Challenge 1. Truth or dare

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Team 1s  truth or dare.

The cards were layed out and heather went first. It was a truth card, it read, Truth. would you honestly sleep whith anyone on your team? Hather looked at the dumbass lie decector collar they had all had placed on their necks. Heather paused before awnsering in a lie. No. I wouldnt.  she was shocked for telling a lie. It was obvious to allon the team to who of team strategy she would sleep whith, Alejandro.  Geoff picked up a dare card, talk shit about someon on the show. He started his rant about how scott seemed like a total bitch to his friend courntey, Who he refered to as mocha for some reason. 

Alejandro picked up a dare card, and to his suprise it read, Kiss someone on the team whith tounge. Alejandro slowly kissed heather untill noah butted in whith a sarcastic statmet. Noah; wow! those too making out? Shocker. noah picked up a truth card, Are you gay? Noah: Parcially yes. But i do have a girlfriend, emma.

as justin, The final person on his team to pick up his card he got a horrible dare. for him anyway. 

wear emo makeup all day. Justin refued, costing them the 5th point of the challlenge 

Team 2 team vicory 2.0 harold went first, His dare said, Kiss the tallest person in the room. The tallset was linsay. 

but he asked all but leshawna to get on there knees. Gwen was hesitent. Harold: gosh. Please just get on your knees so leshawna is the tallest. Gosh. She did as asked, And harold got to kiss lehaswna 

Suddenly a loud crack was herd from acros the camp

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