new faces and old past

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"Egg, flour, and sugar-"I counted the ingredients while preparing for the shop. I could've made the hours less early but the increase in tourist rates and job employment made early 5:00 the best time for business and reputation considering that most cafes don't open till 6:30 I can get a few extra bucks with the cost of my sleep. After Ruski left, Bela came down to give a hand with the cash register while I cooked. Normally she would run some errands for me but today we were stocked. The increase in hostilities between the countries has made supply unstable resulting in premium coffee beans being ransacked by border control. It also doesn't help the fact that we moved from an opposing country and now are suspected as spies sent from the enemies, how troublesome. I might not be able to afford Bela's tuition if the tension keeps rising. The academy is the best school that exists in the country so it will of course be expensive even when discounted. It's always assumed that the students there are at most rich or powerful as you could easily bribe the school even if it's illegal.

"Hey, can I have a "

"This isn't the right coffee-"

"Caramel drizzle with 4 pum-"

"Oh thank you"

The customer's voice blended into one but eventually, the cafe soon died down, I sighed while counting the sales when a tall, slender man came, and in a timid tone, he whispered.

"I hope you weren't closed"

"Not at all come on in."

"Oh um I'm sorry about this, my sister wanted her late-night coffee"

"Oh, my sister always grumbles when she doesn't get her food in, what can I get you."

The tall slender man starts pulling his phone out of a pocket to check the order, the phone appears to have leaves and seems to be a newer model. My sister's phone in comparison might even be the first model and most likely bought from an antique store it is that old. I let out a small sigh just thinking about this.
"Here is your coffee sir"

"Thank you Madame" he promptly said pausing and asking in a timid tone "Uhh I didn't get your name, if you don't mind of course I need your name for future reference."

"Just call me Ukraine." Considering that he asked first I decided to return the favor "And you?"

"I'm Canada."

~time skip~
After Canada left it was already supper time  I accidentally talked too much to him I hope I didn't ruin the coffee with my convo with him.

" hey sis, who was that man, have you met him before?" Bela politely questioned me

"No Bela I'm not his girlfriend." I rolled my eyes in frustration.

"Huh," Bela said unpleased by the answer.

The old TV that Bela was watching suddenly switched to the news there a woman with a serious look spoke "BREAKING NEWS: the sudden death of many. the ship named Alejandro suddenly capsized drowning a few and injuring the masses. The reason still unknown." She took a deep breath "To other news the San Mandrino tower had a shooter who took important files and shot five people, these two events might pose a danger to anybody so please be careful tonight."
Finally, the TV switched back to a drama but the silence was too loud. Soon the door opened and Russia came in. Not expecting the misery of the room she soon left not even saying anything about the silence soon after Bela turned the TV off and attended to her studies. Who did this? Why did they do it? Was it needed to kill that many people? Is my sister going to be safe? These questions filled my head, as I cleaned. No, no, no why would they target a cafe or a convenience store? I stared at the ceiling unable to sleep. Luckily Russia doesn't sleep in the same room or she would've rustled around trying to notify me to go to sleep. Our house has 3 rooms so we get our room, unlike the time at the orphanage where we could try dreaming of a separate room. Since Russia and I were one of the older kids we could share a room but the rest had to separate into four.
Luckily Belarus doesn't need to experience it as she was a little toddler when her father died. Those were good times too bad now everything is at war and soon to be destroyed but I guess we should enjoy what we have now. Ukraine why are you philosophical all of a sudden? The ceiling flickered and dimmed and soon disappeared followed by immediate relaxation, today was weird, oh well.

Word Count:789

its the 29th which means i miss by 2 days i mean it should be fine i am totally well verse with wattpad  :) anyways ill try to make longer chapters and might make it not a month but nothing can be insured. anyways look at my totally pro artist skillz.

 anyways look at my totally pro artist skillz

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me this whole month

me this whole month

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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