Chapter 9 I'm living in hell

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TW: Violence 

That voice was very familiar, I looked over and saw that it was Luke speed walking towards me and Daniel. Just then John and the rest of the men walked out of the house.

"Ah Luke, what a surprise! Why are you here?" Daniel says as James grabs my arm and I wince and whimper a bit then I look down to see the blood on my arm dripping down onto his hand but he doesn't take it away. Luke heard me whimper and tried to push past Daniel but he held him back.

"You're not going anywhere near her Luke!" Daniel spat as he pushed Luke away. Luke ignored him and punched him is the face then Chris, Adam and Charlie walk up to Luke and Chris and Adam hold him back, by grabbing his arms while Charlie walked in front of him, just then I felt James move behind me and grab both of my arms holding me back, Luke ignores the men for the time being and looks at me. "Maddie are you alright!?" He asks, looking at me with worry as he sees what Daniel did to my arm, he gets mad and looks back at me. "Maddie, did Daniel do that to you?" He asks, looking at me. I nod my head and feel James jerk me back and kneed me in the back of my knee causing me to fall to my knees but I stand back up after James yanks me back up to my feet. Luke shakes Chris and Adam off causing them to let go of him. I see Luke turn to face Daniel who is still holding his jaw and bleeding nose.

"How could you do that Daniel! And to your own DAUGHTER no less!!!" Luke yells at Daniel.

Daniel just looks back at Luke. "She was being a brat you dumbass bastard!" Daniel yelled back.

"Careful now it isn't good to use your whole vocabulary in one sentence." Luke insulted, making me laugh a little bit but thankfully James didn't notice, but Luke did and gave me a subtle wink and a smirk causing me to smile a bit. Daniel scoffed at the insult, Luke turned to look at him again. "Oh and Daniel, Maddie is not a brat, she's the sweetest, kindest, and the strongest girl I've ever met and if you can't see that in your own daughter then you are clearly blind, and you also don't deserve to call her your daughter and you don't deserve to be called her father!" Luke spat, earning him a punch to the stomach by Charlie. "You wanna say that again you bastard." Daniel said getting in Luke's face.

"There we go with the vocabulary thing again, you really didn't pay attention in English class in school did you Danny?" Luke said that put Daniel over the edge. Daniel nodded to the men and John and Charlie started beating Luke with their fists, kicking him, and even kneeing him in the face like they did to me. When Daniel pulled his knife out from his pocket I knew I had to try and do something to help.

"NO, LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I screamed, making Daniel turn to me.

"Aw what's wrong princess? Can't handle a little bloody fight?" Daniel says talking to me like I'm a baby. "Come on princess, I'll show you a fight up close and personal." Daniel states walking towards me and putting his hand on the back of my neck with a firm grip. I feel James let go of me as Daniel walks me towards Luke.

"Leave her outta this Daniel." Luke states weakly as Daniel drags me over to where Luke is currently getting beat up. Daniel turns to Luke for a moment.

"Oh shut up ya old bastard!" Daniel yells back then turns back to me, "Sweetheart, I want you to take this." He paused as he gave me his pocket knife then continued, "And stab Luke with it." he said finishing his statement. I looked at Daniel in shock and shook my head no.

"I'm not gonna stab Luke, I don't have to do what you tell me to." I said to Daniel as I tried to hand him the knife back. Then the men stopped hitting Luke to see what was happening and Luke heard all of it.

"It wasn't a request darling." Daniel said, shoving the knife back into my hands.

"No, NO! I won't do it, I can't, I don't care what you say I'm not gonna do it!" Daniel keeled down in front of me and looked me in the eyes.

"I said stab him not kill him there's a difference princess." Daniel said. I cringed at the nicknames again, I hated them. As he saw I still wasn't going to do it he sighed and stood up back to his feet and pulled a pistol out from his back pocket, looked at it and sighed. "I really wish it didn't have to come to this darling." He said and sighed again before putting my pistol to my head. "If you don't stab Luke I will pull this trigger honey and you're not gonna like what will happen, if I do you'll be dead then I'll kill Luke too just for fun." Daniel said as he pressed the barrel of the pistol harder into the side of my head. I gasped as Daniel looked down at me. "Just stab him Maddie it's not that hard, stab him and you won't die too because I will admit I don't wanna kill you honey, on my first time I didn't have a choice it was a situation much like this my father had this very gun pressed to my head except I had to kill my mother and you only have to stab your bastard of a neighbor, you don't even have to kill him but when you stab him you'll see how much fun it really is." Daniel said as I took the pocket knife into my shaky hand and I looked at Luke he just looked back at me and smiled.

"It's okay Maddie you could never hurt me." Luke said as he kept that small smile on his face, I looked at him with tears now running down my face as I gripped the knife into my hand and closed my eyes as I let out a silent sob.

"Damn it Maddie just do it!" John yelled at me out of the corner of my eye. I saw Daniel give John a dirty look then John just sat there in silence.

"We're not leaving till you do it Maddie." Daniel said still with the pistol pressed into my head.

"Maddie it's okay, it's alright kiddo just do it, do it and you can go." Luke whispered softly to me and flashed me another small smile, one that only I could see. I still held the knife not wanting to do anything with it except stab everyone but Luke. Just then I heard a gunshot. 

1,180 words

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