꧁•⊹٭🩸𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 7🩸٭⊹•꧂

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"Ren~! You're Home!"

"Hi honey- You had fun with that guy, didn't you?"

"I have fun with everybody!" Zander grinned. "Apparently he was my other lovers bestfriend~! How cute! Don't you think?"

"..You're mine, you know that?"

Zander paused as he looked at him. "Huh-?"

And he was pinned to the wall, arms above his head, Ren had a manic expression on his face. "You're mine Zander-! Im supposed to be your lover! Not all these other men-! I thought you'd stop calling these guys your lovers once I was in the picture!"

"Hmmm? Someones jealous!" Zander smiled as he kicked Rens stomach, tackling him to the floor as he straddled him, not at all breaking his smile as Ren groaned at how uncomfortable the ground was on his head.

"Listen to me sweetie.. I think we've had.. a bit of a misunderstanding.. why don't we clear that up, Hm..?" Zander smiled sweetly, his smile was captivating, alluring, but his eyes were dark, sinister. Ren gulped as he nodded. Zander pinned down his shoulders as he moved down to whisper in his ear.

"..I'm not yours, you're mine. I have dozens of men wrapped around my finger.. you're one of them, don't get things confused, I don't belong to anyone my darling.. you're stupid for thinking otherwise. Be grateful that you're even in my presence.. calm down darling.. this isn't a movie, you can't change me.. maybe one day there will come a lover who has me wrapped around his finger! But that isn't you.. so be a good boy, and know you're place.. alright..?" Zander finished whispering. Smiling down at Ren, who had a lovely heartshattered expression on his face.

"But.. but I thought-"

"You said you'd be whateveerrrr I want! Who knows.. maybe you're just my dog..? Though that's not very fitting.. I adore dogs! I don't feel adoration for you..." Zander continued. "Maybe Just maybe.." he traced a cross on Rens chest with the tip of his finger. "Maybe if I sliced you up... maybe then you'd be intriguing to me.. Haha! I Wonder what shade your blood is.."

Before Ren could retort, Zander was quick to grab a syringe from his jacket pocket. He violently stabbed it into Rens arm, eliciting a gasp from him. Zander paid no mind as he sucked the blood through the syringe. His eyes lighting up with fascination.

"Oh wow.. it's so bright..! I expected yours to be darker..Do you know what blood type you are!?"

Zander asked. Ren just blushed as he shook his head.

"Awe.. boring.."

Zander smiled as he flicked the syringe, then brought the needle up to his lips.

He pushed down, and began to drink the blood, Ren watching with his mouth agape.

Zander swallowed the blood and tossed the syringe off to the side, quickly leaning down again and kissing Ren with tongue.

Ren was mostly unresponsive, up until that point it had only been quick pecks on the lips, but he wasn't complaining and kissed back, holding Zanders waist. He could taste the metallic blood from Zanders mouth.

Zander pulled away and grinned as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

"Sorry! Im not into getting friskyyyy! Anyways! I have a murder planned! Wanna join!?" Zander asked enthusiastically.

"You want me to join-!?" Ren shot up, Hand still on Zanders waist.

"Welll.... More like watch.. think of it like an assistant surgeon! Watch, hand me shit, get covered in blood, it's all good!"

"Oh-! Of course! Anything for you-!"

"Alrighhtt.. I have a guy waiting for me in a ware house right now... Poor darling is under the impression he's getting a hook up.. aha! I don't hookup with people! Let me let you in on a secret... these guys, including yourself mean nothing to me.. The only person who means something to me, is me! Oh! And that cop that leads my case! Aha I kissed him once! Silly bastard didn't know it was me!"

"..do you have a crush on him..?"

"If he were to ask me out, why would I refuse! Have you seen him!? He's so hot!" Zander gushed. "He's so inlove with me too.. he chased me around a whole city one time!"

"..Did you not do a drive by murder that resulted in a high speed chase..?"

"A LOVING high speed chase! Come on then Cutie pi- actually you're not that cute.. call me cutie pie instead... Kay..?"

"Alright cuti-"




"Zander..? Is this the place..?"

"Mhm! Follow behind me!"

Zander smiled as he walked in, a middle aged man in the middle of the warehouse.

"Zander-! You came-!"

"Of course I did!" Zander giggled sweetly.

"I'm so gla-..who's that..?"

"Hm? I Just brought him for... more fun if you know what I mean." Zander smiled. He was quick with cover up lies.

"Oh- ok.. if that's what you're into.. but he's really ugly- don't you think...?"

"Hey-! I-"

"Oh absolutely! Don't worry! I've learned from experience if you just don't look at his face it's fine!"

"Oh.. I See."

Zander smiled. "Oh-! I think I left a mattress here last time.. can you check that box there my honey..?" Zander asked, smiling as the man shrugged and turned around to check the box.

"Hatchet pleaseee~! Let's make this speedy!" He whispered to Ren. Who handed him a hatchet he hid behind his back.

Zander quietly approached behind the man.

"Zander, are you sure it's in one of these-?"

"Mhm! Just keep looking~!"

"I don't se-"

Zander swung the hatchet, it hit his neck.

"Awe... I didn't get it First time.. it's only half way through.." Zander whined as Ren cringed at the sound of bones cracking.

"You're doing great honey! Keep it up!" Zander beamed as he kissed the man's head before striking again.

The head rolled to the floor, covered in blood.

"Ooo... that's detached!" Zander smiled before heading back over to Ren.

"Can I Tell you another secret honey?" Zander handed Ren the hatchet again.

"Huh-? Oh! Of course!"

"I don't like working with other people.."

"Well I know that.. what does that have to do with me..?"

Zander smiled as he turned around and headed over towards the crates. Ren watching him in confusion. He grabbed something, but seemingly hid it in his coat as he walked back towards Ren.

"What are you doing darling..?"

"I don't like working with people Ren.." Zander smiled as leaned over and kissed him.

"So! The police are on their way!"


"..oh.. you're right.. I guess we should run.." he paused for a second. "Well, maybe you should stay here and keep guard, just incase the man wakes up!"

"He's decapitated Zander-! He isn't waking up-!"

Zander smiled coldly at him.

"Amuse the police for me.. Ciao!" Zander grinned as he withdrew a bat from his coat.

And the next thing Ren knew, he was out cold.

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