Chapter 1 Just another day

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It was just like any other day. I walk home and go see my neighbor Luke who I think is around forty years old but he won't tell me, he is pretty tall with light brown hair. I'm not that tall but I have darker blonde hair. Anyway we go to the park and play soccer then I go to Luke's house until my mom gets home from working at the hospital as a nurse, my dad left us when I was a baby so it's just me and my Mom but she goes by Annie. I walk up to my apartment door and unlock it with my key. I go to my room, set my bag down and then go back outside and lock the front door then I start heading to Luke's house I knock on the door, Luke opens it.

"Hey Maddie." He says.

"Hi Luke." I responded.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks.

"Yep!" I say enthusiastically. Luke walks out of his apartment and locks the door and we walk out of the complex towards the park.

We get to the park and start kicking the ball back and forth.

Until he asks me, "How was school today?" I kick the ball back to him and say.

"Same old same old, just one test today though thank goodness but I still have quite a bit of homework that I have to do so I'm not totally off the hook." I say jokingly.

Luke chuckles and says. "That's good for the most part, but you forgot to tell me something didn't you?" He says the last part sternly. I just stare at him with a blank face. I don't know what I forgot to tell him, he must've noticed I didn't realize what he was referring to because he started walking towards me with a worried expression on his face, he asks. "Maddie, be honest with me, why do you have scratches on your hand?" He says as he looks at my right hand gently running his thumb over the scars on my hand. I sigh. "I got into another fight at school today. That's all it was just a small one though and besides it's just a couple scratches Luke." I say, trying to explain myself because It was just a minor fight. Luke lets go of my hand and runs his hands through his hair.

"Maddie what did I tell you about getting into fights, they do no good to you or anyone don-" I cut him off. "Don't make the same mistake you did, I know Luke." I tell him but of course he has a response. "THEN WHY DO YOU KEEP GETTING HURT!" He yells, I just stand there because I usually have a response for everything but this. No. I hate being yelled at but I know today I kinda deserved it because Luke has told me to stop getting into fights plenty of times before and I try to listen but then those kids at school just get on my nerves so bad and I just-. Luke starting to talk ripped me out of my thoughts. "Look Maddie I'm sorry for yelling at you but you got to learn to stop getting into fights, and I know the kids and school can really get on your nerves and I get that but you need to learn to control your anger and I know it's difficult but believe me it works okay? I know you think me telling you all of this is annoying because I tell you every day but the day you actually do what I'm suggesting is the day that I stop reminding you okay?" He says calming down.

"Okay." I say in response he smiles.

"It's 4:35. We should get back to the complex now so you can get your homework done." He states as he puts the soccer ball under his right arm and wraps his left around my shoulders and says. "How bout we put a bandaid on your hand and I won't tell your mom about it" He says making me chuckle.

"Sure why not." I say smiling, this causes him to look at me smiling.

"There she is!" He says, making me laugh even more.

We get back inside the complex and start walking to Luke's apartment and he unlocks the door and we walk in he says. "Are you hungry? I got some chips 'n like some canned soup if you want any." I look at him.

"I'm not hungry right now Luke but thank you, I'm just gonna go get my bag so I can do my homework." I told him.

"You're welcome, and sure you go get your bag I'm gonna make myself some soup though so suit yourself." He says jokingly. I nod and head out the door to my apartment when I get inside to grab my stuff I get a phone call from my Mom I answer.

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