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I was on my way to the airport.

Tom was finally coming home, and I think I was ready to see him. It's been a long couple of months, but it felt like the right thing to do.

We both stood there in silence.

"So, Minnesota?" Tom cracked a laugh.

"Baby, I can't move." I sighed, pouting at him. "Why?" He questioned. "Because... I need, you to grow." I dug a finger in his chest.

"I need you to work on yourself, and come back to me. Because it's not working this way." I shook my head. I did love him, but I didn't love the way he had been treating me.

I'm worth more then that.

"That's understandable." Tom looks down.

"Come back to me, when you know that, you're ready to be with me."

It was really hard, at first. Seeing him fade away, slowly. All of his stuff being cleared out, I didn't move back home, nor did I care to.

I cut off all ties with my parents.

I'm sorry... wait? Did you think this was some sad breakup story? Let me give you the recap.


"So how's it going?" I asked, sipping on some of my coffee. "It's good, it's definitely a lot colder, but the hospital here is huge! The city is really small though." I heard Tom get into his car.

"Is the church looking nice?" I followed up, hoping to make some more conversation with him. "Oh yeah, I hired a pastor he seems good." He says, as the engine starts.

"That's good, hey, it seems like Cherry is here. I can hear her car pulling in, mind if I talk to you later?" I picked my phone up.

"Yeah, call me tonight. I love you."

"I love you too, bye Tom." I smiled, hanging up.


"Are you really falling asleep on me?" I looked at his droopy eyes, starting to slowly close.

"I'm sorry, i've had a busy day." He rubs his eyes, sitting up. Trying to become more awake.

"I miss you." I admitted. "I miss you more, did I tell you... I quit drinking jäger." Tom suppresses a whine, face palming himself.

"That's great baby, i'm glad you're doing better."


"Ah!" I moaned, my fingers circling my clit.

"Are you almost there?" Tom groans into the phone. "Fuck... almost. Keep talking to me." I bucked my hips against my fingers.


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