Chapter 2

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A knock on the butterfly estate's door, Aoi opened it to a wounded Giyuu standing there like a lost puppy on the side of the road. 

"Sensei, come in" she said

He held Aoi's arm as he often forgot his own way around the butterfly estate, they saw the a boy who was constantly reaching for a boar mask as Shinobu hald him back and was explaining how important taking medicine was. 

They walked into the patient room "Nee-sama, Tomioka-san's here"

Shinobu turned around "Sit down Tomioka-san" she said sweetly

Aoi sat down next to him as Shinobu treated Inosuke and then Zenitsu "Sensei, how did you meet Nee-san to begin with?"

"Why do you ask?"

"You seem really close.... how did that all start?"

'Why'd she say it like that?' Giyuu sighed "I met Kanae first at an old Hashira meeting, she sent Shinobu in to look at my injuries one day. She was very different back then, less smiling, less sweet talking and more moody"

"I forget the days where she acted more like me" she looked down and recalled how moody her sister once was

Giyuu nodded 


Giyuu walked into his bedroom and gazed around, he saw the old pictures he had with all of the Hashira, he ended up staring at the picture he had with Shinobu and Mitsuri, mostly only Shinobu though.

'Her eyes are weird, but . . . . really pretty' he blushed at his own thoughts, a knock on the door.

"Tomioka-san! Hi!" She waved enthusiastically

Giyuu blinked and tried to not stare at the woman's uniform "What is it Kanroji-san?"

"I just wanted to talk with you, can I come in?" She asked

Giyuu blinked rapidly, he sighed and walked her inside, making sure she went no where near his bedroom.

He saw the pictures on the walls "Ooh, is that me, you and Shinobu-chan?!"

Giyuu looked back at it and nodded

Mitsuri looked at Tomioka "Tomioka-san, why is your Haori mismatched?"

Another man barged in before Tomioka had the chance to answer "Hey there, you two. . ." the man stopped dead in his tracks "Actually, I'm gonna go, bye"

"Wait, Uzui-san!" Mitsuri stopped him from leaving

"Mitsuri, don't stop me from leaving, I only followed you here out of suspicion. I didn't know it was his house"

"Do you two have beef or something?"

"Sort of" Giyuu answered

"Please don't tell Mitsuri" he appeared closer to Giyuu "I only need one lecture about how to treat children"

Giyuu raised a brow "I didn't give you any lecture?"

Uzui twitched his eye "Well Kocho did, so shut up" a tint of purple appeared on face. And his face looked incredibly disgusted.

Giyuu nodded, and looked back at Mitsuri. 

Uzui looked past him and at the wall, "Is that a picture of you and Kocho?" he pointed

She jumped up and squealed "Heyy, I'm in it too!" Mitsuri said

"Why aren't you looking at the camera, you're just staring at Kocho" Uzui commented, his eyes then lit up and he smirked at Giyuu

"What are you thinking?" Giyuu backed away and waved his hands in front of him

Uzui's smirk deepened "It looks like someone has a little crush on our Kocho" he looked devious

Mitsuri smiled and scratched her head "Uzui-san, no offence, but are you just realizing that?"

Giyuu blinked twice and blush "I don't understand, but why do my cheeks feel warm?"

"Giyuu-kun, can I call you that?" Mitsuri chuckled, Giyuu nodded "This is what it feels like to have a crush"

"No, I mean . . . what is a crush?" there was an irritated look on his face, not intentionally though

Dead silence

"Are you mean or just stupid?" Uzui asked

Authors note: If you get the reference, you're cool. If you don't, you're still cool

"Am I stupid?" Giyuu asked


"Giyuu-kun, you are in love with Shinobu-chan. How have you not realized that?" Mitsuri explained, sounding out every word like she was talking to a six year old

Giyuu finally caught on and his face turned beet red

"Someone's blushing~~~~~" Rengoku said, from outside the window

Uzui blinked at the loud owl "Bro, where did you come from?" 

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