꧁•⊹٭🩸𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 12🩸٭⊹•꧂

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"Zander?" Luke questioned as he rested his hand on the handle of the door. "Hm?" Zander looked at him, slight curiosity evident in his eyes. "Are you allergic to dogs at all? Or just don't like them-?" Luke asked. It would be a shame if Zander was either of those things, he really did like Zander, but if there was one thing he was looking for in a partner, they had to love Darcy. He's already dumped two girls because they simply didn't like Darcy, she helped him get through so much, she deserved someone else to love her.

Zanders eyes lit up. "A dog? I love dogs! What's her name?" "...Her name..?" Luke asked, curious on how Zander already knew Darcy was a girl. "I mean-! Or his-! Sorry! I assumed!" No he didn't, he knew. "Oh! No worries, you were right the first time, her names Darcy! I do warn you, she's not a fan of people- at all- if anything she hates people, I think she had a fw bad experiences before I adopted her."

"Awh really..? Poor thing.. no worries I won't take it to heart!" Zander smiled. Luke just nodded to him as he opened the door, heading the familiar jangle of the bell on Darcys collar. And with that, she was at their feet, instead of pawing at Luke's ankles like he expected her to do, she ran right past him, outside, to jump up at Zander instead. Luke watched, he was shocked. Up until now she only ever interacted with him. He saw Zander grin as he crouched down and gave her an enthusiastic pet.

"Hiya baby!" He laughed as he picked her up, standing up and resting her against his chest. "Aweee! She's absolutely adorable! What do you mean she doesn't like other people? She seems so lovely!"

"Oh yeah of course she's lovely! ...I just didn't expect her to open up to you so quickly-" Luke smiled. Maybe this would work out. "Well I'm glad she did! She looks so sweet! How old is she?" "Ah she's turning four-" "Four!? Really!? I thought she was a  puppy!" Zander was genuinely surprised at her age. She looked so much younger than four.

Luke have a small chuckle as he ruffled Darcys fur. "The living room is right through there, how about you go take Darcy and have a seat while I get snacks ready?" "Hm? Yeah of course! Thank you so much once again!" "Not a problem! Here, let me take your coat and bag." Luke spoke as he assisted Zander in taking off his coat. "Oh and also, do you want still drinks or alcohol? I have both in!" "Oh really-? Do you have wine?" Zander asked curiously. "I do, is that what you want?" Luke questioned, Zander smiled. "If that's alright." "Of course! I'll be through in a minute." Luke smiled as he saw Zander walk into the living room, seeming content to talk to the dog.

Luke walked into his kitchen as he opened his fridge. Wine... which was the best one he had? He wasn't a wine guy, he didn't know. He quickly took his phone from his pocket as he began to Google what wine was the best, he had a lot of wines given to him from birthdays, social events, graduations, so he was sure to have atleast one of them, he hadn't drank any of them, because once again, he wasn't a wine guy.

Syrah red wine.. he's sure Sean gave him that two years ago as a welcome to the police department... He looked in his fridge as he moved a few bottles about, and sure enough he found the red, Syrah wine. Luke hoped he'd like it... He got a bottle of Smirnoff out for himself. Zander wasn't vegan was he? Luke prayed he had non vegan snacks. He didn't have company round often, so therefore didn't have a need for non vegan snacks. He pretty much ransacked his kitchen, looking everywhere  for atleast something non vegan, he's sure knowing Zander that he wouldn't mind eating vegan alternatives, but at the same time, it's their first date, Luke wants to make a good impression.  Sure enough, after a bit of digging, he managed to find some sweets, Zander said he liked really sweet things above all else, so this was perfect for him! He quickly made a small bowl of snacks for Darcy, prawn crackers and chicken.

When he made his way back to the living room, he half expected Zander to be sat on the sofa and completely ignoring Darcy, that's what everyone else did, but when he walked in, he was pleasantly surprised to see Zander down on his knees on the fuzzy rug, playing a game of tug of war with Darcy. Luke smiled as he approached, watching as Zander let Darcy take the win.

"You two having fun?" He asked with a soft smile as he set everything down onto the coffee table. "She keeps beating me!" Zander playfully rolled his eyes, the dog pawing at his chest demanding another round. Luke just chuckled as he pat Zanders head as he moved to sit down on the sofa. "Does she now?" - "Yes and she bloody knows it! She knows what she's doing! Don't you!?" Darcy happily barked in response as she picked up her toy and began dashing back and forth around the room, zoomies.

Zander just giggled as he sat up on the sofa next to Luke. Luke gently pulled Zander closer, giving him enough time to choose to pull himself away if he wanted to, but Luke was glad to see he accepted Luke's touch and infact tried to move closer himself.

"Any movie you're interested in watching? Or just anything at all-?"

"Hmmm.. I think so, you may like it, but I'm not sure." Zander pondered.

"Oh really? What is it?"

"Well it's this true crime series...." Zander started.

"True crime-? Really-? You're into that stuff? I didn't really expect it from you, I've never really given it a shot outside of my old criminology classes, want to watch it?"

"If you wouldn't mind!" Zander smiled at him before kissing his neck, soon pulling away to rest his head on his shoulder.

Luke felt.. a little disturbed if he was honest. The content he was watching in itself was actually fucking horrifying, but whenever he looked over at Zander, he was just smiling as he drank his wine... Maybe he's just immune to the documentaries after watching them so often..! Of course, he looked absolutely drop dead gorgeous, but that didn't make it any less creepy...

"You're really pretty, did you know that?" Luke asked, completely out of the blue. He couldn't help it, he had to make sure Zander knew it, because he honestly was just the most stunning man he'd ever laid his eyes on.

Zander perked up. He felt his heart pumping in his chest. Why was he so flustered?

He knew he was gorgeous, he'd been called pretty, handsome, stunning, beautiful, cute, gorgeous, any name you can think of, and he never gave two fucks, so why was it flattering him now?

"Oh really? You think so? I'm glad you do because I never really had much time to get ready this morning.. I think you're really good looking, and you're very sweet too!" Zander smiled, genuine. Luke only pulled him closer, fully onto his chest as he hugged his arms around Zanders torso. Zander just smiled as he continued watching the documentary. He couldn't explain it, but it felt nice not having to keep his guard up for once.

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