Chapter 10 Forever

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TW: Violence 

I hear a ringing sensation in my ear. I look over to see James on the floor holding his leg. I turn to face Daniel who's already looking at me.

"Do it!" He spat at me.

"NO!" I yelled at him, he seemed taken aback by my response.

"I just shot James over there and I know that you can only hear out of one ear right now because of that! Don't think that I won't shoot you too!" Daniel said, pressing the barrel of the gun back to my head. I looked at Luke with tears running down my face.

"Hey kiddo, it's okay you can't hurt me remember, you could never hurt me." Luke tells me as I pick the knife up off the ground and look back at Daniel.

"Do I have to?" I asked, crying silently.

"Yes." Daniel said as he wiped the tears off my face. "You have to and don't be so emotional, he had it coming." Daniel said as he took the knife from my hands and placed it into his hand making a stabbing motion with his hand, then he handed the knife back to me showing me the proper way to stab someone. "I'm so sorry Luke." I said sobbing as I slowly brought the knife to his arm.

"It's okay." Luke said as he managed to get one of his hands free and lightly grabbed my wrist guiding my hand to his arm and when the knife made contact with Luke's arm I saw the blood and scrunched my eyes closed as Luke continued to take my hand and drive the knife deeper into his skin to stab him. I saw Luke wince at the pain but he was trying to hide it. As the knife got about halfway in I heard Daniel.

"All the way in." He stated, with a smirk on his face. I closed my eyes but I felt Luke let go of my hand and put his hand on my face.

"You have to do the rest okay, Maddie." Luke told me.

"No, no please I don't wanna, I don't like this I don't like it when you're in pain, please Luke!" I begged. "Maddie you have to okay just one small shove, alright." Luke told me as he wiped the tears from my face. "You don't have to look." He then takes his hand away from my face and it was taken behind his back again by Adam. I closed my eyes and then with the strength I had left I shoved the rest of the knife into his forearm. I hear Luke grunt at the pain then I go to take it out but Daniel stops me.

"You did it! Leave it in, it will stop him from bleeding out too much." Daniel says as he takes me away from Luke I look back at Luke and mouth "I'm sorry." And he gives me the symbol that he is okay with his hand and a small smile.

"Where are we going?" I ask Daniel as he grabs onto my arm and takes me to a car.

"Get in." He says pointing to the trunk.

"What no, I'm not going anywhere with you!" I spat at him, making him sigh.

"Darling, don't make me force you." He said, looking down at me. I stayed put and didn't move, he signed again and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder walking to the trunk of the car.

"PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled but he just went to the trunk and opened it when I heard a faint voice yell, "MADDIE!" It was Luke I started punching Daniel in his back trying to make him let go of me but it was no use. "Maddie stop." Daniel said taking me off of his shoulder and placing me in the trunk before I could blink he closed it then I heard him lock it. I started banging on the roof of the trunk but it was no use, no one is here, no one is going to save me. I stopped banging on the trunk when I heard the door close and the car start.

I must've blacked out because when I woke up I was in a different room sitting on a leather couch. I looked to my left and saw a huge window looking over a city.

"Ah, look who's awake." I heard Daniel say before he sat down next to me on the couch with a drink in his hand. "Welcome home Maddie." Daniel said as he took a sip of his drink then set it down on the table and looked at me, "Where's Luke?" I asked. Daniel sighed.

"Don't worry that bastard is fine, only a little bloody." Daniel said then paused and grabbed his glass again and continued, "Or he could be dead." He said that made me snap my head towards him. "You did stab him and that was about 5 hours ago." He said looking at his watch. Daniel saying this made me feel guilty and I guess he noticed. "Hey don't beat yourself up about it, Luke's a selfish bastard who doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself." He told me to grab his phone from his pocket and I guess he changed because he was now wearing a different suit than before. He turned to me and held out his phone to me. "Call your mother, tell her that you're with Luke so she doesn't get worried." He told me.

"So you want me to lie to her and say I'm with Luke?" I ask.

"Yeah that's what I just said, didn't I?" Daniel said back.

"Well what if she asks to talk with him?" I ask again, trying to stall for as much as possible.

"Then tell her that Luke's in the shower." Daniel said as if it was obvious. I took the phone from his hand and dialed her number and heard it ring. "On speaker." He told me right before mom picked up.

"Oh Maddie honey thank God you answered, I was getting so worried, why weren't you answering your phone?" She asked.

"Hi mom, I think I left my phone in my locker at school so that's why I wasn't answering." I told her it was a lie.

"Ohhh alright anyway what are you doing?" She asked me.

"Oh just watching some TV." I told her I lied again.

"Oh alright, where's Luke?" She asked.

"Oh he's in the shower but we were doing homework then we watched some TV." I responded with another lie.

"Did you eat dinner?" She asked me.

"Um, no not yet we will when Luke gets out of the shower though." I tell her and look at Daniel who just keeps staring at me but he nods his head in approval.

"Oh well tell him don't bother with making anything I'm bringing a pizza when I get home and he can just come and eat with us." Mom says.

"Oh um, okay I'll see you later then mom, I love you." I told her.

"Aw, I love you too honey, bye bye." She said that then I hung up the phone and handed it back to Daniel who took it and put it back in his pocket.

"Good job, see you're a natural liar." Daniel said then walked away and mumbled. "Now to get rid of your mother." I could see it in his eyes he didn't think I heard him but I did so I took this time and jumped off the couch and ran towards the door but Daniel saw me and as soon as I got the door open a bit it closed and I looked up to see his hand above me he then took his hand off the door and turned me around so I was facing him and put his hands on my shoulders. "Don't try it Maddie, I will always get there first." He then locked the door with his handprint. "Go sit back down on my couch." He told me and I went and sat back down on the couch then I thought about something Luke said to me when I was 6, I remember we were walking through the park when he turned to me and said. "I will always be with you Maddie, forever." He said then turned back around to look at the sunset. Yeah who knew forever only lasts so long I thought to myself.

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