Chapter 3 I call Shotgun

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About 2 hours later we picked up and cleaned the house and put everything back to where it was but we had to throw out the things that were broken which Luke was pissed about.

"Why did they have to make such a huge mess?" I say annoyed.

"I would rather have a huge mess to clean up than have you getting hurt and going missing." Luke says kindly I smile for a second before.

"Ow dammit!" I yell and fall to the ground.

Luke rushes over to me. "What happened!" He exclaims.

"I stubbed my toe on the corner of the coffee table." I tell him, he laughs.

"You little idiot." Luke says laughing.

"Oh shut up Luke! How often do you stub your toe!" I say jokingly.

"Fair point kiddo, come on." He holds his hand out for me to grab, I take his hand and he pulls me back up to my feet.

About half an hour later I got a call from my mom on my phone and answered it.

"Hey Mom, how's work going?" I ask her.

"Hi honey It's going okay I guess but I just- can I talk to Luke for a minute please?" She asks me.

"Sure mom" I responded, handing my phone to Luke.

"Hey Annie." Luke says.

"Hi Luke so I just found out that we are super short staffed today and tomorrow so I won't be coming home at all today or tomorrow probably- what Janice! Friday too! Ugh fine! Sorry about that Luke they just told me I'm going to be working all night today, all day tomorrow and Friday. I'm sorry for dumping all this on you so soon but could you just watch Maddie till friday?" Annie asks, sounding guilty about asking Luke to watch me for so long.

"Yes Annie, that's fine, I can watch Maddie till friday. It's not a problem." He says generously.

"Oh my god Luke! thank you so much you have no idea how much you're helping me out!" Annie says grateful.

"Like I said Annie it's not a problem I'll be home when she gets back from school and we'll do what we always do, go to the park then do homework and eat just like any other day, alright?" He replies.

"Alright thank you again Luke I re- Just a minute Janic jeez! Sorry Luke but I got to go now. I'll talk to you later." Annie says then hangs up Luke walks over to me to give me my phone back but I have fallen asleep on the couch. Luke looks at me, smiles and sets my phone down on the coffee table, puts a blanket over me, turns off the TV and walks away to his room and takes a nap.

About a few hours later it's about 7:00 am and Luke wakes up to the sound of screaming coming from the living room. Luke rushes out of his bedroom and runs to the living room to see me sitting there with tears in my eyes and breathing heavily. Luke sits next to me and pulls me in for a hug, rubbing my back to calm me down.

"Shh Maddie it's okay, do you wanna tell me what happend?" He asks, trying to see if he can help the situation.

"I-I had a dream that the m-men came back." I told him.

"They're not coming back anytime soon, not while I'm here it's okay they're not gonna hurt you again" Luke tells me soon I stop crying and break the hug.

"I'm sorry I woke you up Luke" I tell him.

"No, no Maddie it's okay don't be sorry I was already awake I didn't want to wake you up." Luke lied but he had a good reason. I just sat there and nodded my head.

"Here get up, get dressed, we're going somewhere." Luke says picking me up off the couch and carrying me to the kitchen before setting me down on the floor.

"Get your school stuff ready and bring it with you." He tells me laughing.

"Okay, Okay." I say laughing along with him.

"Hurry up!" He yells jokingly across the room.

"Oh just shut up I'm trying!" I yell back sarcastically, making him laugh.

"Here, think fast." Luke tells me as he throws me a cereal bar for breakfast.

"Thanks." I say after I catch it.

"You're welcome, now walk, go,go,go out the door, come on!" Luke yells grabbing my backpack and slinging it over his shoulder making me laugh as he pushes me out the door and goes to lock it. "Um I forgot it was broken." He says, making me laugh.

"Well I guess you're gonna have to make a stop at a hardware store." I replied.

"Oh shut up and go get in the truck." He replies jokingly. I start going down the stairs to the parking garage but I hear Luke running down the stairs yelling. "Come on, let's go!" He laughs as he runs past me then I start running after him eventually we make it to the parking garage as I run past him I yell.

"I call shotgun!" Making him laugh and run after me. Luke unlocks the truck and I get in the passenger's side. "So where are we going anyway?" I ask Luke.

"Somewhere." He responds vaguely.

"Wow, that's so helpful." I say sarcastically, making him laugh.

We pull up to the park we always go to.

"Luke, why are we here? It's dark and we didn't bring the soccer ball?" He doesn't say anything and just gets out of the truck walking over to my side. I open the door and get out of the car.

"What are you waiting for?" He says and closes my door and grabs my hand and starts running over to where a bench is. "I brought you here so we could watch the sun rise." He tells me as he lets go of my hand and puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me toward him as we watch the sunrise over the water and trees. Luke looks down at me, smiling then he looks back at the sunrise and we both just stare into the yellow, orange, and light pink sky.    

1,043 words  

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