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This page is just explaining the main characters in this au 🤭

Main characters + there ages:
Balloon: 16

I chose them cuz there my faves and I want to see them suffer balloon will probably have a big focus cuz he's my fave ever :)

Ships + hcs(might add more later)
Oj:gay (crush on  paper )
Balloon: pan,asexual and trans masc (I can't remeber if he was asexual or aromantic 😭)
Lightbulb:pan and trans fem (in relationship with paintbrush)

The angst hcs in this might be a bit random and probably super depressing

I will also post art during the series as it goes on.

If you enjoy this story I will hopefully be posting updates and mabye posts of animations or art of it on my tt @max_thesilly if you wanna check it out

Anyways I hope you enjoy I'll try finish this fic but I make no promises if you have any ideas as it goes on leave them in them comments and I'll most likely use them or if there's any ships you want me to do 🤭

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