11 - Just Like This

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I'm still and I'm here, let me take you in like this... — Here I Am Again, Baek Ye Rin


One thing led to another and the next time Amy finally realized what had just happened, both Narnians and Telmarines were in harmony. That day, the Narnians were celebrating the victory of the war. Not long after, Caspian was crowned as the king.

All the way, Amy decided to just watch everything unfold in front of her as she continued to remain in the background. Then again, not many people liked what she was doing. And to think she had contributed to a lot of things that led to the victory of the Narnians. Especially in terms of medical assistance.

At least, Caspian had told her that when the celebration finally died down.

"You don't have to worry about me at this point, Your Majesty," she said as soon as her mind finally registered the words he said to her.

"Then why didn't you join the celebration earlier?"

Amy couldn't help sighing before looking around, only to see what remained of the big celebration that had happened a while back. At the sight, she smiled sadly.

"I don't know..." she admitted. "But I've been thinking about... a lot of things lately. Especially when reality finally hit me that the war had ended and things would return to the way it was. Or at least... that's what I'd like to think."

"Whatever do you mean?"

Caspian looked truly confused. It looked like he still didn't understand why she was feeling distant and even restless. But she retained the sad smile on her face. This time, she faced the setting sun.

"There are things — good things — that will eventually come to an end even though a part of our hearts do wish them to last forever. Now I realize that it's been a ridiculous thought all this time," Amy said without looking at the newly-crowned king.

She just remained facing the sun. At that moment, a face appeared in her mind that only made her words hit her hard like a brick had fallen and smashed her heart. Okay, those words turned out to be a little... strange, for the lack of a better word. Since when did she start describing her feelings like this?

Something was definitely off about her at the moment. But she chose not to mention it to Caspian at all. She couldn't possibly ruin anything more about a supposedly festive occasion any more than she did.

After assuring Caspian that she would be alright on her own, Amy left the hall to go outside and breathe some fresh air. Then again, that was just an excuse. She knew very well that she had no real purpose going outside other than to get away from the truth that was about to hit them in the next coming days.

Just some short days before reality would hit her hard.

The reality of her finally leaving Narnia to go home.

It was an inevitable truth and she knew that. But it looked like a big part of her didn't want to accept it. It was a strange notion, to be honest. And yet she thought that if she would want to be able to make it easy for her on the day of her departure, then...

Another heavy sigh escaped her lips as she looked up to the then already dark sky. But this time, it was not a foreboding night to look at. At least in the meantime, there would be no wars to threaten the peace that they had just achieved together.

"I thought you would be here."

Those words snapped her out of her musings and rashly turned to the source of it. Amy's eyes widened at the sight of Edmund standing a few feet away from her, staring at her intently. She had seen that look in his eyes before, when he knew he had to talk seriously to her about something.

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