give and keep

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Bluey and Bingo were playing with y
Their toys and Evan entered the room and he asked them if they have any toys that they don't play with anymore, Bluey and Bingo said "yeah" and pointed towards the cabinet then Bluey remembered something and tried to stop Evan but she was too late "what is it Bluey-" Evan opened the cabinet and a large pile of toys fell out on to Evan, After Evan placed all the toys Infront of him and the kids he then told them that he's going to give some of the toys to other kids and they understood Evan then took a dragon plushie and asked them if its a keep or a give, Bluey and Bingo were thinking about it and decided to give and Evan placed it in the corner

Then afterwards they did this for an hour until there were three plushies left the small one was a keep then the other one was a pink dog and it was a keep then lastly was a sans plush Evan then thought about something and placed the sans plush on the give he then got a cardboards box and started placing the toys in them Bluey and Bingo helped soon they were finished and Evan took the boxes and left the house but was stopped by Bluey and Bingo they wanted to know where Evan going, He told them to the orphanage they tilted their heads and evan explained to them of what a orphanage, Then Bluey and Bingo wanted to come along he said "sure" and they were on their way to the orphanage

They then arrived and Evan waved at the receptionist and told her they were giving these toys to the orphans she pointed towards the door and they entered the room, It was a large room with lots of kids playing they then saw Evan and they immediately ran to him and greeted him then he opened the box to show them the toys he and Bluey, Bingo gave the toys to the orphans soon Evan heard a familiar voice it was Mixie the gray wolf she ran and jumped on to Evan and hugged him he then placed her down and gave her the sans plush her tail wagging and she smiled and hugged the plush then Evan wrote her name on the tag of it she thanked Evan and they hugged eachother

Hello and I have an announcement that the next chapter on the main story is going to be released on 28 or 29 of December and i'm really excited about this chapter it's halfway finished and thank you all for reading Ciao!

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