Chapter 13

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"You challenged someone to a battle"Drayton frowned his arms crossed over his chest. Lacey, Crispin and Amarys watched the two, glancing between them. "Yes.."Dynasty mutters bowing her head. "And you were warned that he's able to destroy almost anyone who challenges him to a fight"Drayton asks. "Yes"Dynasty nods. "And now you want me to train with you?"Drayton huffs. "Yes..please.."Dynasty responds looking up at him. Drayton sighed, lowering his arms. "Where did I go wrong when raising you?!"Drayton says. "It's probably cause you raised her, she must've picked up some of your habits"Lacey guesses. "I hope you haven't been skipping out on classes and homework!"Drayton demands looking at her. "NO WAY! You wouldn't let that happen anyway!"Dynasty retorts. "Good, now wait right here!"Drayton says. He jogged away, Dynasty watching him go curiously. "Why don't me and my Granbull help you out for awhile alright"Lacey offers. "I'd like that"Dynasty nods.


Swablu dodged Granbul's attacks, flying at full speed around her and released a Dragon breath, knocking the pokemon over onto their side. "Hey, hey, hey! Hold still!" The battle came to a halt, Drayton walking over to them, holding a strangely colored wriggling Axew in his arms. "Hey I'm tired from all that jogging"Drayton sighed Axew trying to leap free. "Here you go"Drayton smiled handing the Axew to her. She and Axew stared at each other, looking equally surprised. "Me and Grandpa have been preparing this little guy for you, if one day you got over your fear"Drayton smiled. She looked at Axew, realizing it was the same Axew from when her grandfather called her on her first day here. "Thanks Dray, I'll take good care of him"Dynasty beamed. "Good"Drayton nods. "Dynasty, I'll be your next opponent"Amarys offers stepping forward. "Yes"Dynasty nods. "Wait"Drayton says lifting his hand. He placed a hand on Dynast's back and smiled. "What is it Dray?"Dynasty blinked.

"Axew doesn't wish to evolve and you never change for anybody"Drayton says. "That's why I said grandpa should give this Axew to you, you're both the neither of you change alright"Drayton smiled. "Alright"Dynasty nodded Axew beaming. "Now get stronger, because you're what!"Drayton chuckles. "The Draysters Sister!"Dynasty beamed. "Go ahead!"Drayton nods. "Amarys, I'm ready!"Dynasty grinned turning away. She set Axew down beside Vulpix, and tied her hair up into a ponytail. "Let's do this!"Dynasty nods grinning. "Then let's proceed with our battle"Amarys nods. The two walked to different sides of the field, and faced each other. "I will be using Scizor"Amarys informs. "Then I'll use Swablu!"Dynasty nods. "Use two of your pokemon, you can think up team moves"Amarys suggests. "Oh good idea"Dynasty nods. "I'm guessing Dynasty grew up around Axew and it's evolutions?"Lacey asks. "Yeah, ever since she was a baby but she loved Haxorus the most"Drayton nods.

Haxorus stared down at Dynasty, watching the baby crawl over to him. "Hax"Haxorus smiled lowering his head. Dynasty babbled, beaming as she reached for his blades. "Ah ah, careful, those are sharp." Drayden picked her up, Dynasty reaching for his Haxorus. Haxorus smiled, letting her grab his tail, Dynasty giggling as she gripped the tail. Drayton laid blankets down and fixed up some pillows, then hurried over. "Here you go"Drayden says handing Dynasty to Drayton. Drayton struggled to hold Dynasty in his arms, but managed to carry her over to a blanket where a bowl of sliced pears waited. He propped her up against some pillows and grabbed the bowl, carefully feeding her. Haxorus laid behind the pillows, gently resting his tail on her lap, smiling when she baby patted it. He yawned and fell asleep. Drayton picked her up when he was finished, struggling a little as he patted her back, lulling her to sleep. He laid her down and grabbed a blanket covering her up as he laid beside her, Drayden watching them.

"Hah, she enjoys being-"Drayton starts. Lacey opened her mouth to speak but then closed it, standing up straight. Crispin dropped his pan, then turned and walked away with Lacey and Drayton behind him. Dynasty perked up, noticing Amarys wasn't moving. "Amarys?"Dynasty says her Swablu and Fomantis looking curious as Amarys returned Scizor to its ball. Amarys turned and walked after the others. "Guys?!"Dynasty calls looking startled. She returned Swablu and Fomantis to their balls then ran after them with Vulpix and Axew at her heels. "GUYS WAIT UP!"Dynasty calls trying to catch up. The four suddenly stopped and started running, causing her eyes to widen. "W-WAIT!!"Dynasty yells. She grabbed Axew and Vulpix, speeding up to keep them in within view. Drayton ran in the lead then came to a halt, the others stopping behind him in front of a Gothorita. "Gotha"Gothorita smiled. "FLORGES!" Florges popped out and slapped the pokemons bottom with her vines.

"YOU RELEASE THEM!"Dynasty orders running over. Gothorita glared at her, Florges giving the glaring pokemon a look of warning. "You're controlling my friends and brother and I want them released right now!"Dynasty glared. Gothorita turned, starting to run away. "YOU WON'T ESCAPE ME!" Dynasty chased after her, Drayton and the others snapping out of it. "Huh?"Lacey blinked looking around. "GET BACK HERE!" Drayton turned with a look of alarm, then dashed after Dynasty with Crispin close behind him. "Dyna!" "Dynasty!" Lacey and Amarys gave chase not too long afterwards, following the two boys. "Wait up you two!!" Florges grabbed a Gothorita with her vines, keeping the pokemon from going any further, Dynasty stopping beside her. "You're not going anywhere!"Dynasty yells. "Dyna!" Crispin ran over, and looked at the struggling Gothorita surprised. "This pokemon took control of you guys!"Dynasty says looking back at them. "That's just not nice!"Lacey says making an X with her arms.

Gothorita looked down, and sighed. "If you needed help, you could've asked." Drayton walked past and nodded to Florges. "She's harmless"Drayton promised Dynasty nodding to the the suspicious pokemon. Florges released Gothorita, looking ready to grab her again. "Where's your friend?"Drayton asks looking down at the surprised Gothorita. Gothorita smiled and quickly hurried away, Drayton jogging after her. Dynasty followed her brother with the rest of the group behind her, getting led to a sickly Gothita. Drayton kneeled down, and picked the Gothita up. "Let's get her some help"Lacey insists walking closer concerned. "She's just paralyzed, Amarys you got a berry on you"Lacey asks looking over at the girl. "I do in fact"Amarys answers pulling out a Cheri berry. Drayton took the berry, carefully feeding the Gothita. "Lacey, you take her and Gothorita for the night, in the morning we'll see how things go"Drayton nods. Lacey nodded, taking Gothita. "Let's all head back"Drayton suggests yawning. "Lazy"Dynasty smiled.

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