The annoying family members visit

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"SHIKAMARU BREAKFASTS READY! I swear that child's always sleeping" yoshino said as she headed up the steps to her son's room.Shikamaru get up your foods getting cold and your grandparents are coming soon with your cousins". At that Shikamaru got up real quick."oh come on not them they are so weird and where are they even gonna sleep".Shikamaru don't you talk to them that way they are your family"."Yea old family that are always talking about each other and my friend's"."even so your seeing them Shikamaru now get ready you don't have any training so you can do whatever".
At that he almost sprung up to get out of the house at least he had a plan to get out of this now. He dressed and quickly ate breakfast."bye" he said quickly before he went out the green door.He went through the market trying to find one of his best friends that will always do a favor for him.He was walking through the market scanning it with his eyes when he heard the tip of a a pup.He turned his head to see Kiba and Akamaru looking at him from a couple stalls away.

Shikamaru went over to talk to the dog lover about his situation,"HEY SHIKAMARU".well he didn't expect him not to say that when he saw him but it was unexpected enough to make him go a bit faster."I'm right here you don't need to shout,man this is gonna be a drag". Shikamaru grabbed at Kiba hand and started to lead him to the group tree house that him Kiba,Naruto and Chouji share.
Kiba catching on to where they were going and took the lead.heh always have to take the lead eh Shikamaru thought to himself. Once they got to the tree house Kiba sat down signaling he's ready to hear what shikamaru has to say."so apparently my mom could ent tell me sooner that most of my relatives are coming over to stay at our house."Kiba noticeably grimaced "Man that must suck I remember what they are like." "Yea it's gonna be worse to but I need your help to get out of the house and get away from them at least for half of the time" "You got it Shika!"Kiba said with a fist bump in the air Shikamaru connected it before going over the plan of how they will escape from his relatives.

In his house,he started to dread what was about happen.Sure he liked his relatives he was supposed to but they can be a lot to much most of the time.thats why he wanted to escape with Kiba.Definitely not cause he secretly just wants to spend time with him nope.Shikamaru train of thought was interrupted thankfully by a rock thrown at his window he quickly got up from doodling on the frame of his bed he can deal with moms yelling about that later he thinks,and went open it seeing a smiling Kiba and Akamaru with him of course."hey Shika ya ready!" Kiba yelled excitedly.He smiled back at him before throwing a rope down and trying to secure it to the best of his ability but there was there to secure it to."Kiba" He yelled worriedly they had to hurry so that his parents didn't catch them."1" "wait what?!" Kiba yelled sounding like how Shikamaru felt."2" "ohhh no please say I'm strong enough to catch you""YOU BETTER BE CAUSE HERE I COME".
Land with a thump on his chest barely catching him before stumbling himself.Kiba looked happy but panicked at the same time."glad I caught ya?"Kiba said teasingly before gently putting him down."Actually yeah thanks"Shika said with a small smile.Kiba now blushing a bit smiled as wide as probably physically possible from Shikamarus smile since he barely does it those rare times he does are gonna be the death of him.
"Anyways let's get going we're gonna have so much fun in the tree house I just restocked the snack supply for this occasion."Kiba said before grabbing ahold of his hand and running towards the general direction of the groups treehouse.
Hours later they're laughing in the decorated tree house next to empty bags of junk foods and after many things of singing from the karaoke machine Naruto stole a while back."Hey I have something I want to show you come on"Kiba said,again grabbing Shika's hand and hopping out the tree house with him walking for a little while until they se a large open field with probably hundreds of wild flowers vines and little animals there.but in the middle of it all he sees a giant tree with vines hanging down and squirrels running up to the top where he can't even see.they sit down leaning on the tree while Kiba starts picking flowers and while working is taking up small chat while Shikamarus enjoying looking at everything and listening to his voice.
After a while a"done!" Was heard from the wolf child holding up the finished project and offering it to shika and he just looked at it for a bit before taking honestly thankful.He didn't really need to know how his best friend was doing good at making flower crowns cause nevertheless he was going to enjoy it for as long as he could."do you like it?" He heard from Kiba looking at him it seemed like he was so happy he might have just heard that he was appointed hokage.
"I love it"

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