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(Balloons pov)

I woke up around 2:30am with a pounding headache,I decided I should go get a drink from the kitchen but as I approached the door I remembered what smiles had told us 'do NOT leave your rooms past 12:00' I thought thsi was weird but I didn't know if I  could stand being in that room another minute the tall walls felt like they were leaning over me the floor bending and contraction as I stumbled towards the door and turned the handle.

The hallway was dark and had a cool breeze sifting through it, I stepped out into the hall and began to walk toward the kitchen, as I walked past oj and yinyangs room I peeked inside to see them sleeping peacefully it seems oj was able to get Yang to go to sleep.

As I continued down the hallway the headache got worse and the walls almost felt like they were closing in the hall getting narrower the further I went, the eyes of the paintings seemed to follow me staring into my soal.

It felt like the hall went on forever never seeming to finish.until I heard something... there was the faint sound of crying coming from a room,as I approach the crying got louder and I noticed on the door there was a small sign,

Frowns room

Peeking inside I could see frown sitting on a mattress on the floor the room was small and cramped all that was in there was a mattress some colouring pencils surrounded by drawings that scattered the floors and walls.

I looked up at frowns who was still letting out a loud crying noise,then I turned my attention to there hand they were taking off the bandages slowly.

I almost threw up once they'd finished taking off the bandage causing me to clasp my mouth firmly in order to not let out any noise, there hand was mangled and torn with big open wounds all over it, the cuts were leaking the same green blood from earlier while his fingers were chipped and torn bleeding all over the bed.

Frowns was shaking rapidly and crying while he wrapped a new bandage around his hand.

This gruesome sight almost distracted me from the drawings but I still couldn't help but look at them, they depicted drawings of smiles and frowns scribbled into the paper,while some seemed pretty happy such as them sitting eating dinner with a group of people I noticed to be the people on the portraits in the hall,it had speech bubbles drawn  but none of the writing was readable,then there were sad drawings that depicted frowns and smiles standing in a dark field with graves all around them in these ones they were both crying even though smiles still had a large smile on his face, looking at these images made me feel a sting of sadness at the grief that smiles and frowns went through.

The last set of drawing were the worst they seemed to be the most recent and showed images of smiles and frowns sat by a wall, I'm some of them it was just frowns in others it was just smiles but the one thing they all had in common was a image of a large shadow like creature inside the walls almost trying to claw its way out, every time frowns was depicted in one of these he was turned away from the wall as it spoke to him but smiles on the other hand was leaning towards the wall each drawing he seemed closer and closer to the creature as it got bigger.

Some of frowns draiwngs

Some of frowns draiwngs

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