Chapter 19

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Dynasty stretched, walking down the hall now that classes were over. She entered her dorm room, sighing since it's been a week and a half since she's been grounded. Drayton had kept an eye on her, making sure she didn't attempt to sneak off with her friends. "Jerk..."Dynasty grumbled walking past someone. She stopped and looked, staring at a male with an Umbreon, having never seen his face around before. "He must be new"Dynasty mutters getting a weird feeling about him. She entered her room, Vulpix bounding over to her. "Hey"Dynasty beamed picking the happy pokemon up. She walked to the cabinet and opened it, pulling out Ribombee's ball. Ribombee popped out and looked at her. "Sorry..I really am"Dynasty says holding her hand out. Ribombee stared, looking concerned. "...I miss Amethio"Dynasty mutters rubbing her eyes. "Vul..."Vulpix mutters turning in her arms and looking up at him. "I can take you all to meet him." She froze and whipped around, getting met with a bright light. "Gotcha."


"Dynasty!" A knock came from the door, before it eventually got swung open. Drayton walked in and frowned, looking suspicious. He pulled out his phone, texting the secondary Dyna Group Chat that they added him to. He stared, getting replies that each of them were waiting for Dynasty in the lunch room but Connor was visiting his mother. "Then did she go to the Polar Biome..she'd drop down in a snow and take a nap..."Drayton wonders since Dynasty would usually drag him long with her to take a nap i a little bank of snow always burying herself in it but never catching a cold. "My sis is built different"Drayton sighs remembering how shocked and worried he got when he first saw her buried in the snow asleep.  He turned then saw a note on the back of the door. He stepped closer, and pulled the piece of paper down staring at it alarmed. He dropped the note and threw the door open running down the hallway with wide eyes. The note swayed through the air and landed flat on the ground.

"Bring Celebi or your sister won't be returning to school for a long time."


Dynasty opened her eyes and looked around. "VUL!" She looked behind her, her eyes wide. Vulpix pawed at the glass keeping her in and Ribombee in a container, Dynasty's team still in their balls behind the two. "You're awake." She turned, finding a guy with an Umbreon at his side smiling at her, which sent shivers down her spine. "A shame really, Amethio should've just dragged you back to us like he was told to"The male says. He walked over and leaned forward, staring down at her. She stared with wide eyes, starting to tremble. He stared down at her, then smiled warmly. "I'm not gonna harm you, but I do wish to talk"The male explains. "I am Spinel! This is my partner Umbreon." She flinched, Umbreon rubbing its cheek against her leg. It placed its paws on her stomach, staring up at her. "Hm...Umbreon seems fond of you"Spinel says surprised. "You can give Umbreon a pat"Spinel beckons. She looked at Umbreon, then started patting it on the head getting a smile in return.

Spinel smiled slightly. "Want to join me? I'm having lunch"Spinel asks. She stared then looked at her trapped pokemon. Spinel walked past, and pressed his hand to the glass. The glass slid open, Vulpix leaping out, Ribombee out fluttering after her. "Guys!"Dynasty smiled the two pokemon leaping into her arms. Spinel carried her teams balls over and attached them to her belt for her. "There now will you join me? Feel more comfortable"Spinel smiled knowing all he needs to do was keep her here until the others arrived after the girls brother brought Celebi to him. "Spinel!!" Spinel looked over, Dynasty's eyes widening. Amethio stormed in but froze, dropping a file as he stared at her. "Amethio!"Dynasty gasped. "Dynasty.."Amethio mumbles stepping closer. Spinel held his arm out, using his cloak as a shield, feeling threatened by Amethio for some reason. "We're gonna have lunch..can you please leave.....right now"Spinel says Dynasty looking up at him startled.

"Lunch.."Amethio repeats narrowing his eyes at the male, Dynasty looking at him then up at Spinel in confusion. "Is there a reason to not have lunch..."Spinel demands Umbreon rubbing its cheek against Dynasty's leg. Amethio looked at her, an unreadable look on his face but she noticed his eyes staring at the gloves on her hands. "Then I'll leave"Amethio says. His eyes darted towards a vent nearby then back to her before walking out of the room. Ceruledge looked at her and waved before walking after his trainer. "Shall we eat now?"Spinel smiled turning to her. "I haven't eaten...but"Dynasty responds looking down, wondering if her brother noticed she was missing. "What is it?"Spinel asks. "My big brother says no eating with strangers who aren't students in my school or friends of the family a-and I'm my brothers girl, so I listen well to his words"Dynasty explains. Spinel kept the smile on his face, feeling a little irked at the mention of her being a brothers girl.

"Umbreon would like you to eat, right buddy"Spinel says. Umbreon nodded and pushed Dynasty forward with his head, bringing her to one of the chairs. She reluctantly sat down, Ribombee and Vulpix in her arms as Spinel sat beside her. "Want me to show you something really cool?"Spinel asks gesturing to the screens. "...okay..."Dynasty nods looking at the screens in front of them. He smiled and turned to the keyboard, feeling proud as her eyes widened watching his fingers move quickly across the keys. "You're fast"Dynasty says petting Umbreon as she watched him. "Here"Spinel smiled looking at her. She shrieked in shock at the sight of her friends on the screen, running behind Drayton. "I left a note for your brother..."Spinel informs turning to her. "He seems to really cherish you if he's willing to give us Celebi"Spinel adds handing her a cup of water. He looked at her, sending a nervous chill down her spine as she tightened her grip on her two pokemon. "But...I don't want you to leave"Spinel says.

He turned away in his chair, then grabbed her hand. "Leave the pokemon here, where we're going is perfectly safe"Spinel smiled pulling her to feet. She gave him an untrusting look, but set Vulpix and Ribombee down along with her teams ball secretly keeping Lurantis on her. Spinel nodded, holding her hand more carefully. Beheeyem floated forward, a gasp erupting from her at the sight of it. "Sorry, did Beheeyem scare you?"Spinel asks amused. She stared the pokemon down with narrowed eyes, making it nervous. "Don't me like that, Beheeyem! Take us to that one spot!"Spinel chuckles gripping her hand. Beheeyem held its arms up, the trio disappearing. Dynasty stared as they reappeared in a grassy area, making her perk up. He tapped her shoulder and pointed behind her. "Look." She turned, staring at a cherry purple willow tree with vines that had flower. She walked over, touching one of the vines. "We have five minutes"Spinel informs. "Hm"Dynasty blinked. He leaned close, his face cm's from hers. "Five minutes before your friends arrive with Celebi."


Dynasty appeared with Spinel and Beheyeem after her time was up, finding them in a strange room. Spinel looked at a nearby screen, finding Drayton and the group confronting Amethio at the entrance. "They'll be coming through that door soon-"Spinel says. Dynasty hurried to the door, Spinel's eyes widening. "WAIT!" He threw his arms around her waist, startling her as he pulled her back. "Everyone and Amethio! I don't want them to fight!"Dynasty yells looking at the screen, her eyes wide. He tightened his grip of her, stunned that he was acting this way. "I'm not letting you can't go like this"Spinel mumbles his eyes wide. "Guys!"Dynasty shouts noticing Drayton perked up on the screen. "Dynasty!"Drayton calls from the otherside of the door. "BEHEYEEM!" Beheyeem moved in front of Dynasty, immediately knocking her out. He stared, then picked her up, carrying her away. "I'm not sorry...I don't want you leaving yet, Dynasty..."Spinel mutters. He looked at his Beheeyem and nodded then headed back.

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