Crunching at dinner

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Ojs pov

" there are more"

Just as this thought crossed my mind footsteps began to echo through the large room,I looked up to see another strange person they looked almost the same as the first one with the fact they definitely weren't a normal object aswell as the split colour thing smiles seemed to have going on,  this one was plié and white with a blue head and white headphones most of there features where the same as smiles exept there face to this one had a large frown plastered on there face and two tear like markings under there eyes, they walked down my the stairs carrying some towels then came to an abrupt stop as they reached us.

Just as this thought crossed my mind footsteps began to echo through the large room,I looked up to see another strange person they looked almost the same as the first one with the fact they definitely weren't a normal object aswell as the split co...

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The feeling that came with this one was completely different from smiles it was a sad feeling but oddly comforting immediately taking the feeling of anxiety as it walked over.

"Ah frowns I'm glad you could make it :)" smiles said turning to face them "balloon,oj,lightbulb,yinyang this is frowns my brother" smiles introduces frowns as his brother witch made sense since they looked so similar.

We all waved hello to frowns and they waved back,there body movements were slow and soft they seemed to stand in a more defensive posture unlike smiles who stood up straight and moved fast. Frowns handed up the towels and we dried of the rain that dripped down onto the floor creating a small puddle beneath our feet. I look over to the others,lightbulb was beaming happily seemingly unaffected by the weirdness of all of this whilst balloon honestly seemed the worst he was stood behind lightbulb looking like he'd just seen a gost,he was staring at something I turned to see what it was and there across from balloon stood smiles who seemed to be staring a piercing death glare at balloon who cowered behind the rather clueless Lightbulb.

Since we got here I noticed smiles doesn't seem to like balloon much the whole time they've been shooting him murderous glares I couldn't seem to understand why since balloon had barely spoken since they arrived.

Eventually I tore my gase away from balloon and smiles and turned my attention to yinyang who was
Quietly drying there arms with the towel, there calm and happy expression paired with the fact that nothing was broken yet signified that yin was currently in charge meaning they must've agreed to let him take charge for a while, I let out a sigh of relief Yang was fun and all but right now I really didn't want him breaking some of smiles and frowns things.

A moment later I was snapped out of my thoughts by smiles beginning to talk again "well how would you five like to spend the night here! It won't stop raining till tomorrow and we have pleanty enough rooms for you all to stay in :) " smiles said pointing towards the still often door where the rain outside hit the concrete steps with a slash, it would be almost impossible to find out way home in this so I had no right but to accept smiles invitation "uh sure that would be awsome thanks" I immediately notice balloons expression drop I guess he wasn't hoping to stay in this house much longer,I felt bad but then again I don't have much of a choice in the matter there was no way we would get home in that weather.

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