The Truth

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Vanessa knocked on Mike's front door. She stepped back and crossed her arms. I stood behind her and crossed mine. Mike opened the door. "Hey, guys." Mike said to us.
"Hey, Mike..." Vanessa started. Mike's sister, Abby, peeked around the door. "...and hello." Vanessa said to her.
"I probably could have mentioned Mike had a sister earlier." I whispered to Vanessa.
"Uhh, Vanessa, this is Abby." Mike told her.
"Mike never mentioned he had a sister." Vanessa said.
"We ain't in any trouble yet, Abby. Otherwise I'd already be cuffed." I told Abby.
"Could you maybe go play in your room?" Mike asked her. She nodded and went upstairs. "So whats the problem?" Mike asked.
"You take drugs to sleep?" I asked. Vanessa put a hand on my shoulder. I nodded. "Sorry." I said.
"When I investigated, I found these." Vanessa said. She showed him the bottle of sleeping pills.
"Those wouldn't understand." Mike said.
"Mike, help her understand. Otherwise, we're probably gotta get arrested." I said.
"The moment i file that report, it's out of my hands." Vanessa said. Mike stepped outside and closed his door. "Wanna take a walk?"

Mike walked us to a lake with a log in front of it. Me and Vanessa sat next to Mike. "So i used to have a brother. His name was Garrett. I mentioned him to Y/n once." Mike said. "Someone took him, and they never found the kidnapper or Garrett. But according to this book, the Dream Theory, everything you see is in your mind. And i know whoever kidnapped him is in here." Mike poked his head. "So i dream every night to try to find clues to what happened."
"So thats why you brought that Nebraska poster?" I asked. Mike nodded.
"And the pills?" Vanessa asked.
"They help. It's not easy going back every night." Mike told us. "Thats where people say I'm crazy."
"I've seen crazy before, Mike. This isn't it." Vanessa said.
"Mike's parents have been gone for a while." I mentioned. "What, your mama passed away and it was too much for your dad?" I asked Mike. He nodded, confirming.
"Your sister seems cool." Vanessa told us.
"It's unfortunate. I used to think us all holding hands and saying grace, and doing other family activities was so cheesy." Mike said. "Now i wish i could get it back."
"It sounds nice." Vanessa said. "I kind of felt that with Y/n this morning." She said. I smiled. Then Vanessa's radio went off. "I should go." She got up. She threw the pills into the lake. "No more sleeping on the job. Stay alert."
"Wait Vanessa, you gotta drive me back to Sparky's so i can get my car." I said as I got up and followed her.

We got to Sparky's. "Make sure Mike doesn't fall asleep again." Vanessa told me.
"I'll try, Vanessa." I told her.
"Great. Have a nice day, Y/n." Vanessa said. She got in her vehicle. I got into my car and drove home.

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