Chapter 2: To Be On The Thick Of It

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It was Saturday, the morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a pallor over the room as Heeseung groggily reached for his phone. His eyes widened at the series of texts from Jake's parents, desperate to know if he had seen their son.

Heeseung's fingers hesitated over the screen as he processed the weight of the messages. The truth was too dark, too disturbing to reveal. He reluctantly typed a message to the group chat, his fingers hovering above the keys.

"@everyone, jake's parents are looking for him what do we do?" he wrote, the words heavy with the unspoken secret they all shared.

Everybody just looked at the message, unsure what to feel or how to react. Guilt were washing over them but they also felt like they had to protect their image and dignity.

Jungwon, the mastermind behind their initial cover-up, immediately replied, "tell them he walked with us yesterday but had to go somewhere." Jungwon's fingers were shaking.

"make it seem like he was fine when he left us." Jungwon added.

Heeseung's fingers paused over his phone, a gnawing reluctance settling in his gut. Jay, never one to shy away from a confrontation, expressed his unease.

"this feels so fucking wrong. we should report it to the police. tell them the truth guys come on." Jay insisted.

Sunghoon, typically the voice of reason, countered, "dude if we report it now, we'll look suspicious as hell. It's not our fault that jake died suddenly. we don't even know who fucking did it. we need to be strategic."

Jungwon typed in, "is there a fucking serial killer on the loose??? im so scared rn."

Jay scowled, frustration etched across his face. "it's your all fucking fault for not wanting to report the body yesterday."

Sunoo then suggested, "calm tf down, okay we'll report the body, but we say we tried to find jake's body. make up some story like we knew his favorite spot, so we went there. it's the only way."

After a hesitant pause, the group reluctantly agreed to Sunoo's plan. They decided to meet at the front of the local forest, where they would craft the web of lies that would entangle them further in their own deception.

The meeting spot, bathed in the soft glow of dawn, became a surreal stage for their charade. The group gathered, faces heavy with the burden of their shared secret. The air crackled with tension as they exchanged nervous glances, knowing that the lies they were about to spin would shape the narrative of their involvement.

Heeseung, his phone in hand, began to draft the message to Jake's parents. "Good Morning sir/maam. He walked with us yesterday but told us he had to go somewhere. He seemed fine. We'll try to get in touch with him too. Hope you find him soon."

Jungwon, watching over Heeseung's shoulder, nodded in approval. "Send it. It's the best we can do."

As the message was sent, the group dispersed to their assigned roles in this tragic play. Each member carried the weight of their guilt as they navigated the web of deceit that now entangled them.

Later that day, when the police questioned Heeseung about Jake's last known whereabouts, he stuck to the story they had concocted. The lie flowed smoothly from his lips, rehearsed and convincing. Jake's parents, grateful for any lead, thanked Heeseung for his assistance.

The group, however, couldn't escape the reality of what they had done. Jay, his frustration boiling over, confronted the others during a clandestine meeting.

"We're digging ourselves into a deeper hole. We need to come clean, after this okay? We'll just find his body, then report it to the police." Jay insisted.

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