Chapter 4: To Be Unmasked

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The masked man's identity was unveiled, and shock reverberated through the basement as he removed his disguise. It was Cha Inpyo, the police officer who had interviewed Sunoo, Heeseung, and Jungwon earlier.


The bullet fired through the roof. Inpyo laughed, "You think I'll let you die that easily? No fucking way."

Sunoo, still crying, spoke now, "If it's only one of us you want, then why target all of us?"

Inpyo, spoke, his tone serious, "I just wanted Jungwon, but you all got in the damn way."

Heeseung, fueled by rage, cursed him, "Fuck you, you sick bastard! When I get out of here, I'll kill yo-"



Suddenly, Heeseung grimaces in pain, gagging. A sharp stab to his stomach leaves everyone in shock. One rises from the chair, pulling the knife out of Heeseung's stomach.

Jake, wiping blood from the blade, laughs, "Surprise, surprise my dear Heeseung. Wasn't too hard to play dead, huh?"

Disbelief washes over the others. Jake, reveling in the chaos, turns to Inpyo, "Right, Dad?"

The shocking revelation unfolds, and Jungwon stammers, "Your parents... what about them?"

Jake, nonchalant, reveals, "Adopted. That arm in the forest? Dad's."

With a twisted sense of satisfaction, Jake confesses, "Toying with you all, the notes, chasing Jungwon and Jay, stabbing Heeseung-it's been a blast. Look, my finger's not even gone! That was Dad's again!" Jake laughed, showing the finger that his father seemed to cut off earlier.

Amidst the shocking revelations, Jake revealed his sinister motives, confessing, "Just had to get close to Jungwon, and being buddies with Heeseung was the perfect ticket." The room brimmed with betrayal as the weight of deception sank in.

Sunghoon, seizing a moment of opportunity, swiftly prepared his body and swung the chair at Jake. The tie, cut with his bracelet, freed him from the restraints. In the chaos, Sunghoon prioritized freeing his friends. With nimble hands, he cut Sunoo's ties first, then the others'. Passing the bracelet to Jungwon, Sunghoon orchestrated a plan for escape.

As Jungwon reached Jay, Inpyo leaped on him, initiating a fierce scuffle. Sunghoon, determined to shield Sunoo, confronted Jake. Niki and Heeseung, still bleeding from the earlier stab wound, summoned their last reserves of strength, launching themselves at Jake.

Sunghoon and Sunoo seized the opportunity, making a dash for the stairs. The atmosphere crackled with tension as the struggle unfolded.

In the midst of chaos, Jungwon managed to toss the bracelet to Jay. However, Inpyo, fueled by rage, tightened his grip on Jungwon's throat. The situation teetered on the edge of calamity.

But then, Niki emerged, Heeseung instructing him to help the others while he tries to hold Jake down. Niki intervened, diverting Inpyo's attention and providing Jungwon with a momentary respite.

But the reprieve was short-lived. Jake, fueled by sadistic glee, overpowered Heeseung. Mocking him cruelly, "You were such a lousy fucking kisser." Jake plunged the knife into Heeseung's chest, leaving a chilling aftermath in the basement.

As Jay, fueled by adrenaline and desperation, broke free from his restraints, he utilized the sharp end of the bracelet to stab Inpyo repeatedly. Each thrust was a desperate attempt to reclaim control and vengeance for the horrors inflicted upon them.

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