Juno Maverick
- 18 years old
- Freshman in college. Major: Physical Education
-Fluffy, thick blonde hair; a couple of inches below shoulders
-Amber eyes
- Canine (Dog ears and tail)
-Golden retriever mix
- Athletic; plays and loves college baseball. Batter on team.
Kathrine Tracy
-18 Years old
-Freshman in college; Major: Culinary
-Straight black hair; long, down to mid-back
-Yellow eyes
-Feline (Cat ears and tail)
-Black cat
-Popular; has high reputation from high school. Likes clothes, her phone, and gossip.
Close Quarters
Teen FictionJuno Maverick, a blonde young woman, is on her journey to adapt to college life. As she is welcomed into this life, she comes to meet her new dormmate, Kathrine. There's one big issue; Juno and Kathrine should NOT mix. Juno being sporty, outgoing an...