Until Death Do Us Apart (II)

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   After the roles were decided by the majestic 'Fate', Jingyi and Jin Ling had nothing to say. Shizui finally broke the silence.

Lan Shizui: "Now that the roles have been confirmed, I and Zizhen shall be supervising our act and will coordinate with others if the need for improvisation arises. Tomorrow is going to be an important day and our abilities will be put to test, so I request everyone to rest well tonight."

  Everyone agrees and leaves for their respective rooms.

  The next day...

 As the Clan Leader had said, he had put good efforts in making the marriage look real. A ground outside a temple in the village was decorated for the marriage. It had a raised platform so that people could conveniently see the bride and the groom performing the wedding rituals, there were also sitting arrangements for the guests, tables filled with lots of delicacies, place for gifts and much more. It looked like a real wedding was going to take place in Tanyi after a long time.

 People were gathering around both worried and excited, as it had been long since Tanyi had heard the joyful sounds of drums, trumpets and gong to signify an auspicious union of two souls.

 Disciples of Jin and Ouyang Clan were helping in the decorations while the disciples of Lan Clan were setting up traps and arranging essentials that will come handy to help catch the ghost bride.

  Soon it was afternoon and almost all the preparations were done. The disciples received a lot of passersby that were eager to know who were the bride and the groom. The wedding was decided to start at evening so that most of the people would be in their houses and the appearance of the ghost bride will not disrupt the daily routine of the village.

It was almost evening now and as the time for the play was nearing everyone was starting to get nervous. The Clan Leader had ordered the guards to dress up like guests as the commoners were not ready to take part, also he thought it would be of some help to the cultivators. 

Meanwhile in a room,

Ouyang Zizhen: (o゜▽゜)o☆(happy with his makeover skills)"Oh Gods, how beautiful, Jingyi you are looking absolutely like a maiden who is soon to be spoiled by her new husband."

Lan Jingyi: (flustered but annoyed)  ≡(▔﹏▔)≡ "I hate it here..."

Jingyi was wearing a red bridal dress with golden designs, Zizhen had completely changed his look into a beautiful woman's look, so he could easily pass as a bride with the beauty of a full moon on her wedding day, as long as he did not talk.

Afterwards they walked out of the room and met Shizui and Jin Ling who were standing at the gate waiting for them. Jin Ling was wearing a groom's red dress and had same patterns like Jingyi's dress. 

Lan Shizui: (smiling) "I truly feel jealous now (^U^)ノZizhen you've really done a great job. Now let's move out, the parade will take you guys to the wedding ground Jin Ling will be riding the horse and Jingyi will be sitting in the carriage that will be carried by few disciples. I and Zizhen will be walking along the parade, so don't worry we'll be around."

Lan Jingyi: "Why does he gets to ride the horse and why am I in the carriage!!(╯‵□′)╯I don't agree with this setting and are you really gonna make me wear that veil. I can hardly see my surroundings with it, plus my knees are all bruised, for the many times I've stumbled walking in this dress!!" 

Jin Ling:(¬︿̫̿¬☆)"Now that's the temper of a mistress, saw why you got this role.."

Lan Jingyi: ╰(‵□′)╯"How dare you!!...Shizui I told you thi.."

Lan Shizui:  (¬_¬ )

Ouyang Zizhen:   (¬_¬") (in slightly audible tone)"I think no one can do it better than you both."

Lan Shizui: (speaks immediately as to avoid further discussion)"Okay now, let's get moving, we have to reach the ground before the sun sets completely."

According to the plan the parade marched towards the ground. Many people were watching the parade from windows, doorsteps, some had happy expressions while some were worried but none of them dared to say a word. The sound of the parade's music could be heard even at a good distance, as people's fear for the ghost bride had made the place very silent.  

After a while the parade reached the decorated ground, the bride and the groom started to walk towards the platform decorated for rituals. As soon as the parade's music stopped, all one could feel was gusting of cold wind and hear the mild rustling of leaves and slight chiming of bells from the temple.

The sun had now passed beyond the horizon, only a little of its dusky rays fell on the golden decorations of the temple and the ground. Many lamps were lit to keep the place as bright as possible, the flames of the lamps were wavering on the wind's rhythm, if one would keep watching them it would show a sad emotion of helplessness in front of the ever flowing lifeless wind. The atmosphere was filled with not fear but like something was missing, it was not dark but was gloomy, not sad but cold. No soul would speak but only keep it's guard up waiting for something they were all here for, unsure of what the fate had for them next.

Jingyi and Jin Ling were nervous too, they both walked on the platform and the fake rituals started. Soon it began to get too cold many lamps at the entrance blew out, which made everyone alert. 

Shizui and Zizhen were standing near the bride and the groom, they signaled other disciples to be on alert as the significant guest they were waiting for was soon arriving.

Suddenly a strong gust of wind blew out all the lights, the fire talismans were quickly lit up by the disciples and the presence of the vengeful spirit could be felt by the cultivators, the guards were startled and were lighting up the lamps again.

As Shizui and Zizhen felt the spirit approaching the bride and groom, Shizui pulled Jingyi behind and stuck a weakening talisman on the ghost bride, the talisman made the spirit even more irritated and it started to find an escape but she was being surrounded by the present cultivators with controlling talismans ready to be casted on one signal. The objects started to move around and attack the cultivators. Even with the weakening talisman she still had powers to cause chaos, that talisman only made her visible and physically present so as to get a hold of her.

Zizhen had already tried twice to catch her using spiritual rope, but she was too unstable. Seeing this Jingyi decided to step in to give them a chance to catch her, as she would definitely try to attack him. And she took the bait, she attacked as soon as she saw the bride but Zizhen got her in time. But unbelievably she broke the rope and her claw-like looking hand went to pierce Jingyi's chest, startled by this instant move Jingyi was unable to act quickly and embraced himself for the worst, when he heard a sharp sound and snarling from the spirit. There was blood dripping from the blade in front of him and that moment was taken as the advantage by Shizui and Zizhen, Shizui casted a seizing spell while Zizhen tied the spirit to a chair covered in talismans and spell charms. 

Jingyi got himself together and realized that the blade was Suihua. It was Jin Ling who had blocked the attack and injured the ghost with his sword. 

Gratefulness was exchanged through glances, and attention was again towards the honorary guest. 

Lan Jingyi: "Now speak of your reason to hurt innocent lives, don't force us to make you speak, it won't go well."(he stated in a concrete tone)

   To be continued....

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