7: The Oracle

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LUNA FOUND herself standing in the middle of the activity fields, the only source of light being created by the full moon above her. Surrounding her cautiously were Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Chiron, who all shared an expression of concern on their faces. Some other half-bloods watched from their cabins, as Luna's eyes darted around in confusion.

"Lu?" Percy questioned, approaching the girl slowly, "You slept-walked again."

"Hence why I'm in my pyjamas on an open field." Luna deadpanned sarcastically, as Annabethwrapped a blanket around the girl's shoulders to keep her warm.

"Do you sleepwalk very often, Luna?" Chiron asked curiously.

"Uh, I don't really keep track." Luna explained, "Miss Jackson normally deals with it."

"She ended up on our balcony once." Percy added. She nudged him gently with her elbow, as he chuckled to himself- he took pride in annoying Luna.

Chiron nodded knowingly, almost as though he knew something that nobody else did, before speaking, "Please escort Luna back to the infirmary... and be sure to tell her the news."

"News?" Luna questioned, "What news?"

When they got back to the infirmary, the three kids stayed with Luna to keep her company, which the girl appreciated deeply. Grover passed her a cup of hot chocolate, "You were passed out for a day before you started sleepwalking. You missed Percy's ceremo-"

"Grover, she's just woken up." Annabeth interrupted, as she folded her arms across her chest, "I don't think we just spring this on her."

"What? Spring what on me?" Luna asked in confusion, "Percy, what's going on?"

Percy looked down to the floor, hesitating as he thought of the right words to say, "When you, uh, passed out... something happened."

Luna asked, "Was it Clarisse again?"

"No, no. Uh, Clarisse hasn't bothered me... it's someone else." Percy explained slowly, "I, uh... my dad sort of claimed me."

Luna repeated, "Sort of?"

"His dad fully claimed him." Grover deadpanned, "There was a trident above his head and everything."

Percy glanced at Grover in frustration; he didn't want to boast to Luna because she hadn't been claimed. Percy didn't want her to feel unwanted or left out, so he attempted to make it seem like not a big deal.

Luna questioned, a frown of despair wrinkled upon her eyebrows, though she tried to not seem upset, "You were claimed?"

Percy nodded slowly, "Yeah."

Luna was very happy for Percy, but a pit of shame knotted in her stomach. She smiled, "That glory plan worked then, huh?"

"I told you." Percy smirked at Luna's happiness, no longer cautious about his words as the girl seemed happy for him, "The Gods can't ignore you if you catch their attention." He paused for a moment, before blurting out, "I'm going on a quest."

Luna scoffed, "A quest?"

Annabeth sighed at Percy's silence, "The Oracle confirmed a quest for Percy into the underworld to retrieve Zeus' lightning bolt. He chose Grover, you, and me to help him."

After a few more hours had passed, Grover and Annabeth had eventually made their way back to their own cabins, leaving Percy and Luna alone in the infirmary. Percy rested his eyes as he slouched in a rocking chair next to the hospital bed that Luna rested on.

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