Chapter 10

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                   " Umm Jasmine, do you think we could talk?" Hearing Orihime behind me as I'm walking back from Kisukes shop. I peered behind me at her before turning my body towards her completely, "I'm listening." Folding my hands together. Her eyes were trained on me before she looked down at her hands, "Well Ulquiorra has been coming to me a lot since you and the Espada came here. You know him with human emotions and the heart. I helped him alongside you with understanding them, seems you helped more than i did." Seeing her smile at that. It was like she was realizing something, shrugging at that, " Go on." She glanced up at me before slightly panicking, seeing as she got caught day dreaming or something, " Well, he asked me what he was feeling near where his heart would be. He said it only happens when he is around you or whatnot. Well i answered him, he has feelings for you. Umm, that he is in love with you. It shocked him greatly, he didn't understand how a being like him was capable of feeling such things. But seeing as you two have been going out for about a couple months now, he has learned to accept it and embrace it. I hope you are alright with me helping in that department and such..." She trailed off, fiddling with her fingers as she stared down at her feet. I smiled warmly at her, finding her to be adorable right now. I took her hands into my own, it caused her eyes to travel up to meet mine, "Of course it's fine. I appreciate it and I am sure he does as well. No need to be so scared or whatnot, I was never mad at you." She smiles brightly at me before nodding looking down, " Oh and Orihime. Ask out Ichigo alright. I want you two to be happy together. So go ahead, you two would be cute together." Her eyes widened as her cheeks flushed, " Oh ah umm. Wow, thank you Jasmine. Umm, I will try and build up the courage to ask him." I pulled her into a warm hug, " Don't thank me, it's the least i can do." Pulling back and turning, " I must go now, Yuzu needs me home for something." Peering over my shoulder at her seeing her eyes were trained on me with a warm smile on her lips, she gives me a nod and rushes off down the road.
                  Slipping inside the house, " Yuzu! I'm home." Calling out to my little sister as i slipped my shoes off by the door and walked throughout the house, " Yuzu?" Slipping inside Zane's room seeing her rocking him to sleep, "I'm home." She glanced up and over at me, " We need to talk, Jasmine." Nodding, " Yeah, It's why I'm home. What's up?" She lays him down in his crib and walks out, closing the door behind her. She takes my hand, walks me to my room and sits me down, " Why won't you hold your son and spend time with him? It's been months." I stared at her before i looked away and out of the window. I didn't say anything, " Jasmine. He is your son, I understand how he was conceived, I get it, i understand that completely. But still he is your son. I just want him to have his mother in his life. I know later in life you will regret not having him in it as well. Please, just try and spend some time with him, get used to holding him." I turned towards her frowning, " He looks too much like his father. Aizen and I are slowly working things out so it isn't affecting Zane. You are right, he should have his mother in his life. It is just so hard for me to look at him or be around him. I know I am a terrible mother, horrible just plain horrible." Yuzu takes my hand and drags me inside his room, " Hold your son, take it slow. Baby steps even, just hold him and spend some time with him. Increase the time when you think you are ready. Just, don't do this to yourself and him." I studied her eyes, taking in everything she has said before looking down at my feet nodding. " Alright. Get him up and be motivated and let me get showered and changed. I just came back from training with Grimmjow. I smell and am sore." Her eyes widened before a bright smile rose to her lips, " Yay! I promise you won't regret it." I couldn't help but smile at this. She really wants this and i know deep down she is right.
I slipped inside my room seeing her with Zane in her arms. I dried my hair with a towel, the best it was going to get that is, and tossed the towel in my laundry basket. I turned to my blow drier and turned it on, blow drying it dry completely before i turned it off and placed it away, fixing my hair so it's out of my face before finally turning towards Yuzu. She was smiling brightly at me, " I want to be as beautiful as you some day Jasmine." I honestly couldn't help but blush softly at this, looking down at my hands, " I umm, thank you Yuzu, but you are beautiful there isn't a need to look any more beautiful when you are as beautiful as a person can get." Looking up at her seeing as her cheeks were bright red. I smiled brightly at that and walked off, " Alright. Here we go, I'm ready." She stood up and slowly slipped Zane into my arms. I stared at his blue eyes, which he took after me. Slipping down into my chair in the corner and rest his feet on my knees as i stared at his face. Yuzu saw what was going on, how i had no idea what to do or anything. She slipped him further into my arms, " There, just gently bounce him on your hipbone." Giving a nod as i shifted slightly to my side and bounced him gently on my hip, a giggle leaves his lips at that. My eyes widened, looking over at Yuzu. She was smiling brightly, " Aww, he seems to have liked that. Do it again." Bouncing him once more on my hip which caused another giggle or more like a coo to leave his lips. He reached up and tugged at my bangs, giggling out all adorable like. Yuzu panics, slipping up quickly and removes his hands from my hair. Her eyes traveled to my face as her eyes widened even more at what she saw. I was smiling. My real smile. " He is precious. Thank you, Yuzu." She nods and takes him into her arms now, " More tomorrow." Seeing her nod once more, shocked by my smile, and walks over to the door, " Mind closing the door behind me, my arms are being occupied by little mister here." She slips off and out of my room. I stood to my feet and turned towards the door, walking towards it staring down at my feet, that same smile still resting on my lips. I mentally shake my head, looking up at the door, stopping in my tracks, staring. " Aizen. When did you get here?" That smile faded very quickly, all emotion on my features faded quickly. " I've been here since the beginning, just slid out of view when she left to go put him to bed." Crossing my arms, eyeing him intensely, "What are you doing here?" Aizen enters my room, closing the door behind him, "Ichigo informed me. You never held our son nor spent any time with him since he was born. It was good to see you holding him, even if it was for a short while. I must say, it was good to see that change in you as well." I raised my brow at that, " What change?" Aizen backs me up to the wall, his hands on either side of my head as he leans in close to my face, " That smile. I've never seen you smile like that before. It was beautiful, you should do it more often." Kissing my forehead as he turns, slipping off and out of my room, closing the door behind him. Aizen and I have been spending some time together for Zane's sake. I have learned to tolerate his presence. Ichigo doesn't know about it, but he allows Aizen to come here every once in a while to see and hold his son.
Closing my door behind me as i slipped up to Zane's room, " Yuzu, I'll hold him more later. For now, I'll be out once more. Going out again. Don't wait up alright." Seeing her smile brightly at what i said, " Have a good night Yuzu. Tell Karin I will help her later, she'll know what you mean." Seeing her nod as i closed the door and walked off down the halls, heading outside, bumping into Ichigo. " Oh Jasmine. Heading out again i see." Grinning at me, " Are you going to flirt with them again?" I blushed softly at that, " I don't flirt with them, it is only Grimmjow and Nnoitra that do that. Ulquiorra, I don't even know if he knows what flirting is or how to do it." Shrugging, " But yes I'm heading over to Kisuke's." Ichigo gives me a smile at that, nodding, " Be safe Jasmine, don't do anything reckless or anything." Ruffling my hair before he turns, slipping off his shoes, "Oh Ichigo." Calling out to him as he turns towards me, " Did Orihime talk to you at all today?" Seeing him shake his head no, "Why?" I smiled at that, " Oh nothing, it's nothing. Anyways, don't wait up alright, It will be late when i come back again." Giving me a nod as i left and walked off down the road. " Sorry for lying to you Ichigo. I hate doing that, I hate lying, but i know how you are with him. You will prevent me from being near him, let alone talking to him." Muttering out lowly to myself as i approached the area.
                    Standing there, waiting for his arrival, moments later he approaches, standing next to me. " Aizen." Looking over at him, my eyes widened at his appearance. I couldn't help but stare at him, " Why are you dressed so fancy?" Questioning him as my eyes traveled up to meet his, " To take you out on a date." Looking at him with an ' are you insane?' look before looking down at my feet, " Aizen. The only reason why you and I are spending time together is for Zane." I got nothing in response from him. It caused my attention to lift to his face. An amused smirk was resting on his features, " You are forgetting I am one of the few people that can read you Jasmine. Something between us has changed. You are looking at me differently." I turned towards him, folding my arms together under my bust. "You may not love me like i love you, but you don't hate me anymore. Especially since I've begun to show you a side of me that I've never showed anyone before. Admit it, you're attracted to that side of me and it's making you look at me differently." I didn't say anything, only turned towards the water, staring at my reflection. " See. That's how i know i am right when it comes to you. You go silent and turn away from me." I tightened up my fists, " Aizen. It doesn't change anything, it doesn't erase what you have done to me. You still abused me, you still raped me. You still did so many other things i can't even count on my fingers is how many. How do you expect me to just let everything you did slide and embrace you with open arms?" Aizen slips his arms around my waist, burying his face in my neck muttering out, "I don't expect you to ever forgive me and move past it. I don't want you to, i don't deserve it. But i know deep down in this heart of yours." Feeling his hands slide up and rests on my heart area, " That you can make room for me in there. I don't want to and won't cause you any more pain. No one has seen this side of me before. For the longest time i didn't know this side of me existed, not until you came into my life. That quote that says 'anything can love'. Well my dear. You are the person that awoke that emotion in me and forced me to feel it. That gave me the ability to love. I fought it for the longest time, hating what it made me become, but learned to accept and embrace it." I cut him off, " Enough Aizen. Man you talk too much. I get it, you love me." My hands were folded into his hands, holding them tightly, not realizing i was doing it until now as i removed my hands from his. I pulled from his hold and turned towards him, staring up and into his eyes. " I'm not properly dressed and you look, umm, you look umm gorgeous as fuck." Turning away from him again, staring at my reflection once more. Aizen chuckles darkly at that, " Hmm, here this might help." I raised a brow at his tone of voice as i turned around, eyes widening all over again at what i saw, "A-Aizen. Seriously, i.. damn you." I couldn't help but blush at how gorgeous this man really is, the way his shirt clung tightly onto his torso. Aizen's fingers cupped my chin as he forced me to look up at him, " I convinced Orihime to make us something nice at her home. I gave her the supplies needed to make it knowing how she is with her food. So are you coming with me or not?" Staring into his brown orbs before i pried my chin from his grip and sighed out, " I guess. If you think this is a date, it's not. Get that out of your head right now." A smirk rose to his lips but he said nothing only held out his arm for me to take.
               After our moment together, i slipped out of Orihime's home with him, "Jasmine. I would like for you to stay with me in my home. You Zane and myself should be under the same roof. Move in with me. If a must, the 3 could come join us there. It's a big enough home for all of us." Looking up at him, "You sure have a huge pair of balls tonight. Damn Aizen. First this, then you want me to move in with you. What are you reading into?" Aizen stares at me with a blank expression before he slips down the stairs, "Think about it Jasmine. I'll text you the location. Talk about it with the 3 when you see them next." Looking up at me from the bottom of the stairs, " You coming? I'm walking you home." I stared at him before prying myself out of my thoughts, slipping down the stairs and taking his awaiting arm, " I'll think about it. Ichigo will hate it. You know how he is when it comes to you. He made it fairly clear how he feels about you, especially when it comes to me." Aizen brings my hand up to his lips and kisses my knuckles gently, "It wouldn't be his choice. You are a grown woman and a free woman in that matter. I'm not asking him for his permission, I am asking you. I want YOUR answer, not his." Giving a nod at that, " Yeah. I'm very well aware of that, i am just saying. He won't be happy and will put his two cents into it, and will probably stop me, IF i decide to."
                Approaching the door, turning towards him, " Thank you for walking me home." I went to slip inside but was pulled into his arms and having his lips crash upon mine. The kiss was gentle, warm, wet, and electrifying. Very breath taking. My hands found their way to his chest as they rested there, sinking into his kiss, actually enjoying it. He pulls back, staring deep into my half-lidded eyes, "Tell me you want me." Nothing has changed between Aizen and I. I still can't forgive him for what he has done to me, but for some reason, right now, i feel very heavily turned on over him. I crave to have him deep within me again. I'm screaming inside my head no, but my body is screaming yes. It was an overwhelming feeling, the feeling of desire, the feeling of want. My body is betraying me alongside my mouth as I find myself muttering out, "Yes." It was all that i could muster as he lifts me into his arms and takes me up and into my room, closing and locking the door. ( for those who wish to read the naughty part - )
               "I must have fallen asleep" Speaking out loudly to myself, slowly sitting up, holding the blanket to my bare form, looking around the room. " Must have left." Muttering out, " Good." I looked over at the clock before sighing out lowly to myself.
            Sliding out of the bathroom after freshening up once more. I ran my hair through my wild hair before sliding out of my room and walked off down the halls and past Ichigo's room. I stopped and pressed my ear to his door, listening closely. I heard him moving around inside, he wasn't asleep. I gave his door a soft knock. Moments later, he opens the door, " Jasmine? What are you doing up so early?" My eyes traveled up to his before sighing out again, " I could ask you the same thing. Who are you talking to in there? Is everything alright?" I saw him tense up at my question before nodding, " Orihime is here talking with me." A grin up at him, giving him a teasing wink not saying anything only poking his forehead and giving a wave off as i slipped off down the halls, heading to Zane.
                   I told Yuzu i would be spending some time with my son when i got back. I wasn't expecting to sleep with him, that wasn't even in my mind, it just happened. Mentally shaking my head of the thoughts as i entered the room and sat down beside his crib watching him breathe in slowly and out slowly. He looked so peaceful, it was so precious. " Jasmine." Hearing my name being called from behind as i peered over, "Shh." whispering out lowly before my eyes slightly widened, " Ulquiorra? What are you doing here?" Watching him make his way over to me, sitting down, " You. I swear you ask such stupid questions sometimes." In return he gets a punch to his arm, " Shush." I peered up at his face before i smiled softly, " You should be at Kisuke's sleeping." Poking his nose gently. As I'm retreating my hand from his face, he takes my hand and pulls me onto his lap, holding me tightly around the waist as his face is buried in my neck. "Orihime is here with Ichigo, she asked me to come with her. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see you again." Shifting in his lap as i slip my legs around his waist, sitting on his lap that way. I stared down and into his green eyes, "You can see me anytime you want Ulquiorra. If you see me sleeping, just slide into bed and hold me close to you. I'll enjoy that and you can be spending time with me." Smiling at him before i slowly inched my way closer to his face. " Is that cool with you?" A quiet hum escapes his lips as my lips make contact with his in a soft warm kiss. A soft cry interrupts us as i pulled back from him and slid from his lap, sliding up to the crib. " What's the matter little one?" Picking him up and resting him on my hip turning towards Ulquiorra, " You wanna hold him?" His eyes slightly widened at that before he shook his head no, " He looks so much like Aizen." Staring at him as i smiled. He said his name without 'Lord' in front of it. He made progress. " I know." Looking down at the small being that is playing with my hair again. "You've been training haven't you..." Glancing over at him seeing his eyes were trained on Zane still, " Yes. As you knew, i was the 4th. Now I'm far above it. Far stronger than Starrk was. That's just in my base form. I can't go straight to my second release state yet, it would destroy me." I turned towards him fully, my eyes were huge. This man has gotten far too strong. Why though? What was the reason behind it. "I can see it in your eyes. The answer is simple. Aizen." With his name being spoken, i only nod at that before saying, " He doesn't have any power of his own anymore. It's all sealed away." There was nothing for the longest time before he spoke again, " I have a feeling he is planning something. He wants his power back, and once he finds a way to get it back, I'll be ready." He cups my cheek, " I don't want him hurting you again Jasmine. I'll protect you with my existence." Zane was reaching out towards Ulquiorra's hair wanting to play with it, it caused Ulquiorra to back up and away from the child in return the child cries out. " Oh shh it's alright." Bouncing him on my hip, "Here, look." Bending down as my hair tickles his face. Zane giggles out and tugs at my hair, " He was just curious about you Ulquiorra." Walking Zane over and setting him down gently in the crib, "Come. Let's get out of the room. He needs to be sleeping, it's too early for him to be awake." Taking his hand and walking out of the room.
                It was silent between Ulquiorra and I for the longest time as we walked down the road together. I glanced up at his face before a soft smile rose to my lips, " You really are handsome." Kissing his cheek before looking forwards, peaking at him from the corner of my eye. Ulquiorra was staring down at me before feeling his arm wrap tightly around my shoulders, holding me close to his side. " Nonsense." Was all i managed to get out of him, "Shh, you know you are." His lips met my temple as we walked up to Kisuke's shop, "Get home and get some sleep alright." Kissing my forehead as he turns towards the entrance, I take his hand quickly to stop him. " I'll be alright, don't push yourself too hard. I don't want you to be hurt." He glanced over at me from over his shoulder before pulling me in front of him, " I'll always protect you. Don't try and change my mind on that." Lifting my chin and connecting his lips upon mine once more.
                  I watched him disappear inside the building as i looked down at my feet. A smile creeps up onto my lips as I turn, slipping off down the road, " You think you can just leave without saying something to me, My Dear?" I glanced up, " Nnoitra." Watching him leap down, landing in front of me. " Didn't realize you were up there or wanting my attention." Trailing my eyes back down to my feet, nervous suddenly for some reason. Nnoitra scoffs before using two fingers to lift my chin to meet his face, " I said it once before, woman, i won't say it again." Leaning down so his face is inches apart from mine, " Yeah yeah yeah, whatever. You alongside the others claimed me. Yada yada yada." Reverting my gaze elsewhere before peaking at him. I couldn't help but giggle out, " You really are fun to mess with." Kissing his cheek, " You missed." Smirking at his words before moving to his ear, " Did i?" A low growl leaves his lips as his arms snaked around my waist, boosting my legs up to wrap around his waist, " You really are a dick tease." Crashing his lips upon mine, his tongue slithering inside my awaiting mouth as it explores every inch of it. One of my hands slid up and into his hair before the other rested on his shoulder to balance myself. He pulls back after time and stares at me, " I always wanted to fuck you, you do realize that right?" A soft blush rests on my cheeks at his words before reverting my gaze once more, " Yeah I'm aware of that, pervert." My reaction caused him to chuckle out, "I won't be like Aizen, when you wish to, we will. No ifs ands or buts about it. I'll be smashing that tight little cunt of yours until you are a mess underneath me" My eyes widened at his words, " Dude, calm down with the wording." Burying my face in his cheek to hide my fiery cheeks, " Shy as always when it comes to that sort of thing. Oh by the way." Squeezing my ass, " You have one fine ass." Giving it a hard squeeze again. Burying my face into his neck even more, " Shush."
                      I could tell he didn't want to leave my side. I wonder why. I didn't say anything, not wanting to offend him or whatnot. I just stood there, staring out at the lake, " I really do enjoy this place. It's calming, it helps me relax." Earning a grunt from him, " Wanna spar off against me tomorrow?" Earning a dark chuckle from him, " Woman, please." Taking his hand tightly into mine, " Shh, it's a simple question, don't be sexist." Nnoitra glanced down at me before sitting down in the grass, pulling me down and into his lap, holding me tightly around my waist, " Sure." Was his answer as he nuzzles my neck, " You are the first woman ever to make me feel like this. I wonder why." I didn't say anything only played with his hair, " Go ahead, i know you want to." Nnoitra smirks at my words as he buries his face in my breasts, groaning out lowly. A soft giggle leaves my lips, " Men with boobs, i swear. I mean i don't blame you, i like women as well." His eye snapped up to my face, staring at me intensely. " You like women. Wait, what are you saying Jasmine." Glancing down before looking up at the sky, " Never heard of a bisexual person before i see. I would never date a woman, but that doesn't mean i don't enjoy looking at their marvelous bodies. I'm a boob person, i really do love boobs." My eyes widened slightly as i looked down at him, " Nnoitra, umm, you're umm.." Blushing madly slightly squirming in his lap, " Stop squirming, you're making it harder." Feeling him shift and having it rub against me again, " Fuck, really!?" Tugging at his hair causing him to groan out, clearly enjoying that. " You are the rough type. The type that gets off on pain, I'm taking it?" Nnoitra chuckles hard at that, "You could say that." Raising his head up as his face buries in my neck again, nibbling on it, " I want you right now. Right here on this grass." There was no way i could hide my face from him now, " Pervert." Unable to get anything else out as he thrusts upwards, " I'm not joking." My face was deep red, he just humped me. " Oh i know you're not. If i would have known it would make you this way i wouldn't have mentioned it." Nnoitra takes my hands and removes them from my face, "If you wont have sex with me, at least touch me and help me out with my problem." Staring up and into his eye, "Horny little bastard." A shit eating grin forms on his lips at my words, "Only for you." I slapped his chest before i pulled him down into a rough kiss, it earned another groan from him which caused me to smirk. I pulled back and stared at him, "I don't see you having me dominate you, that's what would happen. You will be a helpless mess underneath me." Nnoitra stares deep into my eyes, "Yeah i don't see that happening either. Alright then. Get off and I'll please myself while you watch. I wanna touch you as well." If only it were possible for my cheeks to get anymore red, "Damn you fucking pervert." Hiding my face behind my hands again as i slid from his lap and sat next to him. I didn't bother looking at him. The sound of grunts caused me to peek over at him from beneath my eyes, " Dude. Whoa." Staring at his size, "Cover yourself up, we are in public!" His free hand found my mouth, covering it. " Shut up. Can't you see I'm busy at the moment."
                   The final grunt coming from him was slightly louder than the rest as he covered himself up, turning towards me, " Don't even think about it." Nnoitra's lips formed into a mad grin again, "Let me touch you, trust me. What i can do with this mouth of mine, you will be a quivering mess underneath me." Those words alone made me squirm around, "Pervert." His hands wrapped tightly around my wrists as he pushes back and pins me down into the grass, hoovering above me. "Just say no and i won't. But we both know, you want me to." Staring up at him, no words were escaping me before i turned my head in a different direction. " Very well." Feeling his hands slide down my arms and cupping my breasts, " Hmm. Your nipples are erect." Lifting my shirt up and above them as he smirks, "Such a prize." His lips connected with a bud. My eyes were huge at what he said as my mind flashed back to when Aizen said those same words. Thoughts were interrupted when his tongue circles around one with his finger tips pinching and pulling the other one, " N-Nnoitra." Stuttering out his name, " I never said. F-fuck, that damn tongue of yours. I never said yes." He raised his head as he stared at me, " I know." Removing himself from my breasts, lowering my shirt. " I couldn't help myself." Sliding off me, pulling me into his embrace, lifting my chin, "Just making sure you know, you're mine and what you will be missing out on." Standing up, pulling me to my feet, " Go home now." Grinning down at me before turning and slipping off down the road.
                    Once he was out of sight, i turned and slammed into a chest, " God dammit." Rubbing my face, glancing up at the person, " Grimmjow." He stares at me intensely before growling out, "Trying to get used to others having you. What did he do to you, your face is all fluttered." My mind traveled back to it before shaking my head, "None of your business." He opens his mouth to speak but i cut him off with a deep kiss. His hand instantly traveled to the back of my head, holding me there. His lips moving in sync with mine, only stopping long enough to get in air before diving back into it for more intense kissing.
               Staring up at his gorgeous blue eyes before reverting my gaze, " Seriously, how hot can you be." Peaking up at him, seeing that massive grin on his features, " Oh shut up." Causing it to widen, "Such a sexy woman. Come." Taking my hand, dragging me down the grassy lane, "Where are you taking me?" And once again i got nothing, " Gotta stop doing that. Just answer me." He glanced down at me, " Shush and just follow." Pouting at his words, dragging my feet, finding it hard to walk when he is dragging me. " Yeah i would love to walk but you're dragging me." Grimmjow snorts at this looking down, " Well you're slow as fuck. Pick up the pace and I'll stop dragging you." Releasing his hold on me as i picked up my pace and was walking next to him now, " Long legged bitch. Alright, are you going to answer me now?" Grimmjow stares at me, "Who are you calling a bitch, Bitch?" I couldn't help but giggle out at this, "Chill, you are fun to tease." His hand found my ass as he cups it, lifting me off the ground by my ass. I instantly held onto him, "Dude! Holy shit!" His face was buried in my breasts now as he stood there, nuzzling into them. " I could stay like this all night, I'm taking you home dumbass." Blushing madly at this, my hands tangled in his hair, " Stay with me there, i wouldn't mind it." Grimmjow lifts his head, staring at me, " If only i can be buried in your breasts." Grinning at him before chuckling, " Yeah yeah, whatever. Typical guy. Take me home my King." Grimmjow groans out, " Damn straight babe. I am your King." Walking again, or more like hauling ass home.

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