The Plan

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"Hey. Welcome to Sparky's. Could I set you folks up with some appetizers?" Matt asked. Doug smiled, but Jane quickly hands the menus over to Matt. "Oh. We are not eating." She snapped. Matt chuckles. "Well, that's no fun. You do realize that lunch is the most important meal of the day?" Matt asked. "I thought it was breakfast." Jeff said. "Some people say that, but, you know, it's just a theory." Matt said. "Are you being paid by the word, or could we have a minute?" Jane asked rudely. "All right." Matt said. "Thank you." "Ah, where were we? Oh, you were about to tell me what a miserable failure you are." Jane said to Max, and Max glared at her. "Hey, screw you, lady. My sister went over every inch of that dump a thousand times. If there was something to find, she would have found it. Now pay up." Jeff said. "Uh, I'm sorry?" Jane laughs. "You said 200." Jeff said. "We had a deal." Max said. "Yeah, that you were gonna find me hard proof of criminal endangerment. Instead, you've told me how sweet (Y/n) is, what a nice girl my nice is and that my nephew sleeps a lot." Jane said. "He really does, though." Max nods.

"Sleeping is not a crime." Jane said. "Is that guy okay?" Jeff asked, pointing to Doug, who looked uncomfortable. "I just realized, I shouldn't be hearing any of this. As a matter of fact, I shouldn't be here at all." Doug stands up, about to leave. "Sit down, Doug." Jane said, grabbing his arm and pulling him back. "So, I guess we're finished here, unless either one of you have a brilliant idea, which I realize is highly unlikely." Jane said. "Why don't we just kill them?" Jeff asked. Doug stands up and tries to leave again, and Jane glares, making him stop. "Tempting. But no. What else?" Jane asked. "Mike was saying that... he really needs this new job to, like, look good on paper for the judge or something." Max said. "Well, that's all very fascinating, honey, but I am not hearing a plan." Jane said. "We toss the place." Jeff suggested. Jane looks at him curiously. "Go on." She said. "Well, he's a security guard, right? His job is to make sure nobody gets in. So, we get in, and we mess up the place good. We help ourselves to whatever we find along the way. Your nephew and niece get canned. Judge gives you the kid, and you give us... $2,000." Jeff said. "One thousand. But do it fast, and don't mess it up. I mean, you know, mess it up, but don't... don't mess this up." Jane said.

Mike jumps up as he tries to get the Nebraska poster off the ceiling. "What are you doing?" Abby asked, as she and (Y/n) walk into the room. "Abby, do either of you need something?" He asked. "No." Abby said. "All right, quit playing and take that off. (Y/n) and I have to go to work." Mike said. "I know. I'm coming with you two." Abby said. "No, you're not. Give me the vest." Mike said. "No." Abby said. Mike leans toward her. "Give me the vest now." He said firmly. Abby leans forward too. "I'm coming with you." She said. Max enters the house and hears the two fighting. "I want to go with you." Abby said. "Hello?" Max asked. "I don't want to stay here with Max." Abby said. "Abby, stop." Mike said. Max hears Abby screaming as Mike walks by carrying her over his shoulder. "No! You can't make me!" Abby shouted. "Yes I can." Mike said. "No, it's mine! Let go! Let go. No, no!" Abby shouted. Max raises an eyebrow. "Abby, stop. Abby." Mike said. "He's taking my vest!" Abby shouted to Max. "Abby." Mike said. "I'm keeping it!" Abby said. "No." Mike said. Mike then walks out of the room and inhales, then looks at Max. "She's all yours."

~Time Skip~

Back in the office, Mike is having the nightmare again. "GARRETT!" Mike shouts as he runs after the car. He stops, then he slowly turn around to see the children again. He quickly puts his hands out. "Wait, please. Please don't-don't... don't run. Okay? I-I just want to know what you saw." He said. The children say nothing. "Please. I'm begging you. Help us." Mike said. "Who took Garrett?!" Mike asked. The children run off again. "Hey wait!" Mike and chases different child this time, and when Mike caught up, the child turned and cut his hand with his pirate hook.

The child screams as his eyes turn black and black tears come out. As Mike opens his eyes, the lights and cameras in the room flicker. (Y/n) covers her ears as a loud ringing was heard, and "Talking in Your Sleep" by The Romantics starts blasting from the speakers. (Y/n) rushes to the breaker and flips the switch as Foxy shows up in one of the doorways. (Y/n) flips the switch again and the lights turn on. She hears a loud beeping and goes to look at the cameras, to see a cop car on the outside. A woman and two men were standing by the door. "What the...?" (Y/n) and Mike walk over to the door and Mike opens it. "About time. Starting to think maybe you fell asleep on the job." Vanessa said. "Um... can we, uh, help you, officer?" Mike asked. "Please, my name's Vanessa" Vanessa said. "And these are my friends." Vanessa said, gesturing to the two beside her. They both wave. "Hey." Mark said. "Hi." Jack said.

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