A lover

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I want a lover,
Who doesn't only love me in private,
I want a lover who can look me in the eyes and say,
"I love you" and mean it,
I want a lover who isn't afraid to hold my hand,
I want a lover who will love me no matter what,
A lover.
Someone who will take pictures with me,
Listen to music with me,
Text me all day and night,
Talk to me when they are down or scared,
Watch the stars with me,
Do cringy and embarrassing things with me,
Take me on dates,
Dance with me in the rain,
Wear matching pajamas with me,
Buy me things because they truly want to,
Someone who will let me hold them,
Someone I can post on those cute TikTok trends,
Or they could post me,
Someone who will let their guard down for me,
Will do anything for me,
Because I would do anything for my lover.
A lover.

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