3: He Is A Women

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SHE SAT down on a sand dune, her legs crossed beneath her. A campfire crackled next to her, the amber flames dancing in the cool breeze of the night. She traced doodles within the sand, drawing whatever came to her mind, before something, or someone, caught her eye.

Another flickering flame in the distance, accompanied by a cloaked figure. Luna squinted, trying to make out who it was. The figure carried a lantern, which seemed to be travelling closer as the cloaked person approached her. The figure was still a long distance away, however Luna could hear the voice of him as though he was standing right behind her.

"I know how you feel." A man's hoarse voice croaked, "She left you with nothing!" He paused, giving Luna time to turn around at the sudden noise behind her, "You... want... justice!"

A sand dune had crumbled inwards, as a huge section of the Earth was almost collapsing in on itself. Like, quick sand. Only it consumed much more than just other grains of sand- but Luna, too. Her eyes widened, as her feet slipped on the sand beneath her. Her stomach flipped as she fell into the dark abyss.

Luna flinched awake with a slight gasp, as she found herself in the back of Sally's car. It had been a long drive to the beach house; Luna had to suppress her multiple questions she was so desperate to ask. Sally had given her a bar of chocolate to eat- she said it 'would help the bruised knuckles' which was highly untrue but Luna took the offer.

Luna had made sure to rub her red converse on the car floor, before resting her feet on the back of the front seats just to spite her father.

It was extremely dark, which made it hard for Luna to make out smaller details of the beach cabin- but, from what she could see, it was a nice place. It was a coastal cabin, the shoreline bordering the sandy beach from every window view. Luna had planned to sleep in Percy's room on the floor, which she didn't mind since the room was spacious. His room was plain compared to his room in New York, yet it was still filled with posters, old pictures, and Lego figures. Luna had never been on a holiday before.

After Luna had explored the beach house, Sally iced her knuckles and had prepared to wrap her hand in a bandage. Sally examined her bruised knuckles, before asking kindly, "Thank you for sticking up for Percy. Not many people would do that."

"It's no problem." Luna shrugged slightly, "He's like my brother now, so it's the least I could do."

Sally paused, and Luna could tell that she was deciding her words carefully. She asked, "Your dad... He told me about your experience at Yancy. Do you want to talk about it?"

"I don't think there's much to talk about." Luna replied, "What did he tell you?"

Sally hesitated, "He mentioned you had to stay back a year. That must've been annoying, huh?"

"Yeah." Luna nodded, "Another year with Mrs Dodds wasn't the best news."

Sally frowned in confusion, "Mrs Dodds?"

"My maths teacher." Luna explained and Sally nodded, though it was clear the women was still concerned.

"Why did you have to stay back a year?" Sally asked curiously, as she wrapped up her hand gently, "Percy always says how smart you are."

Luna smiled slightly, though paused for a moment, "I can't read." She explained, "Dad never got me the support I needed. He just sent me to a school for troubled kids, which I haven't benefitted from."

Sally tilted her head in curiosity, "Dyslexia?"

Luna nodded, "And ADHD." She lowered her voice, "I don't think I'm ever gonna fit in. Like a puzzle with half the wrong pieces, you know?"

"Luna, those things about you... they make you who you are." Sally explained, "And you are a good person, okay?" She paused, "How about I find a place where you could get support with this? Would that be alright with you?"

"Really?" Luna beamed a smile, "Thank you, Mrs Jackson-"

"Mom..." Percy interrupted, as he joined the two on the couch, "Can I tell you something?" He paused, "I've been trying to pay attention. I've really tried, but lately... my daydreaming hasn't felt like daydreaming. It's felt more... real, maybe?" He continued, as his mom listened, "And then at the Museum, when Lu got in trouble, I was left alone with Grover. And..."

"You saw something." Sally nodded knowingly, "Something that felt real to you, but no one else could see?"

Percy nodded, avoiding eye contact. Luna questioned, "What did you see?"

"What did she say to you?" Sally asked.

"She?" Percy repeated, "How did you know it was a she?"

Sally paused, "Do you know why we come to this cabin every year?"

"Because it's near the septic tanks, so it's cheap." Percy deadpanned, "Mom, how do you know about that thing I saw?"

"We come to this place every year because this is the place where I met your father." Sally continued.

"My dad?" Percy raised his eyebrows sarcastically, "What does my dad have to do with any of this?"

Sally hesitated, "Many years ago, I met a man here on the beach. He was wise and brave and kind and... noble. From the moment I first saw him, I knew that... that I had never met a man like him before. Then I realised he wasn't like any man I had met before. Because he wasn't a man at all... he was-"

"He was a women?" Luna questioned.

Sally corrected, "He was a God."

The girl frowned, "Oh-"

"You fell in love with God?" Percy questioned, "Like, Jesus?"

"Not God. Percy, a God." Sally corrected, "Percy, listen. The stories that I have told you about Greek gods and monsters, they are real. In those stories, I told you how gods and mortals would sometimes have children together... and their children are demigods. Sometimes known as half-bloods."

Percy paused, "That's what the monster called me."

"What is happening?" Luna questioned confusedly.

"Percy, you are a half-blood." Sally stated, "And half-blood's are not safe in this world. Percy, I know that this is hard to understand but you must believe me. This is real."

"No, this is crazy!" Percy shouted, "I am not a God. There is something wrong with my brain! I understand that I'm weird, believe me, I get it, but I'm afraid something may be really broken now. And now you're telling me stories, like it's gonna make it okay? I'm not a baby! I know there's no such things as monsters, and I know for certain-"

A pattern of knocks echoed from the door, as a boy's figure shadowed on the glass, "Hello? Mrs Jackson, it's Grover. This is a little time sensitive.  Could someone maybe open the door?"

"What is he doing here?" Percy sassed, "I don't wanna see him. Wait, Luna-"

However, the girl had already opened the door, mentally preparing a speech in her head to say to Grover for getting Percy suspended. But to her surprise, she was met with the boy... and his two extremely hairy legs.

Luna frowned, "Okay, what is going on?" She looked at Sally and then back to Grover, "Why the fuck do you have goat legs? Am I loosing my mind?"

"You're early, Grover." Sally sighed, as she let the boy into the cabin.

Luna stepped back from the boy, as he continued to speak to Sally. However, her hearing sounded as though she was underwater. Everybody's voices were a blur...

Grover questioned, "Is she okay?"

"Well, you have half a goat in your pants so probably not." Percy shot back sarcastically.

"You didn't tell him about me?" Grover asked Sally.

She repeated, "As I said, you're early."

"So, the important thing is not to panic!" Grover smiled at the two teenagers.

Luna stumbled as she attempted to take a step back, causing Sally and Percy to react quickly as she nearly fell. Luna mumbled, "I think I need- I need to sit down."

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