Dear 10,000 years in the future

40 1 0

Bweep Bweep

The sound of a machine can make anybody go insane. Next to the machine was a pancake with a cheesy aroma, Syrnyky, Ukraine must have made it this morning.

"Good morning! I made your lunch on the counter, and help me open the shop."

Ukraine was always a good older sister so normally I do what she says, so I started cleaning. Every speck of dirt was wiped off, no dirt was left unnoticed, and soon it looked like a more colorful hospital than a cafe. Soon Belarus, my little sister, came down to see customers lined up with businessmen, regulars, and new faces trickling into the store.

I left before the place got too crowded.

- Stop = Pataned square -

14 years anniversaries since my father's death, I should buy some flowers later. Honestly i never remembered my father but Ukraine told me that father acted just like me, cold and unresponsive. After my fathers death the foster corps sent my 'siblings' away and since no one wanted to adopt me, Ukraine became my guardian and the rest was history.

Shit its time


(Nobody Pov)

"This mission seems like a personal grudge against me, forcing me to study medicine while I don't even know what it looks like."

The short man sulked by laying his head on the nearby person, who slightly flinched, even though it was a strange situation to be in, the person, a tall and disciplined man, seemed indifferent and let the strange person sulk on his shoulder.

Even though the man wanted to say something, unfortunately he wasn't in the same profession and just had to listen. A bang replaced the awkward moment and took the two by surprise. Soon a man entered the room and the air became tense but friendly. He had long hair and a hair clip resembling stars.

In a deep voice, he spoke

" your mission has changed, an fight between the gods has happened, and a generous offer has been made, the details are simple: protect the child that will wake up him and you will get rewarded tenfold"

With a wisp of air, the omnipotent figure disappeared, leaving two bewildered people.

"I guess it's time for a change of pace, isn't that right, Ger." the man smiled.

With a sigh, ger warned, "Don't get too excited Pol."


A figure walked towards the edge of a building followed by multiple cats, there sitting a man with long hair seemingly unbothered by the abnormal amount of cats there were. The figure joined the man in looking at the morning city bustling with work.

a trail of flowers soon flew across, a figure suddenly appeared behind them immediately catching the attention of the pair, she had short hair and a stern look. she politely but firmly started to speak.

"I am sorry for my improper way of greeting you but, an altercation has reached its boiling point. I need you to assassinate the child of the fifth generation. This is a direct Mission."

The figure left like how she arrived, gracefully.

"She sure knows how to pique my interest, this might be interesting"

Smirked the sly man

"Do we even know who this person is?"

"Did I say I would complete this 'mission'."

"Always trying to avoid work, huh"

This was met with silence.


New start yay

I am so sleep deprived. Is this too long of a chapter :] Also Syrnyky sound really good. Maybe I should try it .

If any mistakes happened pls tell me.

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