It All Begins🤍 *chpt 1*

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- I woke up bored and I had absolutely nothing to do besides work. Even though it makes me a lot of money i hate babysitting. It honestly pains me to see all these parents go on vacations and stuff without their kids. Today i was babysitting the Martians at 2pm from 8pm. At the moment it was 8am. I usually never wake up this early in the summer but thats because i didnt sleep. Thanks to Evan keeping me up to play Doors on Roblox. Which reminded me to text him.
Evan wake ur ass up n also can we record tn i dont wanna do another lonely post😔.
delivered 8:05am
I close my phone and go into the living room realizing i needed to wake up Stella.
"STELLA WAKE UP" I yelled. Which only got a response of mumbling.
I start making MY favorite breakfast. Wafflessssss. It didnt take long to make them. I mean Im pretty much an expert at cooking. I grab two plates and set two pancakes on each one and of course Luna comes in the kitchen to jack a waffle.
"Luna get down" I say as she jumps on me for a waffle.
"You must be hungry my baby aren't you" I say in a baby voice. I decided to feed her before she ate every waffle i made and she happily munched on her dog food. I walk to Stellas room knocking on the door for privacy of course but no response. I heard quiet snoring so I barged into her room and ripped the blanket off.
"GIRL WAKE UP" I yell in a friendly tone.
"UGHHH fineee" Stella replies in her angsty voice as usual. I roll my eyes and walk off into the kitchen. I set the plates in the dining room which connected to the living room and turn on the tv. Stella usually picks the show but i wanted to pick it this time. I obviously picked my favorite show. South Park. As i get everything situated Stell finally walks in looking tired. We both finished eating and i cleaned everything up i needed to get ready before i had to leave for work. Even though it wasnt even close to 2 i just liked to plan ahead. I pick out my clothes and start the shower. It was cold that day so i wanted to dress warm.

(you can change the outfit if u want)When i finished getting ready i checked my phone to see 3 different messages

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(you can change the outfit if u want)
When i finished getting ready i checked my phone to see 3 different messages.
Sorry Y/n I cant record today im gonna be spending time w family sorry girll😔💔.
Ughhh wtv ill figure sum out🤷‍♀️
Heyy Y/n, i just finished editing last night's video it was really funny! It honestly reminded me of my friend Alberts videos. I edit his videos and you two have similar jokes and stuff. I can have you meet him some time.
Thank you Paige and i'll think about it im working so i'll have to see when i can.
N/n how is your youtube channel so famous i swear im getting absolutely no where with this
Girl i honestly dont know i mean i can show u some tips ans tricks i have but other than that ig its just luck.
Speaking of my channel can u record at 9pm tn i need to record and its been awhile since we've recorded tg.
I sigh slightly tired of texting people back. The rest of the day went normal but i started to think about who Paige was talking about. Whos Albert?

-Yayyyy the story started pretty boring for the first chapter but hopefully it'll get better lol
650 words

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