40|A Surprise Visit

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Emilia's POV

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Emilia's POV

"Santo," I said as I cleaned the countertops.

It was morning and we had just finished eating breakfast.

"Mmm?" He sounded as he looked through some files.

"Before you had to take over, you said that you had already bought your ticket to move away," I started and he immediately put down his work and gave me his full attention.

"Yes," he answered.

"What did you want to be?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I wanted to be either a professional golfer or businessman," he explained. "Whichever one came first."

"Well, at least one of your dreams came through," I told him.

"Not this kind of business, Emilia. My company manufactures the guns I use to kill people," he said. "I thought I would have been selling clothes or something."

I looked at him. "Clothes? I can't imagine Santo Valentino sitting in a shop selling clothes."

He smiled before looking back down on his work. "I can't imagine that either now."

He stood up as he forced all his paperwork into a folder.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I need to handle something down at Valentino," he said as he searched for his keys.

"Okay," I said as I picked up his keys from under some papers.

He looked at me with a smile of relief. "Thank you."

I nodded before he kissed me on the cheek and rushed out.

Maybe this life isn't so bad after all. I think I can get used to being Santo's wife.

He has been so engulfed with work from the time he woke up.

I wanted to surprise him at work today.

I quickly got ready before grabbing my keys and rushing out.

The guard who tried to touch me inappropriately the other day stepped in front of me.

I raised my arm and he immediately flinched.

"If I keep seeing you, I will tell Santo what happened and we both how know that's going to end."

He moved out of my way and allowed me to pass.

His friend from the mall stepped up. "I would have to report this to capo."

I immediately rolled my eyes.

He's going to ruin the surprise.

"Fine, you can come with me but I'm driving," I spoke as I put on my sunglasses and walked to my Porsche.

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