Evan's time with Sam 3

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Evan slowly opened his eyes and walked out of bed then left his room into the bathroom brushing his teeth and washing his face then he looks at himself in the mirror and his hair has gotten longer now it looked like this

With Evan's longer hair he was combing it then slightly shook his head and he went back to his room and checked what he can do today

But got an idea a d called up Samantha if she can hang out again with him

Sam: hey Evan what's up?

Evan: hey Sam wanna go to the hobbit anime shop and buy some kits?

Sam: yeah sure, oh wait have you eaten brekkie yet?

Evan: nope, you?

Sam: haven't eaten yet so let's eat at the mall instead

Evan: alright meet ya there

He ended the call then went to the bathroom to take a cold bath using his favourite lavender shampoo using it everyday

Then he wore his clothes a black plain t-shirt with black shorts too and white socks then his red hoodie and left the house

He took the bus that way he can get to the mall faster, after 3 minutes he arrived and went up the escalator into the mall there he wandered around

Sam: Evan!, over here!

Evan: hey morning Sam

Sam: morning so where do you like to eat brekkie at?

Evan: hm.. can't decide

Sam: how about Up'n Adam?

Evan: sure what do they have for brekkie

Sam: they got the brekkie sandwich, morning cakes, egg biscuits, g'day sandwich and hash browns with scrambled or sunny up eggs

Evan: ohh that sounds really good what's your preferred?

Sam: hmm.. probably the.. morning cakes they taste really good

Evan: well i'll get what you get then

Sam: alright

They went to the restaurant and ordered their food and sat down to eat

Evan: mm.. this tastes really good

Sam: told ya this was my favourite

Evan: so where do you want to go now?

Sam: how about we go shopping

Evan: kay but what are we going to buy?

Sam: hm.. maybe some hats clothes other stuff

They started at a clothing store and Sam was picking some clothes for her while Evan checked the clothes there but most were made for dog body types

Evan: can't seem to find any that would fit me..

Sam: oh hm.. wait here!

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