Sanctuary Part 4

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Freya and Elsa were talking in the hallway after Anna, Andres, and Astrid went to their rooms

Freya- You haven't told him, have you? 

Elsa- What are you talking about? 

Freya- Your brother. He needs to know what's to come. 

Elsa- No, he doesn't

Freya- Sinmara, you have to listen to me, out of all people trying to deny prophecy. 

Elsa- Denying Prophecy? 

Freya- We both saw what Surtur's shrine foretold. 

Elsa- Yes, I know.

Freya- I Never told Baldur about what the Norns told me and that went horribly. I don't want the same thing to happen to you.

Elsa- That's my family business

Freya- Your family business is currently at the top of Odin's priority list. He's made multiple attempts on your brother's life. And that's after he tried to corrupt and manipulate him.

Elsa- Freya, I understand. But it's complicated... 

Freya- The fate of the realms rely on the outcome of this shrine, and you're saying it's complicated? 

Elsa- Yes. Far, far more than you think. I'll tell him if I see it fit, otherwise, forget it!

Freya- Your brother could die... 

Elsa- I know, I saw it on the shrin--

Freya- And you destroyed it!

Elsa- it's happened twice already!

Freya-  Huh? 

Elsa- Look, I'll figure it out Freya, but do not Tell Andres anything about the shrine. Understood? If you tell him, I'll handle you myself.

Freya- Fine, Your choice... It's your family

Present Time

Andres walked through the halls. As if he was looking for something... 

Freya- Surtur

Or Someone. 

Andres- Freya, I want to see what Sinmara is hiding from me. 

Freya- I'd new you'd be curious. Follow me. 

Freya took Andres to a secluded section in the Sanctuary into a treasury.  And tucked away in the back was a tucked away Shrine covered by cloths. Freya removed them all and revealed it.

Freya- This is what she didn't want to show you. 

Andres- Why? 

Freya- Here is the thing with these shrines. They tell the story of the person within it. The Left shows their origin, while the right... 

Andres- Let me guess. Their fate.

Freya- You're right.  

Andres noticed that the right side of the shrine is destroyed. 

Andres- What happened to this one? The Right side of this shrine was destrohyed. 

Freya- Sinmara destroyed that part. She was furious and scared. 

Andres- Why Would she destroy this? Who's shrine is this Freya. 

Freya- It's yours, Surtur. She destroyed your fate.

Andres- What? Why would she do that?!

Freya- You died at Ragnarök.

Andres- oh...  Well, what am I supposed to do? 

Freya- What do you mean? 

Andres- I've died twice, Freya. I'm used to it at this point but at least this death has purpose

Freya- How are you so used to death? 

Andres-  Well, we you experience it so many times it becomes dull, I mean yeah it has impact but... when you've fought and died so many times, you at least knw what you're going into 

Andres left Freya who was in shock. 

Freya- You're contempt with dying? 

Andres- Yes, Freya, I don't know what you'd think you'd accomplish by showing me this. Elsa has reasons, some I don't completely agree with but they all have good intentions behind them, If she didn't want me to see this then that's what it's for. Ragnarök is coming and yes, there is nothing I can do to stop it. I know I'm going to die soon,  I know my life isn't supposed to last long, but I'm living it! I have a woman I love so much and my sisters who I would die for and am dying for. So I'm going to make sure that when I die they aren't going to remember me in pain but in pride, alright?

Andres walked away but while when he reached the stairwell Elsa walked down

Andres- Elsa... 

Elsa- Move.

Elsa shoved him out of the way and went straight for the shrine

Elsa- I should've destroyed this the moment I saw it... 

Freya- Sinmara...

Sinmara- No, You don't get to say Anything any more!! You don't get to meddle In my family affairs!! This is none of your business!!

Sinmara opened the shrine and charged a blast of Ice in her hand

She punched her hand through the shrine and destroyed the Shrine Completely

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She punched her hand through the shrine and destroyed the Shrine Completely. 

Andres- Elsa... Calm down 

Andres slowly stepped towards her, holding out his hand

Freya- Sinmara, I understand your anger but you can't deny it anymore

Andres- Elsa, it's okay, we have time. 

Sinmara- No... There's no time left...

Andres- Maybe we can stop Ragnarök from happening, prevent that from happening!

Freya- No, there's no denying fate. What was on that shrine must happen

Sinmara looked at Freya and kicked her out of the building completely and far away from the Sanctuary, she jumped after her and choke slammed her into the ground. 

Freya- I don't want to fight, Sinmara

Sinmara- You should've left him out of this. 

Sinmara landed on the ground and herhands grew into dragon claws 

Sinmara landed on the ground and herhands grew into dragon claws 

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Sinmara- I warned you. 

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