Chapter 28: Look who got their body switched

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Author's Note:

Characters might be out of character sometimes.

This chapter includes swearing and might have grammatical errors.

The bonus part is not part of the story.

«...» - wind elements
<...> - gods
"Italic"/ Italic - flashback/record/dream

Thank you and happy reading ❤️

. . . . 



[ Congratulations! Game Complete ]

A bright light flash.

A familiar room greeted them. It was Leviathan's room.

"...I'm...I'm not Stupidmammon anymore! We're back in the real world!"

Mammon raised his arms in joy. He's no longer Stupidmammon. He is free. Finally free from that name!

Leviathan also did the same. He raised his arms in joy.

"Cue the confetti! We broke the RTA speedrun record!"

Leviathan hurriedly picked up his phone and went to brag about the game in the devilgram.

"Hey, we did it, Satan! We made it back to the real world!"

Mammon grabbed Satan's shoulder and slightly shook him.

"Mammon, I'm over here."

'Oh no. Don't tell me...'

Cale looked at Lucifer and Satan back and forth.


Mammon's mouth slightly gape open, somehow confused. Even Leviathan who is typing on his phone paused and stared at them.

"So, I'm guessing that means that–"

"Yep. I'm Lucifer."

Lucifer, who is back inside Satan's body, cut off Leviathan and continued.

"So, in the end, we only returned to our bodies in the game world..."

"Whereas here in the world, it seems the magic that caused us to switch bodies hasn't worn off yet."

Satan, who is inside Lucifer's body, interjected.


Mammon couldn't believe it. They went inside in the game world just for nothing?

"What if you guys stayed inside the game world until the spell wears off here in the Devildom?"

Leviathan suggested.

Lucifer nodded in agreement.

Cale stared at Lucifer stoically, definitely disagreeing with Leviathan's suggestion. Although they don't know it since Cale just stood there silently, without reactions.

"What if Cerberus attacks again?!"

Mammon exclaimed, also disagrees with this suggestion.

"No problem. I've got Lucifer."

Satan replied nonchalantly.

Lucifer raised his brow, staring at Satan as if he said something ridiculous.

"What's that now? You want to force me to stare down Cerberus again?"

"Well, it's nothing my big brother can't handle, now is it? Even Cerberus becomes like a regular dog when faced with Lucifer's icy stare."

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