Chapter 11

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( Bold means texting)

             " You don't get it Jasmine. I don't like the man, and i don't trust him. Please just don't go through with this. I know you said it is for Zane's sake, but everything was doing just fine before. I just have a really bad feeling about all of this. Please don't do this." Hearing Ichigo beg me was very heartbreaking, but i had to do this. It wasn't for my sake, it was for Zane's like i said before. "It's not like i am staying over there 24/7 everyday Ichigo. Just being there would be better for Zane. I don't care for my mental health, i don't care what happens to me. I am doing what is best for my son. I think it would be better if he lived under the same roof as his father." Finishing up packing my room, " This is always my home to, unless you are forever banishing me from your home if i go through with this." Ichigo stares at me intensely before looking down, "You are forever welcomed here. Like you said, this house is your home." I take his shoulders and lean close, " I will be here a lot more than I will be over there is why i am not packing everything, just some clothing. Please understand, this is for his sake not mine." Taking my bags and slipping from the room, walking down the halls, placing the bags near the door so i could come by later and get them, not wanting to be hauling around my belongings until it was time.
                  Slipping inside Kisuke's shop, "Kisuke, are they here?" Kisuke glances over in my direction, " Well hello to you to Jasmine. Must i say, you are looking mighty beautiful." Standing up from his spot and walking over to the latch, " Grimmjow and Nnoitra are down there training with each other again, and Ulquiorra is in his room, i believe." I give him a soft smile then a gentle hug. This man will forever be in my life as well. I don't know what i will do without him. He has always been there for me, helping me even when i don't need or want it. I pulled back and climbed down the ladder.
                  Standing there watching them both go at it, " Guys." Calling out to them, catching their attention, "Mind coming with me, i need to talk to you three it's important." Grimmjow glances at Nnoitra before shrugging going back to his gigai form then slipping up the ladder. Nnoitra stares down at me once he switches back, " What do you want woman. Kitty and I were in the middle of training." Sighing out at this as i began climbing the ladder, " Just come." Hearing a growl comes from Nnoitra followed by mumbles, " Yeah yeah, you don't like it when I'm bossy towards you. Get over it just once." Earning more grunts from him as we slipped from the underground training area. " Come." Motioning them to follow.
                   Entering Ulquiorra's room, " Sorry for not knocking, sit." Slipping over to a wall, leaning against it with my arms crossed. I watched Grimmjow and Nnoitra slip down eyeing me. Ulquiorra stares intensely with a, ' what's going on ' look. A deep heavy sigh leaves my lips, "Aizen wishes for me to live with him. I am willing to do so, but it's for my son's sake. He said it would be fine if you three wish to join us there. So we know it's a large ass house. Plenty of room for all of us. So, what you three say. Care to come?" Grimmjow stares at me. A sharp glare forming on his features as he leans back his hands digging into the chair he was sitting in, "What is that bastard planning. Ulquiorra's power skyrockets so you know that he knows something is going on with that man. Whatever. I don't really give a shit as long as he doesn't become all high and mighty towards me. I am the King NOT him. I will refuse to obey him." Staring intensely at Grimmjow before looking down at my feet, a small smile forming on my features listening to him rant about this. I know of his hatred for Aizen, that's plain as day. I don't blame him, that bastard deserves to suffer for everything he has done. I am surprised they allowed him out of his prison. Yes they owed Ichigo so much for everything he has done, but allowing someone like Aizen free from his prison for the likes of me? I don't know. " I'll have a word with Aizen. I seem to have him wrapped around my finger. I kind of like it, it seems to keep him under check, for the most part that is. Are you alright with that?" Grimmjow stares at me before shrugging, " I don't care, woman. I would be there for you, not him." I give a nod before looking over at Nnoitra, "Noi?" Using my nickname i just now gave him, "What did you just call me? Oh whatever, I'm with Grimmjow on this. I don't give a flying fuck as long as i don't get ordered around anymore. I would be there for you." I give him a grin, "Alright. Once again, I'll talk with him." Turning towards Ulquiorra as i still felt his piercing gaze on me, "You know my answer Jasmine. I told you before, I gained this power to protect you from the likes of him. If you are going to be living with him, I am coming as well." Nodding at their answers as i stood up, " Sorry for intruding." Turning and opening the door, " I'll go inform Aizen of this." Pulling out my phone and checking the location of his home. " Alright." Slipping from the room and walking off outside.
                 Just on the outskirts of Karakura Town. Figures as much that he wouldn't want to be staying in the same town as his enemies, but close enough for his son. I let out a soft sigh as I gave his number a text, " Aizen, I am on the outskirts of town. Let's talk." Sending the message, staring down at my feet. It didn't take him long to reply, wondering what he was doing if he replied back so fast. " I know. I'm right behind you. I agree, let's talk. Follow me. " I peered behind me spotting him as he was approaching my location.
                     Slipping down the road, silent as i felt very uncomfortable around this man. Even more since we slept together a couple nights before. "There isn't a need to stay silent around me Jasmine. Speak, what's on your mind?" I didn't say anything only wrapped my arms around my form looking away from him. "You regret it don't you?" Looking over at him as he spoke once more, " Regret what?" I wanted to make sure i understood what he meant. There are a lot of things that have happened recently. "Us sleeping together." I stayed silent looking away from him once more, "Your silence said it all. Just a heat of the moment sort of thing. I am taking my kiss got you in the mood, it caught you off guard." Tightening my arms around my form, " Shut up. I regret sleeping with you, yes. And yes what got me in the mood was your kiss, if you already knew, why mention it?" Aizen only chuckles glancing down at my glaring face, "Just making small talk Jasmine. You anger so easily." Coming around the corner revealing his house," Well. Come inside." I stared intensely at the house. My God it was beautiful, "Jasmine. Come." Taking my hand and walking me towards the entrance. I yanked my hand from his hold, " I'm not going inside." He turns towards me, an amused smile resting on his lips. "You came to talk to me about your decision, correct?" Sighing out at this, of course he knew. This is Aizen we are speaking about. " Yes. You said it would be fine if they came as well, well they have their own requests if they are still welcomed." Slipping around to my back as his arms snaked around my waist, his face buried in my neck, " Of course." Feeling his lips travel along my neckline, hitting those sensitive spots. I closed my eyes at this, trying not to enjoy his actions, but he seems to know where all of my weak spots are located, " Aizen." Breathing out his name, "Hmm." Hearing his hum as he continues his actions with his hands sliding into my pants playing with that sensitive little bundle of nerves, "W-we c-can't." Stuttering out the words, pulling away from him. I turned around, "Damn you." Looking down at my shaking legs. The way his fingers moved caused me intense pleasure. I swear he knows how to instantly turn me on, "Go to them and talk with them now if you know my answer." Managing to snap out of it. I felt his eyes trained on me as his footsteps approached me once more, " Come inside, Jasmine." Oh no, his voice was lust filled. I quickly moved around him, walking off heading back to my home, "Nope."
                     Staring down at my feet as the water slides down my form. Showering helps sooth my nerves, and man oh man were they a mess right now. Damn that man. " Wow." Hearing a voice from behind me as i looked over my shoulder, " Nnoitra." A pout resting on my features as i turned back around, " What the hell are you doing here. If Ichigo finds out, you are going to get your ass kicked. Plus, you are invading my privacy." His arms snaked around my form, " I don't care about that little man. He can try to kick my ass all he wants, he never will. And as for your privacy? Babe, I'm sure i have invaded it many many times and you clearly enjoyed it." Nibbling my earlobe, " Did Aizen come to talk to you guys." My voice tone changed to completely serious, " Yes." He responded, resting his face in the crook of my neck. "Well?" Nnoitra groans out lowly, "It's hard to concentrate on words when you're naked in my arms, Jasmine." Turning around in his arms, staring up at him, "Please try. This is important to me." A low groan leaves his lips again, "Frustrating woman. He listened to our demands and such and agreed, it was simple." Blinking at his words before chuckling, "That's it?" Hearing a grunt coming from him in response as he dives down into my neck again, nuzzling it. " Noi." Feeling his hand on my ass giving it a small spank, " Hey! Be nice to my ass." Looking over at him with pouty lips, " Don't nickname me." Pouting even more at this, "Oh fine whatever. Anyways." Sliding my fingers into his hair once more, " Be sure to fix yourself again before you leave." Nnoitra growled out lowly, " Just fuck me already Jasmine, I wouldn't get so damn hard over you if you would just stop teasing me and give yourself to me." Yanking at his hair before whispering into his ear, "Now isn't a good time. You and i will, when i see fit. Trust me, you'll know, but i suppose you could touch me as a reward for being so patient with me." He slams me back against a wall, " Don't tease me woman. You better not be joking." My eyes were slightly widened. I knew how badly he wanted to, but this badly. Damn i feel horrible about it. "Go ahead, show me what you can do." He didn't waste any time as he lays me in the tub, hoovering over with his hand down at my entrance, two fingers sliding inside. I bit my lip, staring up at his eye, " I'm only getting started My Dear." Capturing my lips with his own as he drank my moans. Fingers moving in and out swiftly, going at the perfect pace. Curling every once in a while to hit that precious spot, loving the sounds i make. But it didn't last long as his fingers left with my eyes sliding open, staring at him now. He now has my legs up over his shoulders with his face itches away from my most treasured area. Flickering out his tongue to taste before latching his mouth at my entrance, sucking roughly. My eyes were huge as my mouth dropped open. " H-holy f-fuck." I guess his large mouth can be a perk. My God is it talented, the way his tongue darts in and out at the perfect moments in between his sucking is making my toes curl.
                He moves back to my face, staring at it intensely. " I told you you would be quivering underneath me." Pulling him down as i buried my face in his neck, " S-shut up." Still a mess as i nuzzled his neck, " Now get off of me, i need to umm, wash up now." Chuckling darkly at my word choice, standing up, pulling me up to his chest, " Allow me to." Lathering his hands in soap before laying them on my shoulders, then arms, then stomach, so on so forth. I couldn't help but smile at his actions, " You're adorable." That caused him to pause his actions and look up at me, "Way to kill the mood." I panicked, "Oh shit. No no no, continue, I'll shut up." Looking away.
Nnoitra's hands slid up and back to my shoulders, " Done. Looking sexy as fuck by the way. The way they are all perked up, it's like they are begging for my lips to be attached to them." Whacking at his chest, "Bad. No. Enough of that talk, behave." Wrapping my arms around my breasts to shield them from him. He only grins at my actions as he steps out first, drying, dressing, disappearing.
                  Slipping inside Zane's room spotting Aizen in there holding him again, "You don't need to pack anything of his. I have everything there for him." Hearing him say as his eyes traveled over to me, "If you think running off is going to stop me from pleasuring you, you got another thing coming. Once we are alone, you're mine." I may not like this man, but the way he words things, the way he looks at me, its so fucking arousing. My face was deep red as i slipped closer to him, " Give." Holding my arms out to Zane as he slips him into my arms standing up, " I took your bags over already. Are you ready to go?" Ignoring his words as i bounced Zane on my hip nuzzling him close to me, " Aren't you just the cutest little thing ever." Yep I'm hooked now, damn you Yuzu. " Jasmine, don't ignore me. You know that pisses me off." Turning and slipping from the room holding Zane in my arms, " Ichigo." Muttering out his name.
                Slipping inside his room, " Ichi." Seeing his eyes travel towards me, " You leaving?" A frown rests on my lips, i could tell he doesn't want me to go still. "Does he have to be here as well." Glancing over my shoulder at Aizen then back over to a glaring Ichigo, " Ignore him, it's what I'm doing." Causing a chuckle to leave Ichigo, " Alright listen here Aizen." Tensing up at Ichigo's tone as i stepped aside, " I demand you to allow me to come with. She is my sister and I'll feel a lot more comfortable with this situation." Aizen smirks at him, not responding, " Come Jasmine, let's go." Ichigo puts his arm out so i can't move around him, " She isn't leaving until i get my answer. If you refuse, she isn't leaving at all. I don't like nor trust you, neither does she. She is only doing this for Zane's sake. So you are taking me with or you can kiss my ass." I let out a soft sigh, " Ichi. Please don't start shit. We already discussed this." He turns towards me taking my shoulders, " Jasmine, open your mind just for a second. You know something isn't right about this, just don't go." Frowning, looking away from him. " It's not for me, it's for Zane. I told you, i don't care what happens to me. I'm doing this for him." Muttering out lowly to Ichigo, " Dammit! Dammit, dammit dammit!" Turning, punching a wall, "If you hurt her Aizen, i swear to God i will find a way to kill you. Mark my words." His words drenched in venom as he slipped from his mouth. Aizen only smirks more at this, " I wouldn't dream of hurting my Queen. Now, you on the other hand i will unless you step aside and allow her to leave. My patience is growing thin." Slipping around Ichigo when i saw the timing was right and walking out of the room.
Ichigo follows after us and watches us leave down the road. I turned back around as i watched him slip back inside, "I told you he would be like this and i don't blame him. You're different again, back to your normal self." His eyes traveled down towards me, "He brings it out of me and you bring out the side you like. The side that makes you quiver underneath me." Slapping his arm, " Don't start that shit, It's not happening. I already told you before." Slipping up to the house spotting the 3 Espadas, or well not so much Espadas anymore, they aren't really a part of Aizen's army or whatnot anymore. I don't get it nor do i want to. " Let's get inside shall we. I don't want him getting too cold." Looking up at Aizen as he spoke those words. As much as i hate to admit it, he is a perfect father. Ulquiorra found his way beside me, " I'm alright." Whispering to him as we all entered the house, " Shoes off." Hearing Aizen speak as he takes Zane from my arms, " He needs to be in bed now." Hearing him say as he goes off elsewhere. I turned towards Ulquiorra, taking his hands into my smaller ones, "I suddenly have a very strong bad feeling, do you mind staying close to me until it subsides?" His eyes never left mine as he gives a nod, " I can sense it off of you, i would have even if you didn't ask." Pulling me into his chest, holding me there. " Thank you." Nuzzling him close to me, " I already regret this. Ichigo knew something was up." Ulquiorra nods, " I told him what i told you." Raising a brow at these words before it is registered, " Right. Good, I'm glad you told him. It makes a lot more sense to why he was being the way he was at the house. I'm taking it he asked you to train with him?" Ulquiorra nods but says nothing, " Well, are you going to?" His fingers began playing with my hair, " Yes." Relaxing in his arms, clearly enjoying the hair playing, " Jasmine." Hearing a voice from behind me once more, " Yes Grimmjow." Slipping from Ulquiorra's arms, turning towards him, " Come." I glanced over my shoulder not seeing Ulquiorra anymore as i sighed out, following after Grimmjow.
I peaked inside his room that he claimed already, " You want to nuzzle again." Seeing a grin form on his features, " Come on, just for a little bit. It's the least you could do. I am sharing you with them after all." Giving a pout at his words, crossing my arms looking away from him. In return, he slips up and lifts me into his arms, laying me down on the bed as his face finds my breasts. " Typical guy, going straight for the boobs. Very well." My hands found his hair as i combed my fingers through it. I literally heard him begin to purr out. Resisting the urge to call him Grimmkitty right now. "What brings you to want to nuzzle again? Don't tell me it is because of my breasts." Grimmjow chuckles at that, "No. It's a need right now. Now shush, your voice is vibrating through your chest and it's annoying me." Pouting at his word usage but nodding, going silent.
              I opened my eyes as they traveled around the room. I must have fallen asleep. Looking down as i see Grimmjow curled up with me tightly in his arms. " My Grimmkitty." Purring down at him as i played with his hair, " You can only call me that when we're alone." His sudden voice caused me to jump slightly, " S-shit." My hand slid to my chest, feeling my heart hammering, " You scared me. Grimmkitty King. Hmm." Grimmjow snorts at that, " No. Don't abuse the name otherwise i won't allow you to call me that. Call me King all you like though, I love that." Smiling down at him as my fingers continued to comb through his hair, " Oh and fucking asshole is looking for you, saying something about Zane." Groaning out at this, " Thank you for not waking me up to go do it. Damn him. Alright i guess, let me up. Later we can nuzzle more." Grimmjow groans at this but sits up, taking my chin and forcing my face to his, " I don't like him touching you or looking at you. I hate that man with every fiber of my being." Kissing me roughly as he pulls back, " Deal with that bastard, i have shit to do anyways." Slipping to his Espada form and leaping out of the window.
              Entering random rooms until i find the one where Aizen is located in, "Alright, what you want. Where's Zane?" Leaning in the door frame as his eyes traveled up to mine. " Come in and close the door." I was hesitant at this, that bad vibe was picking up again but i entered and closed the door. Right away i was pinned to it with his body tightly up against my backside, "If you haven't noticed. I have all of my power back." My eyes widened greatly at this, " What!" Unable to move, " I won't repeat myself. I already told you i won't harm you, not again. I found a way around Kisuke's invention, it wasn't hard honestly." Spinning me around as he pins my arms above my head, "If i wanted to continue with my plans, it would be done and over with by now. I am choosing you over everything else. Proving to you that i want you more than anything. But if you continue to refuse me, I'll continue with my plans and force you by my side."
              I sat up quickly, gasping out for air. I looked around my surroundings spotting a very confused Grimmjow who was sitting beside me, messing around with his sword. " You were just dreaming, calm down and breathe. What's going on." Sitting up in bed fully and turning towards him, "Aizen had his powers back. Saying if i continue to refuse him, he would force me by his side." Shaking my head, " God dammit. Why me?" Running my fingers through my hair, " Ignore the dream. That's all that it was." Pulling me close to his side and kissing me. He pulls back, staring at me intensely, " I hear a baby crying. Go deal with it." Pouting at his words, " Yes mom." Slipping from the bed and leaving the room, following the sounds of crying.
                Slipping inside the final room and spotting Aizen with Zane, "Oh. Didn't realize you got him." Slowly approaching him as his eyes traveled up to me, "You were sleeping." Watching him lay him down in the crib, fast asleep. He turns towards me, staring down at my tired eyes, "Jasmine." Caressing my cheek gently, " Come." Taking my hand and walking into his room, "Let's just talk." Sitting down on his bed as he pulls me onto his lap, "I don't see that happening." Trying to slip from his lap, "Aizen, let me go." He only chuckles pulling me back, laying back in the bed with his arms around my form, "Just to talk. If i wanted to fuck you again, you'll be fucked. Come just talk to me." His fingers sliding up and down my arms.
( once more, for those who wish to read the naughtiness- )
              Finishing up with the final thrusts as he pulls out and falls next to me, his arms tightly around my form, " Sleep." Wrapping a blanket around our naked forms. 

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