You were laying in bed on your back with your feet propped up against the wall. Chris walked out and was towel drying his hair.
“What are you doing baby?” He asked.
“Making sure your sperm make it to the egg.” You said.
“Have you been reading those magazines again? Baby, I think my guys know where to go, they’ve made the journey before.” He laughed.
“I’m just making sure.” You giggled. “I heard if I eat a lot more protein it’ll be a boy…”
“You were never like this with Willow or Mason… Are you scared?” He asked as he sat by you.
“A bit… But I just wanna-“
“Baby, please calm down. Now take your feet off the wall and come watch TV with me.” He smiled.
“It’ll be okay.” He said as he kissed your forehead.
“Of course it will, I’m just making sure.” You grinned.
“Do you know how many times we’ve had sex this week alone?” He asked. “I know you are.”
“You can’t be too sure actually, that’s why I’m on my ovulating schedule! SO we’ll know when the highest chance of me getting pregnant comes along.”
“I hate that damn schedule.” he muttered.
“Because I will be doing things and suddenly get the text telling me to come home to have sex.”
“This bugs you why?!” You asked.
“It doesn’t! The problem is when this ends! I’ll have to work for it again!”
You cracked up laughing as he got on top of you.
“Are you laughing at me?” he smirked.
“I’m laughing at you, yes I am.”
“Remember when you laughed at me when we had that one fight?” he smiled.
“The one where you walked into a fucking light pole?”
“That one.” he grinned.
“We were dating then.”
“Do you remember that fight?” he asked.
“I think… It was the fight we had about-“
“I don’t remember it either.” he laughed.
“Jerk!” You giggled.
He kissed your neck, up to your jaw, and made his way to your lips.
“Every morning I wake up and fall in love with you all over again.”
“You’re so corny Chris.” You laughed. “But I love you so much.”
“Oh… Shit. Are we interrupting?” Balz asked as he held Willow’s hand. He covered her eyes.
“WHEN DID YOU GET IN?” Chris asked as he got up off the bed.
You sat up.
“Uncle Josh, what’s going on?” Willow asked.
“A baby making ritual Willow. You’re not allowed to have one until your father decides to start drinking, which will be never.”
You laughed. “We already had the ritual Balz. He was just being corny.”
“Oh! Okay then.” He smiled as he let her see again.
You opened your arms and she ran for your bed.