Chapter 42

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It would be impossible to count the dead. Both old and new corpses lay on the streets, walls and cobblestone painted red and brown with fresh and drying blood. All at Redrain's command.

Redrain stepped forwards, swinging his sword back in preparation for his first strike. In order to survive, Elise would have to be wary of his movements and avoid every one of his attacks, at any cost. The heft and sharpness of his blade could cleave her in two if she was unlucky.

"I loved my queen," Redrain spoke with a mighty swing of his zweihander. Any normal person would be unable to string together words while performing such an action, but breath was not necessary in his physical exertion any longer. He commanded his body to move with invisible strings, meaning he could speak freely even n the middle of attacking.

Elise managed to skip back and out of the way and had to remain vigilant for an opening. She would have no choice but to wear him down slowly with holy magic, and hope that she did not tire before his essence was damaged enough to stop fighting.

"Not love like you young people imagine. You think of love as a thing which empowers you to claim the other person or act irrationally. No, true love is servitude and appreciation. It is selfless. It is sacrifice." He lifted the tip of his sword from the stony ground and changed his grip to ready for the thrust. When he charged forward with the blade, it missed as Elise hopped off to the side and went to raise the skull. He let go of the blade with the hand on the side which she had skipped off to and caught her shoulder with a hard, armoured punch which had her dropping her sword as her body recoiled from the impact.

Elise hissed in pain as the light blade skidded across the ground. It wasn't as though it would have been of any use to her anyway, but it meant she could no longer use a feint. Parrying had been out of the question. There was simply no way she could deflect the force of such a heavy weapon.

"I have protected this land for decades and I will continue to protect it, even if it means going against my old oaths. I protect it for her sake, just as you try to protect it. You are foolish to think that your limited view is more accurate than that of someone who has witnessed the birth and slow decay of this kingdom."

Most duels were short affairs. Dancing around death was rarely, if ever, an effective strategy. Speed and precision were most practical when one's opponent had weak points to exploit. There was not enough time after dodging to the side to complete an incantation before having to move again. When she tried again to cast with the skull, Redrain's sword came flying around again before she could finish. Though she tried to complete the incantation as she jumped out of the way, her breathing changed with the slight exertion and her words were broken. The spell failed.

You don't need to use such long incantations after becoming a champion. I can participate in every spell and pick up the slack until you become familiar enough with the flow and shape of the magic that you no longer need to incant at all.

Elise ignored her.

"Still, I commend your dedication and strength of will." The old man continued, seemingly not knowing how to finish a sentence and be satisfied with it. "Most would have given up long ago. To think you stand here, ready to face your death. Knowing full well it comes and still choosing to fight regardless. You have the spirit of a true knight."

Perhaps Redrain was simply bored. While Elise struggled to not get hit, the old knight could swing his massive blade around as if she was doing little more than catching butterflies.

Finally, with a high swing of the zweihander, Elise only had to duck and was able to finish her cast. The skull glowed, and the light caused Redrain to stumble back and seemingly shade his eyes. It was long enough of a distraction for her to cast another spell, in which she reached out and touched he raw torn flesh of his side from where he was struck with the springald's bolt. Holy power was sent through her body and into his, and he cried out in pain.

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