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Emilia's POV

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Emilia's POV

"My brother did not just run away, Emilia," he finally admitted. "My father ordered him to be killed."

I held his hand tightly.

"A few days after Roberto's father told everyone what I did, he was in a freak accident," he continued. "Of course, people thought it was me who finished the job. I couldn't even get out of my bed back then. I was terrified of myself. I never killed anyone before that day."

As he spoke, he did it with a straight face. After going through all that, he didn't care anymore.

"It was my father of course who finished the job but no one believed," he said. "So I decided to claim it. I became the monster everyone thought I was. I stopped caring what others thought and became ruthless because either way, they would've still thought I was."

"After that people became afraid of me. They made all kinds of rumours about me and said I was a psychopath. No one dared to take my position away from me again."

"I don't think you're a monster or a psychopath," I said honestly.

He looked at me. "I have done way worse things than that afterward, Emilia. This was just how it started."

"So is this why you don't get along with your mother anymore?" I asked and he nodded.

"I trusted her and she threw me under the bridge as soon as we were in trouble," he said. "I've thought about killing them, especially my father, but they are still my parents. I couldn't do what he did to my brother."

I hated that he had to go through this and I hated even more that I couldn't do anything about it.

I am a psychology major who couldn't even help her husband.

"Santo, I wish I could help you," I told him.

"Emilia," he smiled. "You already are. You made my life so much better than how it was before. I get to smile about something and wake up next to you every morning. You've done more than enough."

I smiled before hugging him tightly.

His words made me feel warm and gave me a feeling that I'd never first before.

I don't know what this feeling was but I wanted to hug him forever.

Santo seemed to be giving me a lot of firsts and I liked that. I wanted him to be my first everything.

He hugged me back. "Please don't be in contact with my parents, Emilia. I don't want them hurting you."

"I won't, I promise," I said. "You may not have a good father but my father loves you."

He let go of me. "He does?"

"Santo, my father barely let me out of the house. Do you think he would really let me marry someone who he doesn't love and trust? When he first told me about you, he said nothing but good things. My mother too."

Emilia: Finding My ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now