Chapter 23

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Dynasty walked down the stairs of a strange place, a Snivy following her. She looked around, then touched her head feeling a headache start up. Where was she. Who was she. Why was this Snivy with her. Why did she have feint memories of a smiling white haired male with a purple streak. She lifted her head and looked around, walking again with Snivy. Snivy kept up with ease as Dynasty walked, the two heading down the path again. Dynasty stared, black figures waving to her or handing her items that were a smokey substance but whatever the items were vanished in an instant. Who were these people. Why were they so nice. Where was the white haired male. Why'd she feel so scared without him. Why was she wishing there was a different pokemon at her side rather than Snivy. Snivy was her partner and best friend. Dynasty fell to her knees, yelling in pain as she gripped her hair feeling dizzy. A bright glow appeared in front of her, Celebi grabbing her hands and lifting her up into the air.


Dynasty gasped and shot up, her body visibly trembling as she gripped her arms. "Ges, ges..flor, ges"Florges says handing her a cup of water. She grabbed the ice cold cup, the cup nearly slipping from her grip. "What happened?"Dynasty asks touching her head. "You fainted, your eyes were glowing when you did"Drayden responds Lurantis and Haxorus behind him. "Vul!" Vulpix bounded in and leaped onto the bed, Axew and Ribombee right behind her. "Hey guys, it feels like I haven't seen you for days"Dynasty says. "Because you were unconscious for two days straight"Drayden informs touching her head. "Drayton called but I didn't want him rushing over here when he has his studies to focus on right now." She sighed in relief and flopped backwards, knowing her brother would've dropped whatever he was doing to come check on her. She stared at the ceiling, glad she didn't go to her parents place, since she wouldn't have managed to handle that without her big brother.

"That's a relief"Dynasty says not needing him fussing over her right now. She stood up and rubbed her eyes, letting out a small yawn. Florges reached forward in concern, looking worried. "I'm fine! Believe me"Dynasty chuckles taking one of the pokemon's hands. "Dyna, most people who say they're fine really are not"Drayden corrects placing a hand on her shoulder. She looked down, wondering if she should tell him about her dream. Something was telling her not to right now though. She opened her mouth but her rotom phone zipped out, a call coming through surprised when a familiar name shone there. Her finger pressed the answer button, Colby coming into view with Colress eating something behind him. Colress perked up when he noticed the phone. "COLBY!" Colby laughed as his dad quickly wiped his lips clean. Colress threw an arm around his sons neck, grinning down at him in amusement when the boy struggled to escape. "DAD!"Colby laughed struggling to escape.

"Hello Dynasty, I see you've made it home safely as well"Colress smiled his son continuing to laugh and struggle to free himself. She started to giggle at their antics, Lurantis standing close at her side watching the two as well.  Colby freed himself and rammed himself into his dads side. The two went into a little match to see who was stronger, grins on their faces but Colby ended up pushing his father out of the phone frame. "Hey Dyna!"Colby beamed as she laughed. "Hey Colby, it's great to see you"Dynasty greets waving to him. "Yeah"Colby nods rubbing the back of his head. She walked out of her room, the two continuing their chat. Vulpix bounded after her as the other people decided to head outside for some fresh air and to stretch. "Did you know pokemon can be differently colored but it's extremely rare!"Colby grinned. "Wow, I should send you photos of Axew"Dynasty chuckles looking down. Colby fell silent, staring at her. "Alright, spill, what happened, Dyna"Colby smirked.

She flinched, surprised that he noticed. Colby kept the smirk on his face, staring at her. She sighed, rubbing her head. "I had a strange dream...I was in this strange new place with strange people and a Snivy..."Dynasty explains the dream still vivid in her head. She sat down in a chair, unaware of Drayden listening outside the room just a step away from her room door. "For some reason I couldn't remember you all in my dream but everything came rushing back to me, well after Celebi pulled me out only then did I wake up and remember things..."Dynasty adds spinning around in her chair. She placed her feet on the ground in order to stop her spinning, facing her phone again. "That sounds weird doesn't it"Dynasty asks. Colby scratched his chin, looking thoughtful. "Not really, have you ever thought that you were having a vision"Colby responds. She frowned, noticing his slow way of speaking. It was what Drayton would do whenever he was carefully choosing words in order to not make her feel a certain way.

She sighed, leaning back in the chair causing it to tilt backwards underneath her weight. "Hey Dyna, have you ever thought that're gonna end up having  fuzzy memories of everyone...?"Colby asks now seeming to have found the right words to say. Silence followed, her eyes on the ceiling wondering what would lead her to having fuzzy memories of everyone. Celebi was definitely part of the problem. Was she gonna go missing like Ingie's dad. "I haven't actually, even if I did there'd be some point I'd end up remembering it right"Dynasty suddenly says. "But that doesn't explain the historic looking place I was in.."Dynasty huffed resting her head on her knuckles. "It was almost like I had time traveled into the past." Colby's eyes widened, looking startled. "You're joking!"Colby retorts. "Nope"Dynasty snorts. "I'll call you right back give me a second!" She blinked watching as he hung up and sighed again, slumping down in her chair. "This is giving me a headache!"Dynasty whined.


Drayton sat in the cafeteria, looking at his phone silently. "Drayton?" His eyes darted up, finding N making his way over. "Long time no see, you broke your promise from before"Drayton greets waving to the man. "I'm not on your time, you are on mines, also I have my family to care for, I have no time to indulge a child who isn't mine"N retorts narrowing his eyes. "And I have my sister to care for, so it looks like we're on each others time"Drayton smiled resting his chin on his arms. N looked around, frowning as his gaze scanned the room. "I do not hear Celebi anymore, where has it gone?"N comments his attention turning back to the male sitting at the table. "Traded it for my sister's freedom." N looked at him startled, Drayton staring at him. "You went and traded-"N starts stunned. "Would you trade a pokemon for your sons life in order to get back his freedom..."Drayton asks causing the man to flinch. "Is that a threat"N demands his eyes narrowing once again. "It's a question"Drayton replies simply. "Now, let's talk, friend!"Drayton smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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