Deal Part 2

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Andres was about to shake Odin's hand but stopped

Andres- I want a safety net before I agree... 

Odin- I'm sorry? 

Andres- I want mistletoe

Odin- You want me to give you the key to Kill Baldur? 

Andres- That's my safety net. 

Odin- Why? I said I'd keep Baldur off your back. 

Andres- Freya told me that Baldur doesn't like losing, I really beat his ass so I don't know how he'd take it. So if He attacks me, I'll be ready. I won't kill him but I can't promise that he'll be safe. 

Odin- Andres, I ca--

Andres- I have someone I love, you have to be able to relate to that. I want to marry her Odin and if Baldur decides to show up on my doorstep, I want to be prepared for the worst

Odin- Baldur doesn't disobey my orders. 

Andres- Does he? Or have you just not caught him? 

Odin looked at Andres in curiosity

Andres- You don't know what could happen? Gotta cover all bases right? 

Odin summoned a small portal and grabbed something from inside of it. He gave Andres I piece of green rock. 

Odin- Baldur, doesn't touch you. If he does, then it's out of my hands. 

Odin held out his hand and Andres shook it. 

Odin- Smart choice, Andres... Huginn!

A Flock of crows surrounded Andres as he was taken back to Jotunheim. Andres opened his hand to see the green gem. Andres started walking towards the sanctuary. When arriving he went straight down to Astrid

Andres- Get your stuff. We're going home.  

Astrid- Woah, what are you talking about?! 

Andres began putting his stuff away. ONce he got his stuff he started with Astrid's but she stopped him. 

Astrid- What are you doing? 

Andres- We're going home, I was able to keep Baldur away from us... Where's Elsa? 

Astrid- Andres! Stop!

Anna and Elsa walked into the room seeing Andres clean up everything 

Anna- Where are you going? 

Andres- We're going home. 

Anna- You're running away?! What happened with Odin? 

Elsa- Andres, where did he take you? What did he do to you? 

Andres- Nothing... It's nothing. He just took me to Asgard and we talked

Anna- What do you mean nothing? You were missing! Where did you g--

Andres- I made a deal! Odin and I struck a deal and now we don't have to worry about anything anymore! No Ragnarök, Elsa, neither of us have to die, and Asgard isn't destroyed! It's great!

Elsa- What deal did you make?! 

Andres ignored her and  tried to walk out but Elsa grabbed him. 

Elsa- What happened... 

Andres- Quit looking for Tyr, and leave me out if whatever ordeal you got going on 

Andres removed Elsa's grip of him and and tried to take Astrid

Astrid- What are you doing? 

Andres- We're going home, I fixed the issue. 

Astrid- You're running away from the problem!

Andres- No. I'm not... I fixed the problem and if it doesn't work then I have a permanent solution. 

Astrid- Andres what are you talking about?!

Andres showed them the Mistletoe

Andres- If Baldur attacks, I'll kill him 

Elsa- Andres do you know what could happen if you kill him? 

Andres- Ragnarök. I've accepted that already, Astrid let's go. 

Elsa tried to grab the mistletoe but Andres secured it. 

Andres- I know what I'm walking into this time. And I'm Fully aware of the consequences if I do Kill him. It's purely up to Baldur whether he wants to let his emotions get to him. If he doesn't, then we have nothing to worry about. You Elsa... Stop Looking for him, I don't know who he is but it was part of Odin's agreement. 

Elsa- You're actually going to follow his agreement? After everything Freya said? 

Andres- Didn't you hate Freya? 

Elsa- Yes but she has experience and knowledge that's the one thing we need currently!

Andres- Elsa I don't think you understand, I have found some form of peace and I will do anything to make sure I keep it. You of all people know what could happen if I commit to getting back into the action, by letting myself gain power. I'm not doing that anymore, now I use them purely for defense, and if it come to it, I will use them for offense. But I'm done making enemies of almost everyone I meet. So yes, I'm gonna take Odin's word for as long as he keeps his. 

Elsa- Andres....

Andres walked out the door 

Andres- I'll be waiting in the travel room


Andres walked back to his Cabin with Astrid. The Wind rustling through the trees. 

Astrid- Andres... 

Andres kept walking through the forest, finding the cabin and walking in. The place was dusty and unkept. Being able to tell that neither of them where there. The Decorations from the anniversary was still up. 

Andres put his stuff down and began putting away everything that was put up. 

Astrid- Andres, are you gonna talk to me? 

Andres ignored her and continued removing the lights and candles. 

Astrid- Stop running away from this!

Andres- I'm Not Running Away! I'm living the life that I Want! No Fighting, No Running, Just Living! I've done all the fighting and running I could do, now I just want to live peacefully... Please Astrid. I don't want to go looking for a fight... Not Again. 

Astrid- Andres... 

Andres- I've killed so many people, Astrid... I've drowned a whole Kingdom, and now I'm being told I destroyed a whole Realm? No... No I can't do that, no more destroying... I just need you, and only you. 

Astrid grabbed his hand and held it, her warmth, he succumbed to her and sat down... 

Andres- Astrid, you've the first best thing that's happened to me since I got my sisters back. I don't want to lose you... 

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