005. debs are sheeps

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chapter five.
debs are sheeps
heat waves.

Leila was up before the sun

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Leila was up before the sun. She didn't give her alarm a chance to go off because she was awake seventeen minutes before the time she set it to. The house was eerily quiet giving her the signal that she was the only one up but she knew that Susannah would wake up at the earliest times to make sure breakfast was ready for everyone.

Did Leila want to be up this early on the first full day back at Cousins? No. But she had a longing need that she needed to fulfill or she couldn't rest. She needed to spend as much time as she could practicing and perfecting her surfing especially as the competition was less than a month away.

After she got ready for her long day at the beach, she headed downstairs for the daily summer ritual of her and Susannah having a conversation over iced tea. The closer she got to the kitchen, the stronger the scent of pancakes and freshly brewed coffee engulfed her. It smelt like comfort.

"Good morning sunshine" Susannah grinned, already setting down two glasses full of ice and iced tea by the kitchen counter. Leila got the same seat as she did yesterday when everyone first got to the house.

Leila smiled back at her and took her seat. Susannah wasted no time reaching for her curls and playing with her hair.

"Please no matter what your father says when he comes, do not straighten your hair. It's so beautiful" Susannah begged, stopping for a second to take a sip of her iced tea.

"I'll try but I can't make any promises. You know how he is" Leila shrugged, resting her arms on the counter.

Everyone else may have sympathized with her about the cold-hearted snake her father turned into over the years but no one else could feel her hurt towards it besides Susannah who made the effort to be the adult that Leila needed. She would say everything to Leila that the teenager wanted her father to say.

"Thanks for the juice, I have to get to the beach" Leila chirped. The book bag that she dropped on the floor was picked up and placed over her left shoulder, leaving her right arm free to hold her board.

"Are you going to go catch some waves?" Susannah wondered, moving to continue with the big breakfast she was cooking for the rest of the sleeping house. It was only a short matter of time before the rest of the moms woke up.

"Yeah," chuckled Leila, "Something like that. I'll be back later for debutante shopping."

Before Leila could walk towards the backdoor which made less noise than the front, Susannah shoved a lunch bag towards Leila who had no choice but to accept because she wouldn't be able to leave if she didn't take it.

The walk to the beach was short and heavenly. As much Leila hated waking up before most of Cousins during the summertime, there was peace she found in knowing that she got to be one of the only people walking through the crisp, warm air with the beating humidity of the sun lessening as she got closer to the beach where the wind that was always colder by the water only further calmed her down.

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