Chapter 3

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( Little fun fact- Arrancar's can have children if they want to )

                Opening my eyes to see myself surrounded by tons of Soul Reapers. Instantly shooting up in a sheer panic, thinking I'm so dead. " Easy now, your wound could open up if you aren't careful. Here, lay back down." Looking over at the soft voice as my eyes landed on a Captain. "What's going on?" My voice was slightly hoarse, " Once you are healed up, you and the others are free to go back to your world. Your friends plus yourself helped the Soul Society, you saved us all." Confused on how we saved them but i didn't question it i just laid back down and stared up at the sky.
                I stared down at my clothing that Uryu made for me. I really badly hate dresses, but i knew i couldn't go back to our world wearing their clothing and i have no idea where i placed my clothing i came here in. I looked around my surroundings, the Soul Society is actually a nice place honestly. Now that i am free to walk around without having the fear that someone is going to come up from behind me and kill me. "Whoa, don't you look beautiful." Glancing behind me at the sudden voice as my eyes landed on Rukia. A soft smile rose to my lips as i approached her, " Umm, well. Thank you. I'm not fond of dresses, in fact i hate them. But i don't think it would be wise for me to wear Soul Reaper clothing back to my world, plus Uryu made it for me, i didn't want to hurt his feelings or anything." Her eyes rest on me as i explain myself. I wasn't used to talking that much, in fact i wasn't much of a talker unless it's called for, " I see. You aren't used to compliments are you? Anyways, i came here to thank you." I stared at her for the longest time before a smile came to my features. I looked down at my feet before i gave her a nod, " There isn't a need to thank me. I would gladly do it all over again, but you're welcome." Looking up at her, " By the way. Your hair is a mess." Cocking my head at her words seeing a smile creep up onto her face, " I never comb my hair, i prefer it messy honestly, but thank you for informing me." Rukia pokes my forehead before she turns, " I have to go see Ichigo and tell him thank you and such. If i don't see you before it's time for you to head back to your world, umm. I guess good bye." I watched her turn and slip away, " Rukia, wait." Approaching her before looking up at the sky, " I was pretty damn rude to your brother. He seems to be one of those types that has a lot of pride and honor and such. So, if you don't mind. Umm could you apologize to him for me. If not I'll get it." Rukia blinks rapidly at that before smiling, " There isn't a need, he is right behind you. Anyways, I'll be seeing you later." Watching her rush off before it registered in my mind on what she said. I quickly turned around, " Oh sorry." I bowed respectfully and looked away, " I really am sorry for my rudeness earlier." Byakuya's eyes rest on me, i could feel his stare. Pretty damn intense stare if you ask me, " Apology accepted. Now if you would excuse me." I watched him walk past me as a soft smile rose to my lips, " Wow, I wasn't expecting that."
                 Glancing up at the sound of a voice informing everyone that it was time for us Ryoka to leave. I let out a soft sigh before i turned and began making my way there.
Approaching the gateway as Yoruichi leaps up onto my shoulder, " Good to see you. " Stroking her cat ear as i looked at the gate, " Well, that was a pain in my ass." Earning a grunt from Ichigo with him responding with, " Indeed, just glad i was able to do it alongside you all." He said as we walked through the gateway and back into our world.
                   As Ichigo and I were walking back to the house, i looked over at him from the corner of my eye. " Spill it." Frowning at that, he always seems to notice, " You won't be seeing me for some time. I'm going to train with Kisuke. I felt so pathetic in the Soul Society. I had to rely too much on my gift. I just want to become stronger." Glancing behind me seeing as Ichigo stopped walking, " You be safe Jasmine. Don't push yourself too hard. You might see me from time to time cause I'll be training with him myself. I don't know when Aizen will strike. I have to get stronger as well." My eyes narrowed at the mention of Aizen as i quickly looked away to try and hide my expression, " Alright, enough of that shit. What is it you are hiding. I saw Aizen grab you, did he say something to you, if so what did he say?" I looked away from him, " it's nothing, Ichigo. I gotta get going." I turned to slip towards Kisukes shop, " Jasmine! You are avoiding it now, every time when someone mentions Aizen your facial expression changes and you go more quiet than normal. Spill it." Shaking my head at that, " I said it's nothing!" I rushed off down the road. ' I don't wanna be a burden anymore. I can't rely on you Ichigo. I will handle this on my own. ' Thinking to myself as i rushed away from him.
                I slipped into the shop, my eyes shifting around the place before I spotted him coming around the corner. " Kisuke." His eyes rose up to meet mine before he saw my expression. He gives me a nod before motioning me to follow him.
                Flying across the training grounds as i slam hard into a rock groaning out in slight pain as i fall onto the ground. My eyes snapped up as i saw him appear before my vision, " Always be prepared to dodge. Do you think they would be done with just a simple kick. Of course not, if you find yourself unable to dodge their kick and they send you flying and smashing into walls and such, always dodge cause chances are they will continue their assault on you. Like this." Bending down and taking a fist full of my hair and yanking it back before slamming my face into the ground. He began dragging me before tossing me upwards and slamming his foot into my stomach sending me once more at a wall. God it was so fucking painful but i had to keep going, push past the pain. This would be nothing compared to what they would do to me. I took in his words as i saw him appear before me and slam down his foot, i quickly rolled out of the way and got to my feet as fast as i could sending my fist flying at his face. He catches my fist and pulls me inwards, " Good dodge. Keep practicing on the dodging, but your speed needs work, big time. You are very slow." Releasing my hand as he steps back, " Care to tell me why Ichigo is asking me to get information out of you. What information is he talking about?" My eyes slightly widened at that before i looked away from him, " It doesn't matter. We finished today or you wanna keep going?" Changing the topic as i wipe the blood from my mouth and nose. " Jasmine. It does matter if Ichigo is worried. He told me that Aizen had his hold on you. Did he say something to you or what is it?" Looking down at my feet, " Stop." Clenching my fists together, "Everyone just needs to stop." Raising my head up to meet his hardened gaze, " Very well. I won't push further. If you wish to tell me later, go for it. If not, that's fine. Now. I think we are done for the day. Follow." I stared at his retreating form before following him, it's about damn time someone listens to me for once.
                  Approaching a hot spring like place, " Remove your clothing and enter this water. Your wounds should heal and your muscles should become more relaxed and such. I'll leave you at it." Watching him turn and leave the location completely. I looked down at the water before i slipped my clothing off and entered the water instantly letting out a moan of satisfaction. Man this water felt amazing. I watch my wounds close up and heal completely. " Fascinating. " Mumbling out to myself, " How's the water?" Hearing a female voice from behind me. I glanced over, spotting Yoruichi as she placed down some clothing  for me, " Relaxing." Responding to her in return i get a hum, " I didn't know what type of clothing you wear so i brought you this. I hope it's to your liking." Seeing her hold up the clothing item before i give off a chuckle, " it's fine. It's better than a dress, plus it's black so I'm alright with it." I felt her eyes train on me for the longest time before she removed her clothing and slipped into the water, " Talk to me Jasmine. I wont say anything to Kisuke or Ichigo, you have my word. Just talk to me." I intensely studied the purple haired woman's eyes, " It's Aizen and what he said to me. It was how he said it honestly. ' Such a prize '. " Looking down at my hands, knowing what he was referring to, " You think he is after your gift?" Hearing her question me as i looked over at her, " Yes. It wouldn't surprise me honestly. It's a dangerous gift. He would probably want me to use it for his own personal gain. I much rather die than do his bidding." It was silent for the longest time before i looked over at her. She was staring at nothing in particular, " Are your wounds healed up?" Her sudden question caused my eyebrow to raise, " Umm, i think. Why?" Seeing her boost herself up and out of the water and dress herself, " I'll be the one to train you for a little while. Come." Watching her walk off as i slipped from the water and placed on my old clothing not wanting to ruin the clothing she got me.
                Yoruichi was working on my speed. So far, small progress, " By the end of your training sessions Jasmine, i want you to have Monster Strength. I want you to be able to punch and kick through anything and anyone. Are you prepared for intense hard core training? If you back out of this, I will be forced to force you to stay out of this upcoming fight." I eyed the woman intensely before I gave off a nod, " Tired of being a burden, i can't rely on Ichigo anymore. I have to be able to protect myself. I got my gift under control thanks to Kisuke. Working on my dodging and speed." She interrupts me, " And your strength. Like i said, Monster Strength." Once more, i give a nod, " Of course. I am ready whenever you are."
                Months worth of training as i was finally able to go home. I feel more confident now, more powerful. I was ready. I looked down at the note i wrote and slipped over to Yoruichi, " Mind giving this to Kisuke for me please" Finally able to wear the outfit she picked out for me. It looks good on me, a little tight that it makes my boobs slightly pop out, but it looks good on me. She takes the letter and tucks it away into her clothing giving me a nod, " You did well Jasmine. I am honestly proud of you. You are much stronger than before, now go home and spend time with your family before the fight begins. I'll make sure to give this to Kisuke, take care." She slips towards the door, " Oh and, you look stunning in that outfit." Winking at me before she flees from the scene.
                Slipping from the shop and making my way towards the Kurosaki residence, the place i call my home. A smile rests on my lips as I walk down the road. " Girl." Stopping in my tracks as i turned around coming face to face with a male. My eyes scanned him, taking in his appearance, " Lord Aizen sent me here to retrieve you. Come willingly without a fight and your friends and family will live, if you choose to fight, I'll be forced to kill them." Holding out gloves for me, " Place these on as well." My eyes widened greatly at his words. I looked down at my feet, i can't allow my family and friends to die because of me. I took a step back before i turned around my back towards him, " How do i know you won't just kill them anyways?" The male appears before my vision once more, " You don't. You don't have anywhere to run, i'll always find you. Now do as i say, place the gloves on and let's go." Frowning at his words as i take them from him, sliding them onto my hands as they clamped down, inserting into my flesh, " Ah, fuck." Hissing out as blood seeped from the wounds. Once they were on, he took my wrist tightly in his hold and dragged me with him through a garganta.
               Dragging me down the halls, as we come across twin doors. He pushes them open, stepping through, " I brought the human girl like you requested Lord Aizen." My eyes traveled up towards Aizen. I felt his piercing eyes on me, " Jasmine, welcome to Hueco Mundo. Now, Ulquiorra. Remove the gloves for her and bring them in." My hands were yanked towards Ulquiorra's hold as he removed the gloves. I instantly rubbed my bloody wrists.
              Ulquiorra steps back into the room, dragging in a low level Arrancar. " Good. Jasmine, show me what you can do. Use your gift on her." My eyes slightly widened at that. He wants me to kill this creature. I was thankful that it was an enemy-like creature. I don't have a problem if it's the enemy, if it were an ally i wouldn't have done it. Like i said, i much rather die. A deep frown rests on my lips as i turned towards the creature and muttered out a soft apology before placing my hand on her, watching her drop dead instantly. Doesn't mean i don't have a heart and i don't care. My wrists were instantly grasped and the gloves were forced upon me once more, clamping down into my flesh all over again. "Summon the others here Kaname. " Hearing Aizen speak from behind me. I wondered what he meant by those words as i turned around to face the man himself. His eyes burned holes into me as he slipped from his throne and walked over to the table, sitting down, " Come, stand next to me." I was hesitant but i decided to play this out. I slipped over to him and stood beside him, but far enough so that he isn't in arms length. " I don't bite, come closer." Earning a chuckle from the Silver haired male that i saw at Soul Society, Gin Ichimaru i believe his name was. I shook my head at that and remained where i was. " I wasn't giving you a choice, come here." Frowning at his words before i slipped closer to him, he takes my hand and pulls me even closer, " Good. Now we wait for the others to join us." Glaring at this before i stepped away from him once more. His eyes traveled over to me before an amused smirk rose to his lips. Grasping my wrist, as he slides me over and forces me onto his lap, his arm wrapped tightly around my waist, keeping me there. I glanced up at his face, a sharp glare still present on my features, " Bastard." A smirk still on his lips but he said nothing.
            Kaname slips back into the room as the rest of Aizen's henchmen begin to show up sitting down in their chairs. I was thankful that they didn't notice me yet, i hate being the center of attention, i hate people's eyes on me. " Now everyone. " Aizen begins speaking about his plans and such.
            I had my eyes closed shut to try and calm down my nerves. I am surrounded by so many hollow like beings. Espada i think i heard Aizen say. So many eyes were on me, it wasn't making my nerves relax at all, only making matters worse. " Open your eyes and introduce yourself." Seeing as he was talking to me, i slipped my eyes open as they scanned the room, instantly panicking, " .... Jasmine...." Muttering out quietly before looking down at my lap, " Good. Jasmine, these are my Espada. Play nice. " My eyes traveled up towards Aizen, " We'll see." Muttering out. I watched as a small smirk rose to his lips but he said nothing on it, " Killing her is off limits, understood?" Hearing their response to that before he speaks to me once more, " Show them your gift." He looks over at Gin as he brings in another low level Arrancar.
          Once i was done being used and forced to do something i don't wanna do, i was given a room. Shocked they weren't keeping me locked up. Yet again, i had no idea how to get out of this place. I slipped to a corner and slid down the wall and brought my knees to my chest, "Ichigo...."

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