS gather information.'' Aethan says.

"The NIS?'' Amrynn asks him confusedly but curious.

''Cidarian Nation Intelligence Service. I need a person I trust to run the Brothels well, allowing their girls to gather information for my operatives and ensure our homeland is secure, are you willing do this for me? I'd pay and fuck you on top of everything else.'' Says Aethan, as he gets up reluctantly and begins to dress.

It was a glaring oversight in Aethan's opinion, The Kingdom of Cidaris was a major stop on the Ofir-Kovir Trade Route, which meant all manner of rumors and whispers and information could be gathered if someone the King trusted oversaw all the brothels, inns and taverns. The barkeeps, innkeepers, servants, and prostitutes would all be trained in gathering information and would pass it back to their employers, the employers would then pass that on to Amrynn, and Amrynn would pass it on to Aethan...after a suitable reward of course.

Aethan didn't like infidelity, it was one reason he was grateful that being a devotee of Freya gave him an option to legitimize it. If he could help it, Amrynn would be his sole Concubine. There was a saying Aethan was fond of: Your First wife is for power or stability, your Second Wife for Lust, and your Third Wife for Love. He was marrying Adda for power and stability as well as renewing old bonds with Temeria, he would marry Amrynn as a Concubine for Lust, but if he could help it, he would not marry a third. Aethan tried to do the right thing, he did still struggle with lust sometimes, but for the most part he remained in control. Aethan had spent years controlling his emotions and finding a personal balance. He indulged in his lesser traits just enough to keep them at bay. Lust for instance was satiated the least, and was kept tightly under control by him.

''I'm not opposed to it.'' Amrynn responds.

''I'll have one of my men find you the day before we're set to leave, for now get your stuff ready, I'll see you then?'' Aethan says.

''Count on it.'' Amrynn replies as Aethan places a coin pouch on the dresser and leaves.


(POV Shift: Princess Zaoirya Karenzade Nivras of Ofir)


Zaoirya was in Novigrad for her father. He wanted an eye kept on her younger brother Sirvat, he was in Novigrad as a part of his coming of age tour. Sirvat wanted to learn more about the Northern Kingdoms before he became King, and since Novigrad and Kovir were part of a vital trade link to Ofir it was his first stop. But so far all her brother had done was become smitten with a Novigradian noblewoman.

''Ah shit.'' A voice said, and Zaoirya turned to see a man with a crown atop his head eying her brother with pity.

''Such vulgarity, is that perhaps your bride?'' Zaoirya asks.

''Not mine, Olgeird von Everac. He is mutually in love with that girl, and won't end well for him.'' Says the man.

''My brother is to be King, would a Nobleman be so petty?'' Says Zaoirya.

''I'M a King my dear, and to answer your question -yes - Olgeird would.'' The man replies and Zaoirya's attention is captured by the man before her.

''Princess Zaoirya Nivras of Ofir.'' She introduces producing her hand.

''King Aethan Jaenerys of Cidaris.'' He says shaking it rather than kissing it, much to Zaoirya's chagrin and interest.

The man is suddenly much more interesting, Cidaris being critical to the Trade Route to Kovir and Novigrad as there was only so far their ships could travel and no one really wanted to stop in Kerack unless they absolutely had to.

''What brings you to Novigrad King Aethan?'' Zaoirya asks him.

''Recruiting mostly, I'm getting people to help improve my Kingdom and economy. But I'm also here on business.'' Says King Aethan.

''And what business is that?'' Zaoirya asks.

''Forgive me Princess, But I don't know you and you know nothing about my Kingdom beyond trade and even less about me. I'm not going to spill my secrets to the first pretty foreign face I see.'' Says Aethan and Zaoirya smiles mischeviously.

"First pretty foreign face, huh?" She asks teasingly, and to his credit there is an almost unnoticeable blush on the King's face...almost.

''I try not to lie, and I enjoy not having to tip toe around political bullshit.'' Aethan says shamelessly and Zaoirya finds the vulgarity and honesty refreshing admittedly. ''More importantly we're not at court, so the political necessities are unnecessary, so forgive me for my informality.'' Aethan adds.

''You are forgiven...provided you tell me more about your kingdom.'' Zaoirya decides.

''Only if you agree to tell me about your homeland in return.'' Aethan responds, and Zaoirya finds herself smiling at the opportunity...


(POV Shift: King Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris)


Aethan had spent a fair bit of time discussing Cidaris and Ofir with the Princess, enough that by the time they'd looked outside the window it was dark.

''You can stay here for the night, I'll cover the expenses.'' Aethan tells her.

''And you? Were will you stay?'' Zaoirya asks him.

''I've rented most of the top floor, I made sure in advance I had at least few rooms spare for whatever happened. I'll sleep in one of those.'' Aethan tells her.

''Hmm, no.'' Zaoirya says as she shrugs off some of her clothes and Aethan doesn't turn away, but he doesn't react either.

''Is my form not pleasing your grace?'' Zaoirya asks him.

''It is.'' Aethan admits. ''But I'm to be married soon.'' Aethan adds.

''But your not married yet, and I am no blushing maid.'' Says Zaoirya as she shrugs the last of her clothing off standing before Aethan nude.

''Do you always do this to men you've only just met?'' Asks Aethan.

''Only those who suitably catch my interest.'' Zaoirya says as she approaches Aethan....


(Time-Skip: Next Day)


''Where do we go from here?'' Aethan asks Zaoirya.

''Nowhere, I found you interesting and interest is sated.'' Says Zaoirya, but Aethan pins her to the bed.

''Is this some kind of game to you?'' He says, hand on her throat. ''We're royalty Zaoirya, this is a serious problem. I can't have this type of shit happening in the lead up to my wedding. And if you think its all fun and games then you need to wake up.'' Says Aethan as he stands up and releases Zaoirya.

''So rough...'' Says Zaoirya with an exotic purr.

''When I come back, if your still here I wouldn't be opposed to it, but it means you play by my rules.'' Says Aethan as he gathers some of his things and leaves.


(POV Shift: Princess Zaoirya Karenzade Nivras of Ofir)


Her lover of the week had left her.

Zaoirya wasn't unafraid to admit she had her own dark side, she delighted in using her body and sexuality to her advantage and having a little fun. But that sudden dominance her partner had displayed had been something Zaoirya had never encountered before, and she wanted it again.

King Aethan was very interesting, she felt herself positively tingling in excitement at his roughness so suddenly. Her brother could wait a few more days, what's the worst that could happen...

And if nothing else, Zaoriya would enjoy herself...not like she could get pregnant, being sterile as she was. It was sad she supposed, but Zaoirya had come to terms with that long ago and had resolved to indulge in countless pleasures in place of having children and a husband.

Besides her father had other daughters, her half-sisters could continue the Royal Bloodline if Sirvat did not do his duty. Had she not been sterile it would have fallen to her to become Queen and find a suitable husband, but the most she could hope for was a symbolic marriage or symbolic concubinage. Which is how Zaoirya had taken up Numbers and accounting, she wasn't a Queen in any real political sense, but she was one of Ofir's richest female Merchants and was called the Merchant Queen of Ofir.

She wasn't here solely because of her brother but to also renegotiate the terms of certain trade deals, but perhaps Cidaris would be a more interesting place to set up a northern branch of her business? She needed to learn more about King Aethan.

Turning to the window she spots a white dove with amber eyes.

''Find out everything you can about the King of Cidaris.'' She tells the dove.

The dove trills and then flies away.

''Ah, the usefulness of Polymorphs...'' Zaoirya says as she goes to have a bath run...


(POV Shift: King Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris)


Aethan sat at a table in the var Attre Villa, Henry was fetching him some documents.

The man was rather busy so they hadn't had time to get in the usual games of Gwent and debating diplomacy. Prince Windhalm var Attre was trying to raise a rebellion and was busy cultivating potential alliances which in turn made Henry's job as Consul and the chief Attrean Ambassador all the more important and all the more busy.

He was enjoying some honeyed wine when Lady Sylvia joined him.

''You've come at a dificult time.'' She tells him.

''I know, but I had no choice even if Princess Cirilla never returns I won't let Cintra or it's territories stay in the hands of Nilfgaard.'' Aethan tells the Woman from Vicovaro.

''Not what I was talking about. Prince Windhalm is running out of allies to call on, he's tasked my Henry with finding them.'' Says Sylvia.

''There's a meeting at Hagge in a years time. Tell Prince var Attre he's been invited to the meeting as my guest, because among other things Cintra's fate will be discussed at length. If he's willing to wait, we'll hear him out and we'll discuss what happens.'' Says Aethan.

''And your telling me instead of Henry because...?'' Sylvia asks him trailing off.

''Because I don't have much time, and I'd rather not take up more of your husbands than necessary.'' Says Aethan as he approaches her. ''I never approved of the marriage, but even I can tell you make him happy Sylvia, for me that's enough. So long as you keep Henry alive and safe, you have nothing to fear from me any longer.'' Aethan tells her, remembering with a hint of shame that he had been less than alright with Sylvia marrying Henry, and he'd let that be known. But to her credit Sylvia had taken that in stride and so far had proved herself in the eyes of Aethan. That didn't make them friends though, he would always be suspicious and she would always carry his initial words against him.

''You were worried about Henry, I suppose I can at least acknowledge how it looked from your perspective. A Vicovaro Noble marrying a member of Prince var Attre's family.'' Says Sylvia.

''How are the girls?'' Aethan asks, changing the subject as Sylvia sighs half-heartedly.

''A handful, Rosa especially. She's taken an interest in Swordplay, I'm hoping it's a passing interest rather than anything permanent.

''Don't count on it, Rosa is willful and I doubt that even if you gave her the best teachers anybody less than a Witcher wouldn't be able to keep up with her.'' Says Aethan

''I hate it that you just might be right.'' Sylvia grumbles.

''And Edna? How is the little tiger?'' Aethan asks.

''She misses you, she asks at least once a month when Uncle Aethan will come again. I think she misses your lessons as much as she misses you.'' Says Sylvia.

''And I miss her, she was always an attentive student. If worst comes to worst, send her and rosa to me. They are technically my nieces and I'll protect them and tutor them.'' Says Aethan.

''I do-''

''I found the Papers!'' Henry interrupts whatever his wife was going to say as he comes in holding a handful of papers.

''Let's have a look old friend, see if we can find the old man.'' Says Aethan, turning to Sylvia with an apologetic look.


(POV Shift: Princess Zaoirya Karenzade Nivras of Ofir)


Aethan of Cidaris was an anomaly.

The information her spies had brought he told varying tales.

An Oxenfurt graduate and trained as a boy by a Witcher.

A vengeful man who inflicted a terrible fate on the man who hired his teacher to kill him.

A good man who loved his family and was fair and just.

She needed something to keep his attention.

Going through the various notes she had gotten over the last two hours, she saw he had a passing interest in rare and exotic weapons and armor, but had a greater in interest in the diagrams. He would no doubt appreciate a few Ofiri designs. Given his title and rank, an Ofiri Saber and Kilij, a few Ofiri Robe Schematics should do the trick to start with, but due to her reasons for being in Novigrad she only had a Schematic for an Ornate Ofiri Robe, and a Kilij on hand. Though, she could send for the schematics she supposed, but she'd rather have it as a suprise gift - a signal of intent - and he does have a wedding coming up...

An opportunity for mischief and for some fun, but also business. Speaking of which, she had some meetings with Merchants and some of the guilds to get to, but they could be delayed for one more day at least. So for the moment she had some time, but it was probably better that she have the documents and papers ready for the meetings tomorrow.


(POV Shift: King Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris)


So Vissegard was in Brugge?

That made a fair bit of sense, after all that was where False Ciri ended up. More importantly it gave him an opportunity and a reason to visit Brugge. In fact it gave him a reason to search for False Ciri as well, he already knew she was in Brugge, and his spies had informed him as much. Perhaps he should seize the initiative and take False Ciri into his care. Keep Emhyr grasping at straws, and potentially secure the hold of Cintra, albeit temporarily.

But it was more important to get to Vissegard, which meant he'd have to back track as far as Roggeveen, from there he'd ride through the border to Temeria and ride along the borders of Kerack and Verden to get to Brugge, at which point he'd enter the city and find Vissegard. His spies in Brugge should be able to help him, and if they can't they'll at least be able to point him in the right direction. After his trip to Brugge was done, he'd return to Cidaris.

And then he'd prepare for his Wedding, which aside from the usual guests and other monarchs would include the var Attre's and Prince Windhalm, as well as various others. Depending on what happened with Zaoirya, she may or not be invited since she was a Princess and well she was important in certain trade circles from what he's heard so there was potential there to improve some of the trade in Cidaris.

Turning to one of his outriders he hands him a letter.

''Deliver that to Lady Lucia, she'll know what to do.'' He orders.

''Yes, my King.'' Says the Outrider.

Aethan will depart the day after tomorrow, to that end he needs to get Amrynn and Hattori out of the city with him, so he turns to two of his other outriders. ''Get to Lady Amrynn and Master Hattori, inform both of them we depart day after tomorrow and to join us at the Kingfisher Inn on the day at sunrise. We don't have a lot of time and tomorrow is going to be a long one.'' Aethan orders as he strides towards the Kingfisher. Day after tomorrow he'll be at White Orchard, day after that he'd get Tomira's answer and after leavingWhite Orchard he'll be headed to Thanedd and then he'll have to travel to Brugge directly.


Arriving in his room, Aethan is not unhappy to find Zaoirya still in his rooms.

''I'm leaving day after tomorrow, I'm headed to Brugge, I won't have time for you after that, but I would not be unhappy to see you in Cidaris though.'' Aethan tells her.

''Perhaps you will, we shall see...'' Was all she said before she snuffed the candle light...


Waking up Aethan found himself alone, Zaoirya had left in the middle of the night supposedly, and Aethan found only a note in elegant script explaining her absence. He was mildly pleased that she left him some schematics as a gift of their time together, he wass just a little dissappointed it wasn't for an Ofieri Saber, still the Ofieri Kilij wasn't useless, and the Ornate Robe was a welcome addition to his schematics collection. A Large portion of Aethan's private Library held a number of Weapons and Armor Schematics he'd collected over the years. After the fiasco with his teacher he began searching for the various Diagrams he knew about in the Witcher 3, most of which he'd managed to track down, it was just a number of them that he had been unable to get his hands on because the dangers were - at that time - beyond his skills to handle.

Aethan would have Keira Metz help him in that regard as one of his first tests of her competency. Just because he chose her, didn't mean he fully trusted her skills. Besides, he'd also try and track down Eskel and Lambert, see if they'd be willing to assist, after all the only Diagrams he'd been unable to track down were the Wolf Schools, and that was simply because he couldn't justify a trip to Kaedwen.

Turning to his desk, Aethan begins writing a letter, which is in actuality an official invitation. Once done, he heats up the hot blue and white wax, before stamping his Kingdom's Sigil into it, and repeating the process with his own personal Sigil, a Red Kraken on a Black Field with two White and Blue Chevrons and golden eyes. The wax was magic so every pot of Royal Wax was unique. The Cidarian wax like every pot of Royal Wax had unique ingrediants that both made it unique and near impossible to replicate without the formula, and since the formula was entrusted to the court mage, it actually was impossible to replicate. Letting it cool after stamping it with the Royal Stamp he carried everywhere in addition to his own personal stamp, Aethan waits a few moments before turning to the door

''Guards!'' Aethan calls out to his sentries.

''My king?!'' They both ask coming in hands on the hilts of their half-drawn swords.

''There should be an Ofieri Group with the woman I've been hosting, she should be in the merchant Quarter. Find her and deliver to her this letter.'' Aethan orders.

"My King.'' They both reply dutifully.

''Time to meet with Cianfinelli and Vivaldi I suppose, and after that Maxmillian Borsodi.'' Aethan mutters.


(POV Shift: Margarita laux-Antille, Rectoress of Aretuza)


Margarita had called on Tissaia, Philippa, and Francesca to discuss the matter of King Aethan's desire for a court mage.

''He's adamant that I'm his first pick, with Ida a close second and Triss Third. However he's willing to settle for Keira. In exchange he'll appoint a young Sorceress to the position of his Royal Physician and he'll accept one or two other Soreceresses as additional advisors.'' Margarita tells them.

''This is an unprecedented opportunity, but how do we justify it to the brotherhood?" Tissaia asks.

''He's threatened to accept a Druid as his Court Mage if we are unwilling to cave to his request.'' Says Margarita, and it's clear to see the grimace that crosses Tissaia's face at that.

''I can just imagine how that news would go down with the council.'' Francesca remarks.

''Poorly, it would go down poorly. Last thing anybody wants or needs is the Druids gaining a greater foothold in The Northern Kingdoms that they already have. Moreover there is a substantial following of Freya in Cidaris, so it's paramount that we cut off the Druids gaining a role beyond mere peasantry aid.'' Philippa adds.

''We should be careful not to attack them religously, King Aethan admitted to him he himself follows Freya, so attacking them that way will not help us.'' Says Margarita.

''Could he be persuaded to convert?'' Tissaia asks.

''Doubtful, from what Djikstra reports on the few spies who manage to enter and exit Cidaris alive, King Aethan is very religious and has begun preparations for the building of a Great Temple amongst other projects as a show of piety and to expand Freya's spread in his Kingdom.'' Philippa cuts in before Margarita can answer.

''Which leaves us the only option....we agree to his demands.'' Francesca says.

Margarita and the others exchange glances, before they each nod their heads in agreement one by one, with Tissaia being the last one to agree.

''Where is King Aethan now?'' Asks Philippa.

''In Novigrad, he should be back in roughly a weeks time however.'' Margarita says.

''Any significant stops along the way?'' Philippa presses her.

''He only made mention of White Orchard being an important stop when I offered to have him teleported to the Brotherhood chapter in Novigrad.'' Margarita responds.

''Why would he specifically mention White Orchard? Only thing there is a significant presence of Orchards and the fruit industry, nothing else is of significant note.'' Says Tissaia.

''Maybe Keira will be able to ask him if she gets the opportunity?'' Francesca suggests.

''No, perhaps I should have Djikstra send some spies? They'll be less suspicious, I'll have some sent to Novigrad as well to determine King Aethan's business in the city since the wards we've placed there were tripped only last night. It could be a coincidence, but I have my doubts now.'' Philippa adds.

"Do it, the more facts I have to pass on to the Council to justify the reassignment of Keira the better I'll be able to have us convince King Foltest to agree to the change in council.'' Says Tissaia, and no one says a word against that since the male-dominated Council was a pain in the ass for any of them to have to deal with for any length of time.

''And what of the other positions? Any idea who we should place in them?'' Asks Francesca.

She and Tissaia earn a look as they send the relevant documents to Francesca and Philippa.

''For the Royal Physician Role, we were considering either Annika Glavistog or Gwendolyn Eivornburg. Annika is a skilled and specializes in Non-magical cures and potions because of her allergy to potions. She's not as gifted in magical healing as Gwendolyn, but she makes up for it in sheer knowledge in herbs and plants. Gwendolyn however is a prodigy, and specializes in Magical and Non-Magical Potions, her knowledge might not be as advanced as Annika when it comes to herbs and plants, but she's especially skilled in casting even the most basic healing spells with a high degree of power and skill.'' Tissaia says.

''What's their background? Defining personality?'' Philippa presses.

''Annika is from Brugge originally but much of her early childhood was spent in Sodden. She's diligent in her studies, and has an expansive interest in a number of extra-curricular activities such as Hydromancy, and Aerokinesis.'' Tissaia says.

''And her personality?'' Francesca asks.

''Quiet, reserved, but unafraid to speak her mind if necessary.'' Says Margarita.

''And the other one?'' Asks Philippa.

''Gwendolyn hails from Hengefors, and is a skilled Alchemist, and she has an almost unnatural talent in Pyromancy. She suffers very little from the wild element and is not easily swayed by the calls to embrace.'' Margarita informs.

''And her personality?'' Asks Philippa.

''Gwendolyn is a little tempermental, she is stubborn and refuses to be talked down to by anyone, and is headstrong. However her lack of talent in more advanced healing spells is made up for in her sheer talent in basic healing spells, and is a point of pride for her. That said, she doesn't take kindly to people her cast doubt on her skills or refuse to recognize her worth or the worth of others in a similar situation.'' Says Tissaia.

''Sounds like Yennefer.'' Philippa notes.

''She does, but Gwendolyn unlike Yennefer has immense natural skill in Runic Magic as well as Alchemy.'' Margariata adds, and the four share a knowing glance, of Yennefer's class, she was the only one to not excel in Alchemy or Runic Magic naturally, she had to force herself to excel.

''And what of the secondary and tertiary advisors? Who do you suggest we pick for those?'' Asks Francesca.

''We have four options, Margarita and I have discussed this together at length and we've shortlisted these four. First we have Astrid Davaro, she's from Kovir but her mother was born in Skellige and raised Astrid there for a short time. She has a natural charisma and ability to read a room and adapt accordingly. She's particularly skilled in Geomancy and Telekinesis, but is lacking in her portals and telepathy.'' Says Tissaia.

''Our second choice is Milliara van Arden, she's from Attre, but spent much of her pre-Aretuza life in Vergen. Milliara is a skilled Telempath, and is naturally adept at Hydrokinesis and Aerokinesis, her only glaring weakness magically is in Divination and illusions. As for her personality she's diligent in her studies, has a firm leash on her baser instincts and needs, showing temperance, but she's shy and somewhat indecisive.'' Margarita continues.

''And the other two?'' Asks Francesca.

''Jade von Eyder, Redanian Born and raised. Naturally gifted in Telepathy, Aeromancy, and and Oneiromancy, but weak in all forms of combative magic and healing spells. Her personality is one who's unafraid to speak her mind, and will only show respect to those who've earned it, and she's also somewhat eccentric. The one part of her personality we fear makes her unsuitable to a Court Council Position is that she's rather blunt and honest, and she doesn't belive in the necessity of Courtly Intrigue at times.'' Margarita says.

''There's also the fact that Jade is often unafraid of getting in trouble for stepping on peoples toes, we've had to reprimand her because of that more than once.'' Tissaia adds.

''And the Last one?'' Philippa adds.

''Arianna Glevissig.'' Margarita says as the other three still.

''Sabrina's Niece? I thought she hadn't completed her studies yet?'' Francesca questions.

''She's close, but she's just finishing up her studies.'' Tissaia says.

''If she's half as skilled as Sabrina, she'll be a force to be reckoned with.'' Philippa says.

''Where do her talents lay? Beyond Pyrokinesis of course.'' Says Francesca

''Actually, she is skilled in Pyrokinesis, Aerokinesis, Geokinesis, and Hydrokinesis. However she is unskilled in Divination Magic, but magically she's weak in Conjuration and Summoning. Her greatest strengths are her Enchanting and Runic Magic, as well as her expertise in Potions. Though her Potions knowledge is not as advanced or as vast as Annika or Gwendolyn, thus we chose not to include her in the choices for Royal Physician. In point of fact, Arianna's greatest skill is her enchanting, and since she's Magically Dextrous, she can enchant or raise Golems of one of each element with little preparation but high skill.'' Says Tissaia.

''Does she take after Sabrina?'' Philippa asks.

''Somewhat, she's fearless but not without care. She's a pragmatist, and she listens and waits before she acts, carefully planning and thinking out her actions with far more care tha Sabrina ever has. The one fault of her personality is that she is rather lustful, but she so far hasn't let that interfere with her studies or assignments.'' Margarita adds.

''So who do we select for King Aethan?'' Asks Francesca.


(POV Shift: King Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris)


Aethan had just finished his meetings with Vimme Vivaldi and Cosmo Cianfinelli respectively, both groups had been somewhat hesitant until he mentioned that the other had or would also be receiving such an offer. At which point, Aethan actually had to play negotiator since both groups ended up all but trying to sell their mums, beards and all to make the better offer.

If he was honest, he didn't trust either group, but on the one hand from the perspective of a bank, he trusted Vimme Vivaldi slightly more than Cianfinelli simply based on experience in the Witcher 3 as Vimme had less BS to crawl through. However it went without saying that Cosmo Cianfinelli had the more prestigious bank and thus had more of his attention. His one rule for each of them would be that if they were to do business with him, then if someone wanted to reactivate their account for any reason, then they wouldn't have to go to one department and get sent to another for a form only to discover that they needed a form from the very department they just left. Withdrawals would take centuries to reach an actual credit card if not an outright thousand years or more. So he wanted to lessen the required paperwork as much as possible.

Which when he explained his belief that a simple process meant a better reputation and thus greater business, well they either nodded their heads because they were swayed by the prospect of greater business, or because they were just nodding along with him.

Either way, he offered them both the opportunity to have a Building in the Cidarian Capitals growing trade quarter. They accepted and Aethan had finally just been able to leave. Both buildings stank like a forge, and Aethan wasn't talking about your typical forge. The Dwarves loved the smell so they tried to recreate it with incense or by having a small mint beneath their building. A bit of Dwarven ingenuity and the non-toxic shit was filtered into the air of the bank or used as incense.

At any rate, Aethan had left for Borsodi's and entered the building. That Ofieri Prince's arrival had had him concerned that Maxmiliian Borsodi was not long for the world or was already dead, thus Aethan rushed to meet with the Borsodi family. In order to have the Borsodi's open an Auction House in Cidaris, Bremervoord and Roggeveen, it would be contingent on Ewald staying in the picture, thus Aethan said a silent mental prayer to Freya that he was not too late.


Arriving in Borsodi's, Aethan was directed to a room, poured a fine Koviri Red, and left to await a meeting. He was a King, so they couldn't very well leave him waiting, and not for very long even if they did.

Ah...speak of the devils.

''King Aethan, a pleasure to see you again.'' That voice, Aethan felt sick to his stomach.

''Where is your father?'' Aethan asks.

''My beloved father died last week, and my brother has vanished.'' Says Horst.

''Then un-vanish him Horst.'' Says Aethan.

''I'm afraid I can't, Ewald you see disgraced himself in our father's eyes before his disappearance, leaving me sole inheritor. As such even if I were able to find him, there is nothing for him here. And who am I to argue with my late fathers wishes.'' Says Horst.

''Let me be blunt Horst, I had come to discuss the possibility of having a Branch of the Borsodi's Auction House in Cidaris, Bremervoord, and Roggeveen. But if I'd known you would so blatantly refuse to honor your father's will, I'd have never come here.'' Says Aethan.

''That sounds like a grand idea, King Aethan. I'm open to discussing it further.'' Horst says and Aethan has to force himeslf to remain calm, so as to refrain from slitting Horst's throat then and there from ear to ear.

''I don't have a lot of time, as I leave tomorrow and have other business to attend to. Therefore...consider this an invitation to my upcoming Wedding Horst, the day after the vows are complete, you and I will talk business unless something forces me to reschedule.'' Says Aethan, again having to force himself to remain calm, so that this time his words are nothing short of polite. He'll have to have his spies in the city search for Ewald, but he'll want to expedite it by paying a visit to Francis Bedlam. It might only be Twelve Sixty Five, but Bedlam was already well known in the city as the King of Beggars.

And since Aethan knew where the Putrid Grove was, it would be a simple matter of going there incognito and springing his real identity on them once inside.


(POV Shift: Francis Bedlam, the King of Beggars)


Things were happening in the city.

Oh there was always something happening, but this was different. Ever since Clever monopolised the Swordsmithing market as well as the Swordsmith supplies market, Bedlam had ordered a close watch kept on Master Hattori. The Elf was a legend, and Bedlam himself had had a Knife made specifically for himself that he'd had made by Hattori. Now though, one visit from a King and Hattori was packing up and departing the city. From previous surveilance, Bedlam knew King Aethan of Cidaris had a friendship and relationship to Hattori so the vist wasn't much of a suprise.

What was surprising was that Hattori and several of the Kings men had begun packign up ready to depart the city. That wasn't to his liking at all, Hattori was an asset the city could ill afford to use, because if van Hoorn was left as the cities sole true Swordsmith then the entire reputation of the Novigrad Sword Trade would end up in the privy and on fire to boot. The fact he was still in the city gave it a modicum of credibility, nothing tangible, but enough that the whole market didn't get fucked up. Why the hell Cleaver was willing to have substandard steel was beyond him.

Nonetheless, it wasn't an insurmountable obstacle, Francis just had to find a number of suitable replacements that had the potential to reach Hattori's level and -

''Boss! We got a problem!'' One of his men says as he came barreling into his office.

''What's happened?'' Francis asks standing up to his full height, rather than the hunchback height he portrayed.

''A man came to the gate, not at all unusual, payed the tribute and everything, but soon as his cloak was off...well, see for yourself.'' Francis did not like that, his men - at least the ones stationed at the Putrid Grove - were typically trained well enough to handle any threats who managed to bypass the typical measures. The toll/tribute was the first such measure since very few infilitrators not only had two thousand Crowns on hand, let alone that they were willing to part with.

''What did he pay with?'' Francis asks, as sometimes folk didn't pay in coin, but in precious metals or gems, ores and fabrics, or even rare wines. As long as it met the bill of entry, then it didn't really matter who they were, but the fact his men were this worried raised his interest.

''That's the thing boss, he paid in these.'' Says his guard holding a pouch, and Bedlam opens it to find a literal handful of flawless gems.

''Woah? Look at that quality, that's got to be about five thousand in flawless gems and pearls.'' Says Francis as he tests the bags weight, and Francis finds nothing wrong with it, since based on weight it's clearly not glass.

''That's exactly what e' said boss, asked him if he was aware of the actual cost of entry, and he said he was, but that the extra weight was for you. Says he needs a private meeting with you, and when we said not just anyone gets that, he revealed himself.'' Says his boy.

''Bring him to me.'' Says Bedlam, deciding to met this mystery man.


''Well well, this is a suprise, I certainly never expected to be greeted by a King.'' Bedlam says, eying King Aethan with a mixture of amusement and suspicion.

''Things rarely go as expected, I've found that the best one can do is prepare for what you know, but expect the worst and plan accordingly.'' Says Aethan.

''Words to live by.'' Francis agrees.

''Perhaps, but I'm not here to discuss philosophy.'' Says Aethan.

''Why are you here? I'd have thought I would be beneath your notice.'' Bedlam asks.

''Normally yes, but your spies are better placed than mine, therefore I cam here.'' Says Aethan, and Bedlam lets out a knowing 'ah'.

''You seek information?'' Says Bedlam.

''I seek a man. Ewald Borsodi. Horst has dishonored his fathers final wishes, and hidden the evidence and Ewald has vanished. Ewald and I are old friends, and I seek his help with a matter.'' Says Aethan, as Francis staples his fingers together.

''What sort of matter?'' Bedlam queries.

''A matter that in the first place is none of your fucking business, and in the second will not happen in Novigrad.'' Says Aethan.

''Fair enough, I can make enquiries, but it will cost you.'' Says Bedlam.

''How much?'' Aethan asks.

''Information. You've recruited Master Hattori, why?'' Says Bedlam, deciding that knowing why Hattori would leave was worth not charging the King since that could give him an edge in negotiating Hattori's eventual return.

''Cleaver. He's a fucking idiot if he thinks controlling the Sword trade through a moron like van Hoorn would be anything less than unsatisfying. I simply offered Hattori a chance to rebuild and the choice to eventually return one day when van Hoorn finally dies since Elves live longer.'' Says Aethan.

''I'll be honest, Hattori's presence here - even retired as he was - is beneficial to Novigrad. The fact he's still in the city, lends credibility to the Novigrad Swordsmithing Guild and the overall reputation of Novigradian Steel. Your not wrong that van Hoorn is a pisspoor smith, but if Hattori goes the trade and guilds reputation will suffer, and as such harms Novigrad's economy. Especially when it gets out that our only major swordsmith not only is a shit one, but plays cards regularly with a known criminal and since he's started playing those card games, all the best smiths have disappeared or left.'' Says Bedlam.

''I'd be willing to supply you with castle forged steel in exchange for allowing Hattori to leave as well as to provide me information and the ocassional services.'' Says Aethan, and that catches Bedlam's attention.

''How often?'' Asks Bedlam.

''It'd only be about two hundred or so blades, so factoring in the standard time it takes to forge as well as the distance, about four to six months given the size. You can sell a portion of them, netting you a tidy profit at Cleaver's expense, and keeping the Novigrad Economy a little bit more in tact. Moreover, you can arm your men with superior quality blades, which in turn gives your boys a distinct advantage over Cleaver.'' Says Aethan.
Taking a moment to think about it, Bedlam weighs it up. On the one hand discord has never been his interest, but the prosperity of Novigrad and it's true people. But castle forged steel and a semi-regular monthly shipment was without a doubt a phenomenal advantage over cleaver and van Hoorn. Cleaver could bitch and moan all he liked, because at the end of the day the rest of the Syndicate would agree with Bedlam that a shitty smith in charge of Novigrad's sword trade benefitted absolutely none of them.

''You've got yourself a deal.'' Bedlma says.

''There's man at the Golden Sturgeon, answers to Rodrik and wears a turqouise sash and red tunic. He should have a distinctive black and red beard and a scar across his mouth that reaches ear-to-ear. He's usually playing Gwent. He'll be your point man, he works for my network as a middleman. Get in touch with him, and he'll let you know when the shipments on it's way, it's up to you to store it though. Rodrik will arrange a dead drop with the locations of a number of dummy locations to pass through before you find the meeting place. You should scout it ahead of time and be prepared.'' Aethan says.

''How do you want us to get in contact with you?'' Asks Bedlam.

''When you've found Ewald, send him to Rodrik. Roddy will get him out of the city to me.'' Says Aethan.

''Then we 'ave ourselves a deal.'' Says Bedlam, putting his hand out and Aethan takes it.

''We do.'' Aethan agrees.


(POV Shift: King Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris)


Aethan stood at his window overlookig the main square. His business in Novigrad was concluded, time to seek out Marshal Vissegard.

Aethan was on a clock, he had little time and he needed to get as much done before the year passed because that meeting at Hagge was looming over his head. Originally Cidaris wasn't a part of it it would be now, and Aethan would have a say in how it went. It would be unlikely he'd be able to alter the original outcome, but Aethan knew who was for and against the death of Ciri. Meve naturally opposed it, and Aethan would rely on her to help him protect Ciri from the other King's interests.

''To that end, Aethan would give the Order to infest Kerack, Verden, and Cintran territory with his agents. When war broke out, the militaries of Kerack and Verden would be subjected to a precison decapitation strike to leave it's armies leaderless and weak. At which point Aethan would swoop in, secure the Kingdoms as his own after weakening them and would lead the offensive on the coast against the Nilfgaardians. To sustain this war, Aethan would have to spend the year building a network of merchants and craftsmen to reliably supply his troops in the field. Which in turn meant making further changes to the rations of his troops. It wouldn't be fully realized by the time war broke out, but Aethan would begin mass stockpiling foods and vegetables. The Vegetables would mostly be potatoes, cabbages, carrots, etc.

The Vegetables would serve as emergency stockpiles of rations, and Aethan would try and make it a crucial industry after the war.

''My King? Are you ready to leave tomorrow?'' One of his guards asks.

''Aye, it's time we say goodbye to the Free City of the North.'' Says Aethan as he nods his guard to leave and goes to sleep, this was the beginning steps of a long road. He'd stop in White Orchard and then Thanedd but for now he had to go to sleep."


(POV Shift: Tomira of White Orchard)


(Time-Skip: Two Days Later)


The King of Cidaris had returned and Tomira had found herself back at the inn ready to give her decision. It wasn't an easy one, but she felt it was the right one.

''I've decided...not to take you up on your offer. It wasn't easy, but ultimately as a village healer, I know how much good I do and can do, as what you've offered I don't. It took me long time to find a place where I could ply my trade safely and with gratitude aplenty. And as I previously said, I am not the most qualified for the role you envision.'' Says Tomira.

''Hmm, if I'm being honest you were my back up option. You see my first choice is currently unavaliable, because her education is unfinished. I wanted...needed the groundwork to be laid quickly. Perhaps too quickly. But I won't begrudge you your choice. Nor will I force you to join me. have a good day Lady Tomira.'' Says King Aethan as he stands up and goes to depart, before pausing a dropping a coin pouch in front of her. ''For expenses.'' He says, before leaving with his men.


(POV Shift: King Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris)


(Time-Skip: Four Days Later)


Aethan wasn't too frustrated with the loss of Tomira, he got Hattori, that was the bigger coup, and Aethan would wait until Shani left Vizima to recruit her, but that meant he had to wait until he like 1269-1270 roughly. Not a bad thing since it gave him a bit of time to rebuild and prepare.

Aethan however knew that as soon as he got to Vissegard he had to prepare for his wedding quickly, and once that was done, hurry to prepare for war. Which meant it he was pressed for time, and while he strode with a purpose into Loxia.

Aethan was in a hurry and needed to waste as little time as possible.


Arriving at the lobby Aethan was met by Tissaia de Vries and Margarita laux-Antille.

''Have you come to your decision?'' Aethan asks Margarita.

''We've discussed your proposition at great length, and while it won't be immediate, we do accept your request. Keira Metz will be made available to you, in exchange for three of our newer graduates being made apart of your Council and as your Royal Physician respectively.'' Tissaia answers for Margarita.

''I've had a brief summary report prepared for you. For your Court Physician, we decided upon Gwendolyn Eivornburg. Gwendolyn is a prodigy in basic Healing spells and a skilled alchemist and specializes in both Magical and Non-Magical Potions.'' Says Margarita glossing over a few details as she's clearly aware he's in a bit of a rush.

Looking over the documents, Aethan is quite satisfied, as it meets his expectations.

''And my other advisors?'' Aethan asks as he hands the papers back.

''We've Selected Astrid Davaro and Arianna Glevissig, here are their files.'' Tissaia says curtly, and hands him the files. Looking over them with a careful eye and reveiwing them twice at that, Aethan scans every word with a critical gaze. One thing he'd learned as a prince, and especially while he was bedding Anna Henrietta, was to - as far as messages go - scrutinize every word and every phrase as well as how they were written. Annarietta for instance when writing personal messages herself used a unique Cintrian Ink, that had the hints of the scent of citrus and lavender. Her style of writing was delicate and written with a subtle touch. Her word choice was short and and cryptic.

Looking at the documents in has hands as well as comparing them to the previous ones, Aethan can immediately determine that the prior documents had been written and compiled by Margarita just because the ones presently in his hand where short, succint, and overall written in a more authoritative hand. Which was how Tissaia had been acting, which gave him a bit of an edge in future dialogues.

''Everything seems to fit. Very well, I'll be taking a short trip to Brugge before I return home, I'll take Glevissig with me. Have Davaro head to Cidaris ahead of me. Have her carry this document with her. It bears my Royal and my Personal Seals, so it will get her into the council provided it remains unbroken. The seals are linked magically so if one breaks, they both break.'' Aethan informs them, before turning to leave however, Aethan pauses thoughtfully. ''When the world forgets what Magic has done for it, when people fear what it represents and the zealous stoke that fear into hate, never forget: Cidaris will welcome you. And when the future leaks bleak and desparate, turn to me, for I shan't turn my back on you.'' Aethan warns them.

''What do you mean?'' Asks Tissaia.

''Your death Tissaia is near, but it will be on your terms, take comfort in that. You will die with your ideals intact, but the man you love will be the one to cause the events that lead to your death.'' Says Aethan.

''You speak of a future that is always uncertain.'' Says Margarita.

''I speak of a future I've seen, an ending I know is coming will come by 1272, but with it....a new begining.'' Says Aethan, and he can tell that the absolute certainty in his voice is unsettling to them.

''Your no mage, you do not possess divination.'' Says Tissaia dismissively.

''And yet, I carry the gene of Elder Blood, my grandmother - or have you forgotten - was sister to Calanthe. Mother to Princess Pavetta. It is true I will never wield the powers of the Elder Blood, but I know far more the most. Like how Mages could determine Falka's offspring.'' Says Aethan.

''And why would I fellows lie about that?'' Asks Tissaia hotly.

''Because no true person wants the blood of a baby on their hands!" Aethan bites back just as hotly as Tissaia. ''Ah at any rate, I've taken up enough of your precious time. Lady laux-Antille, it's been a pleasure. de Vries...have pleasant day.'' Aethan says, saying goodbye to Margarita with some warmth, before his tone turns frigid with Tissaia.

And with that, Aethan turns on his heel and departs.


Aethan does his best to swallow his anger, Tissaia's attitude had pissed him off. It wasn't the fact they were right that pissed him off, it was the fact that they sounded haughty and all-knowing. Aethan never should have spoken up he realized, but he wanted to have that offer put before Margarita specifically, and using the Elder Blood in his ancestry was just a convenient way to do so. Mind you his attempts to diffuse it only ended up escalating the growing argument with Tissaia.

Nevertheless, Aethan would take a day at Loxia in order to resupply before they headed for Brugge. He wanted to meet with his spies in the city quickly, but he also needed to get to the city incognito if possible, so as to suprise the King of Brugge. He'd meet and exchange pleasantries, but ultimately his end goal was Vissegard. More importantly it would determine whether or not he went for False Ciri.

On the one hand, having her in his grasp gave his claims on Cintra greater legitimacy while the true Ciri was fuck know's where. But, letting Emhyr claim Cintra through her is more towards his benefits. Emhyr will be focused on Cintra and other territories, giving Aethan time to build up on a smaller and more focused territory with greater freedoms and a less resource-intensive project. Cintra is massive, and likely would not suit him in the long-run of his plans before they near fruition.

Meaning it was absolutely critical that Vissegard join him in order to bring Brugge and Upper Sodden to his table and to fully Annex Verden and Kerack. Aethan would create three titles through the Annexation of Kerack and Verden, well it was closer to say he'd usurp two and create one. By claiming the Crowns of Kerack and Verden, Aethan would create the higher-tier title of the Kingdom of the Dragon's Coast, with the Kingdom's of Cidaris, Kerack, and Verden being the components of that title and thus crucial to maintaining his prospective hold over the Dragon's Coast. The former King's heirs would inherit Duchies and Aethan would secure his hold by strategically marrying off his first generation of Offspring to the new heirs.

And when Foltest died, he'd claim Temeria through his wife and children, and with it the Territories of a fully reunified Sodden, and others. After that, his grandchildren would marry into Sodden, Brugge, and others. All to facilitate a grand plan of taking back Cintra and claiming it's crown and raising a great Empire to rival Nilfgaard, and guard and protect the North. It's partly why he was so intent on marrying off his sisters quickly or at least having betrothals in place.

But all of this could come later, for now, King Aethan had to travel to Brugge tomorrow, after that...well, he'd see what would happen, but most likely his it would be his wedding that would have to happen shortly after his trip to Brugge...


(Author's Note:)


Well, Fourteen Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty Five Words in Content...Not what I wanted to hit or even expected, but it is what it is.

I have a lot to say regarding this chapter. Firstly, I'm not completely happy with how Aethan first met and quickly ineracted with Princess Zaoirya, I mean I knew I wanted them to meet this chapter, but the relationship wasn't initially supposed to go that way so quickly. In the end, I felt making her Sterile was a good way to explain some of her actions and it would help give her and eventually Aethan decent Character Development if I want her to remain apart of the story.

The second thing is that I'm pleased to say at the time of this writing, my work on Last Alteraci although slow, isn't really a lot to do, that's really the only saving grace, but I'm going to try and keep to my promise and try and power through it, and thus hopefully that will mean that by the time I've released this and your reading it the next chapter of Last Alteraci will already have been released.

The third thing is that I will not be having Aethan have Ciri's powers, I figure he'll be either be a Latent or an Activator which will depend on my research tomorrow, and how I feel about things in the end. Additionally I may or may not have him eventually marry Ciri, but that will depend heavily on how I decide to write Adda and whether or not I decide that I can kill her off and give her a good ending before 1272, and that I can have Aethan develop as a character as a result of Adda's death, but I doubt I will reach that stage by then since it will depend on how much I've involved Adda in the overall plot and the ultimate development of the story. Originally in the original story I had planned to making Ciri a Concubine, but let's be's Ciri, and that doesn't really work out anyway. I mean I could potentially have False Ciri as his Concubine, but that may ultimately be detrimental to Aethan's plans in the end.

The Fourth thing is I skimmed over the Banking conversations because that's kind of where I just crashed and burned last time, so I didn't want to cross that bridge again so soon, sorry to those of you who wanted it, but given how shit I've been feeling leading into finishing the last two thousand words of this chapter it just didn't feel worth it. Plus I'd rather not feel down when I get back to Last Alteraci in any case. It just made a bit more sense for me to skim over that entirely.

Lastly the Fifth thing I want to bring up is that this will not be a Harem story, it'll be pretty fucking close though. Aethan's not perfect by any stretch, and as lust has always been something I struggled with growing up, it will be key focus in some of Aethan's relationships in this story. The way I see it, a harem implies at least three Spouses and any number of Concubines. So for me, Aethan primarily will stick to Concubines since they are a part of his faith in Freya, but he may or may not take a second spouse depending on the story.

And on that note, I bid you a fond farewall and will make to wake like the White Wolf in twelve hours and hope I still have my Medallion, Two Swords, and Horse named Roach as a member of the School of the Wolf, even if I'm more partial to either the School of the Bear or the School of the Griffin depending on the mood and what I'm feeling like at the time of that particular day.


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Next Chapter is currently available on my relaunched and rebuilt P-atreon, to access simply search the following link, but without the dash between the P and A, Two tiers with the same benefits but different context. The chapters on Patreon will be published when the chapters after it are done and dusted and ready to publish over here on this site.

Little embarrassed to admit, but this should have been out two days ago, but I can't say I wanted to post anything after I wrecked my hands in one vs all family tug of war, me being the one in the one vs all. Also, Wattpad wouldn't let me post the full title of the chapter which pissed me off a little so sorry about that but it is what it is and I have a lot of shit to do and get done regardless.

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