14: Breaking Curfew

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LUNA WAS officially out of place.

There were 12 Cabins in camp, none of which belonged to the children of Hecate. Luna was told that when a child was claimed, it was special and respected- though she was chucked back into Cabin 11 with Hermes' kids, who all hated her because of the whole Luke situation. Hecate, as powerful as she was, was a minor God, meaning she didn't have a Cabin. Alike the many other children of minor Gods, they had been offered a place in the Hermes cabin.

Being unwanted wasn't a very good feeling, and Luna had become very familiar with it recently.

With occasional eyebrow raises to try and show interest, Luna had finally been left alone by the Cabin Councillor to make herself comfortable. Though, no matter how hard she tried, Luna couldn't stop thinking about Percy. Her own brother had fallen 630 feet and Luna had just watched- if she found out she was a daughter of Hecate earlier, maybe she could've helped.

Maybe Percy would've still been alive.

"Luna?" The familiar voice of Luke spoke behind the girl, as footsteps approached her cautiously.

"Luke?" She questioned, wondering why the boy didn't hate her for what she did, "I'm, uh, really sorry about the whole... goat thing."

"It's okay." Luke replied, a smirk appearing on his scarred face. He tried to lighten the mood, "Hey, at least you got claimed, right?"

But being claimed wasn't important to Luna anymore, she just wanted to know if her brother was okay.

"I didn't think turning you into a goat would get my mom's attention." Luna replied.

"It doesn't surprise me." Luke scoffed slightly, "Hecate isn't a big fan of men, let's say."

Luna tried to smile, before pausing for a really long time. Luke knew what she was going to ask. She questioned, "How did you find out about..."

"Oh." Luke realised that the girl was hinting at Percy's accident, "Well, you were out for a few days... word got around. When you gained your consciousness, you started speaking in your sleep about him. Chiron figured..."
He stopped.

"What did I say... in my sleep?" Luna questioned curiously.

"I wasn't there." Luke explained, "Of course, I'd visit in the daytime but it was mostly Clarisse who spent nights in the infirmary."

Luna scoffed, "Clarisse?"

"I was shocked, too. Believe me, I haven't seen Clarisse so caring in a while." Luke added, a smile appearing on his face, "You might not wanna tell her I told you that."

Luna nodded in confusion about Clarisse's actions, as she remarked, "I won't tell her... for my own safety."

Luna stopped talking when she noticed the Hermes kids staring at her and Luke, sharing whispers and gossip. She looked down at the floor, unable to bring herself to look at all of the kids' faces. They all judged her.

It didn't take Luke long to notice this, as he lowered his voice, "Ignore them, honestly. Everyone slips up once in a while." He hesitated, "Look, I'm sorry about Percy. It must be really hard for you."

Luke patted her shoulder comfortingly, before heading out towards the actives field. More tears swelled in her puffy eyes, but she wiped them away with her sleeve quickly. Her eyes darted around, her new siblings still stared at her- some impressed, some ashamed. But Luna preferred her old sibling just fine, she didn't want any new siblings. Ignoring their whispers, that were way too obvious, Luna quickly walked to the forest alone.

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