007. sweet sixteen

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chapter seven.
sweet sixteen
heat waves.

Leila could see why Belly was so fond of her new summer fling, Cameron

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Leila could see why Belly was so fond of her new summer fling, Cameron. Although he was nervous to be at her birthday dinner, he was sweet and attentive. He made sure to answer any questions thrown his way, no matter how stupid. He laughed at any joke that was said even if he didn't understand it. He was very active and friendly with a group of people that he was meeting for the first time. Where Cameron was enthusiastic and extroverted, Conrad Fisher was sulking and introverted on his end of the table.

Instead of joining in on all the conversation and fun, Leila sat there comparing and contrasting Belly's crushes. She zoned in and out and even forgot to speak when she noticed Jeremiah eyeing down the new couple before teasing Cameron with the new nickname Cam Cameron as a joke from the first time they spoke and Cameron stuttered his name out.

Leila knew she was being quiet but she didn't think anyone else noticed, there was too much going on at once with eleven people in the room. She didn't have much to say, she was observing. Thankfully, her older brother noticed Jeremiah's face too. Oliver glanced over at Leila who caught his eye and they made a knowing look insisting they would talk about it later.

Susannah came up with the Midsommar theme for Belly's dinner and went all out with decorations. She even created flower crowns for the girls and they sat prettily on top of Leila, Belly, and Taylor's head. Leila was often amazed at the things Susannah did, she had so many hidden talents. One of her talents was doing so much with so little time. Leila begged Susannah to let her help with decorations but Susannah wanted all her focus to be on her "one of a kind" cake as Susannah called it.

Belly and Cameron kept exchanging thoughtful glances to each other and Leila thought it was sweet how they were both nervous. She never thought she would see the day where Belly was getting over Conrad. Belly had tried her best to convince her that she started not caring about what Conrad was doing in a five hour long talk that they had one night about everything and nothing at the same time. But Leila didn't know if she believed it.

Oliver kicked Leila under the table to get her attention so she could join the conversation. Leila watched him as he tilted his head towards the group signaling that he wanted her involved in it. She obeyed because she didn't want him to think anything was wrong, she just zones out too easily.

At the moment, Jeremiah and Steven were getting on Cameron for being a vegetarian and being with Belly who eats meat all the time which Belly and Taylor were rolling their eyes at. Leave it to the boys to try and intimidate Belly's first almost boyfriend.

"So, you let her kiss you with those lips?" Jeremiah questioned.

"Guys" Belly warned, starting to feel embarrassed, "Stop."

"No, I don't judge people for eating meat" Cameron blushed, "It's just, like, a personal choice. I don't care."

"So you don't mind if like her lips touch a dead animal and then those dead animal lips touch your lips, right?"

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